Pisces New Moon: Dissolving Obstacles, Moving Forward

The Pisces New Moon happens March 17th at 6:11 am PDT at 26 degrees Pisces 53 minutes. 

Here’s the chart:  PiscesNewMoon2018.

The fishes symbolize both the involution, or the descent of Spirit into physical matter, form or structure, as well as the evolution, or ascension of Spirit back into non-physical, universal wholeness or One-ness.

Accurate depictions of the fishes or the Pisces glyph, always shows them tied together, with a string, rope or a bar. 

This is meant to symbolize the absolute CONNECTION between Spirit and flesh or matter.  They are NOT separate or inherently in conflict with one another as man-made religions have taught for millennia.  These moralistic and judgmental religions would have us believe that the ‘flesh’ is a temptation, intrinsically associated with sex which they teach is sinful.  In truth, sex is one of many ways to NATURALLY SPIRITUALIZE.  Indeed, Pisces is the sign associated with the natural spiritual path.

Pisces also rules the natural transcendent impulse in all living beings.  This impulse seeks to transcend or escape the limitations of the physical world.  Humans have always sought transcendence.  In ancient times, the use of psychotropic plants first facilitated an expansion of consciousness.  Even today, drugs and alcohol are frequently used and even abused, in an effort to escape physical reality.  Not surprisingly, most successful drug and alcohol recovery programs include some spiritual component.

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces naturally represents culmination, or the ending or completion of any life cycle or intention.  Accordingly, Pisces naturally reflects the Soul’s ultimate and final desire, the desire to return to the Divine Source that created it.  Eventually, all Souls desire to merge back into the unmanifested universal wholeness, reuniting with the Divine Source of Creation.

This Divine Creative Source has many names including God, Goddess, Tankashila, Allah, Spirit, Wakan Tanka, Quetzelcoatl, and Hunab Ku.  All reflect a Supreme Being central to the various creation stories that underpin cosmologies and religious faith traditions throughout different cultures all over the world.

Pisces actually embodies and contains all the other zodiac signs within it.  So Pisces represents the TOTALITY of consciousness and all of the possible experiences it can create.  Indeed Pisces reflects the totality of all creation.  It reflects ‘All That Is.’

So naturally, Pisces is the sign associated with the Spiritual Path.  To facilitate the Soul’s natural spiritual evolutionary development, Pisces DISSOLVES whatever is preventing the return to, and reunion with, the Divine Creative Source.  Often, this dissolution process brings great confusion, disillusionment or a profound loss of meaning.  It requires a surrender to Higher Divine Will.  When the dissolution of barriers is complete, clarity returns with an expanded sense of understanding and purpose. 

As we evolve spiritually, our consciousness naturally expands in awareness.  In fact, the evolution of the Soul is synonymous with an expansion of consciousness awareness.  As we spiritualize, we become more tolerant, forgiving, accepting and compassionate towards ourselves and others.  We become more unconditionally loving.

In the Pisces New Moon chart, the Sun and Moon are closely aligned with Chiron, which is finishing up an eight year stay in Pisces that began on April 20, 2010, the very day the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig blew up and began spewing thousands of gallons of crude oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico for over four months. 

Pisces rules water in all forms including the sea which experienced an epic wounding when Chiron first entered Pisces in 2010. 

The most important evolutionary intention reflected in Chiron’s journey through Pisces is the necessary healing of victim consciousness within the collective of the human species.  Most people carry what I call a hidden ‘malware’ program deep within the subconscious realms of their psyches.  This malware is programmed to make them believe that they’re not worthy and deserving of good things.  This false belief is the result of thousands of years of man-made religious conditioning that has taught us that God is perfect and we are not, and that God is all powerful and we are not, and that we are in fact separate from God.  These distortions of truth also preach that humans are inherently sinful and must atone for their sins of imperfection.   This has created the malware program of victimization…

The word ‘victim’ has become utterly ubiquitous in our everyday language, particularly by news organizations. 

Healing cannot occur when consciousness is rooted in victimization.  To heal, that malware program running those negative ‘self-talk’ tapes, you know, the ones that keep saying, “You’re never ever good enough” must be de-installed!  That malware contains false beliefs that infect consciousness so that it unwittingly co-creates unwanted realities in order to atone!

Instead of falling into deception and delusion, which are un-evolved expressions of Pisces, you can choose to embrace the higher attributes of this spiritual sign – compassion and unconditional love.  Forgive yourself for your human imperfections.  Realize that YOU and all living things are in fact EVOLVING.  Since humans are created in the image of the Divine Creator, it too is evolving as we evolve! 

In truth, evolution and perfection are antithetical; they are mutually exclusive.  One cannot exist in the presence of the other.  Use Pisces energy to develop spiritually.  Accept yourself fully and lovingly as an evolving human being.  Instead of punishing yourself because you are not perfect, simply intend and endeavor to do your best to evolve a little each and every day. 

A wonderful documentary first released in 2004 and then updated and re-released in 2006,  poignantly introduced the masses to the emerging science of consciousness.  It revealed the spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness.  It’s a classic Piscean phenomenon.  If you haven’t seen it, check it out!

Chiron will enter Aries on April 17th for the next eight years.  When it does so, it will begin a brand new 50 year cycle around the Sun, a cycle that will precisely reflect and repeat the same energetic influences and celestial patterns associated with Chiron’s last sojourn through Aries, which occurred in 1968, a dramatic and pivotal year in American political history.  Chiron’s last ingress into Aries brought a wave of social and cultural change through political activism.  Most notable were the nationwide student protests against the Vietnam War and for civil rights.  The events of 1968 forever changed the trajectory of our nation. 

We’re already seeing signs of this repeating astrological cycle.  Last week, students organized a massive nationwide “March for our Lives.”  An estimated million high school, middle school and even elementary school students left their classrooms to demonstrate for changes in existing gun laws.  Most of these young people will be old enough to vote in this year’s mid-term elections.  Many more will be eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential election.  ALL are vowing to vote out any lawmaker who has or continues to accept money from the powerful gun manufacturers lobby, the NRA (National Rifle Association).   

These young student activists are gathered outside the White House during their ‘March for Our Lives” on March 14, 2018.  They want to end gun violence in America and ensure school safety.  They were spurred into action after the February 14th massacre at Marjorie Douglas Stoneman High School that left 17 dead.  Several of the survivors of this latest mass shooting have already stepped up and become powerful public spokespeople for their cause.  

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries always represents new beginnings so it’s the sign of youth.  It’s also the sign that rules instincts, action, courage, anger, protests and weapons.  Chiron’s journey through Aries will bring renewed political activism.  These brave kids are already leading the way.

Representing both wounds and healing, Chiron often helps us discover unique personal abilities.  This discovery typically occurs during or as a result of the process of healing the wounds created by painful or injurious events.  Ultimately personal strengths and gifts are revealed.  Often these gifts are directly associated with the pursuit and fulfillment of an individual’s life purpose.  I have no doubt that some of these students, as a result of the slate of recent mass shootings they have grown up with, endured and even survived, are beginning to realize their life’s purpose.  Some will likely become future leaders and politicians.

The Sun, Moon and Chiron in Pisces are ALL in a challenging square aspect (90 degrees) with Mars in Sagittarius now, while Mars itself is simultaneously in a beneficial trine aspect (120 degrees) Uranus in Aries. 

This aspect has many meanings.  Perhaps chief among them is the growing crisis in mass collective consciousness associated with the normalizing of spin, rhetoric and just plain lies. 

Perhaps chief among those who distort the truth is President Donald Trump.  Notably, last November, the Washington Post reported that the President had lied 1628 times over the course of 298 days last year.

The slogan “Enough is enough” associated with the #MeToo movement, is rapidly becoming the rallying cry to push back against the overwhelming and pervasive falsehoods and deceptions increasing espoused by leaders, businesses, governments and the media.  Have we reached a turning point regarding the truth versus lies?  In we haven’t, I think we’re getting pretty close.

Emma Gonzalez, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Senior and mass shooting survivor turned student activist, speaks out against gun violence challenging lawmakers to reject the deadly influence of the NRA.

The Sun, Moon and Chiron connected to Mars in Sagittarius, the sign that seeks TRUTH, is compelling us to demand truth and justice. 

The students marching for changes in gun laws are certainly demanding the truth from lawmakers instead of the same old rhetoric and false narratives and political talking points utilized by politicians and gun lobbyists for decades.  One of the most inspiring and heartfelt speeches I’ve heard so far from a survivor of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas massacre was that of Emma Gonzalez.  She repeatedly called “BS” to all the lies we’ve been consistently told about why gun laws can’t change. 

Those who muster the courage to ACT, with integrity and purpose, based upon their deepest desires and personal truth, will indeed be able to successfully move forward.  They may even move mountains!  In doing so, they can demand change, create new realities and bring about breakthroughs in the status quo, especially if their efforts are pursued together with others of like-mind.

I already mentioned that Pisces literally rules everything!  With so much celestial energy now coming from Pisces, there are MANY Pisces ruled things dominating current headlines.  They include:  chemicals, poisons, lies, fraud, film, water and mental ill-health. 

We see this Pisces energy manifesting in the attempted murder of an ex-Soviet spy in England by a deadly nerve agent developed exclusively by the Russians, as well as in calls for increased funding of mental health services to combat gun violence.  We also see it in the onslaught of lies and distortions we experience on a daily basis, particularly from those caught up in Robert Mueller’s special investigation into Russian election interference. 

Pisces energy is also reflected in recent revelations that most bottled water is contaminated with particles of toxic plastic and rising sea levels that are threatening Easter Island’s iconic Moai statues.  Sadly, it was also evident in yet another chemical plant explosion in Texas last week.  Two employees were injured and a third is still missing and presumed dead following an explosion at  Tri-Chem Industries located in Cresson, 50 miles Southwest of Dallas.

The best way to approach Pisces energy is to turn the focus of your attention inward.  After all, Pisces is a Yin sign whose energy is always moving INWARD towards the center, which explains why Pisces rules meditation and prayer, solitude and inner reflection.  Take advantage of all this Pisces energy by taking some time over the coming days to get quiet, and to contemplate all you’ve experienced over the past year.  Remember, Pisces rules culmination and completion.  What did you learn?  What new insights and understandings were gained?  How can that wisdom be utilized to propel you forward in the coming weeks as the celestial energies shift from Pisces and endings to Aries and new beginnings? 

It’s useful to remember too that Pisces also rules our imagination and both waking and sleeping dreams.  This is the sign associated with the pineal gland.  The pineal gland, which is associated with the Ajna chakra or ‘third eye’ is responsible for all the imagery we see in our minds during both waking and sleeping states of consciousness. It is our imagination that is at the root of all creative and co-creative processes.

What exactly do you desire to co-create in your future, personally and as a part of the collective?  Imagine it to co-create it!  Literally SEE the future you wish to experience.  Meantime, finish up loose ends from the past in preparation for all the new ventures you wish to pursue.

The Sun, Moon and Chiron in Pisces are also making another powerful planetary connection in this New Moon chart pattern.  They are all quite favorably connected to retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio.  Jupiter is all about the search for truth and justice, and Scorpio is all about desire and power.  This sign exposes what’s hidden, especially motivations and agendas.  Scorpio always wants to get the bottom of things, to penetrate to the core of matters.  It’s intention is always to facilitate our ongoing evolution.  It exposes and then heals what’s corrupt or abused.  This is especially true with matters associated with sex, money and power which are all ruled by Scorpio. 

Current examples of Jupiter in Scorpio are Stormy Daniel’s lawsuit against the President, as well as  revelations of Jared Kushner’s White House meetings with foreign nationals from countries who loaned his companies over half a billion dollars!  It’s also reflected in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent subpoena of Trump’s business records. 

Each of these events  aptly symbolize Scorpio’s relentless desire to expose what’s hidden.  Chiron’s connection to Jupiter offers success to those who confront corruption and choose to use this transformative energy for good, for healing and for justice.  Altogether, the Sun, Moon, Chiron and Jupiter are promising a higher level of justice that transcends man-made laws.

Another important planetary signature in the Pisces New Moon chart is associated with Mercury and Venus.  They’re moving through Aries now providing lots and LOTS of communication energy as discussions about new goals and directions, particularly relative to resource matters or relationship issues are happening.  However, as Mercury retrogrades, from 17 degrees Aries on March 22nd, to 4 degrees Aries on April 15th, expect to have to review or revisit many of these new plans and initiatives.  Follow-up discussions – again and again – will likely be required in order to determine precisely what steps or actions will be necessary to bring about successful results.

Of course, this entire Mercury retrograde period coincides with the height of tax season!  Adding perhaps even more difficulty, Mercury has and will be in a challenging square aspect (90 degrees) with Saturn in Capricorn three times before, during and after its retrograde period – on March 10th, April 3rd and April 25th.  The IRS will no doubt have enormous difficulties this year as it deals for the first time with all the very recent changes in tax law resulting from the tax reform legislation passed late last year.  If you prepare your own taxes, be sure to check your work and then double-check it and re-check it once again before submitting the final documents!

Adding to Mercury’s retrograde challenges, will be the desire to impulsively forge ahead.  This desire will be further strengthened when the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, heralding the annual Spring Equinox.  Aries always wants to instinctively initiate action!  But while Mercury is retrograde, efforts to do so will probably be frustrated.  Better to wait until Mercury’s retrograde is technically complete on the 15th, or better yet, when it’s totally finished on May 3rd, the day Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow period comes to an end.  

Honor the natural culmination energies of Pisces by reviewing and reflecting upon the past year.  Seek divine guidance to help you discern the lessons learned, to understand the evolutionary growth intended and to dissolve obstacles and barriers to your own evolutionary growth.  Endeavor to heal old wounds, especially those associated with losses and betrayals. 

This Pisces New Moon reflects a powerful time of transition, between the past and the future, what’s old and what’s new, and what’s ending and what’s beginning.  Use this ‘end of the natural year’ time to rest and rejuvenate in preparation for what promises to be a VERY busy Spring season. 

Surrender to your Higher Self.  Allow the past, old wounds and obstacles to dissolve paving the way for a new future.  Dream and imagine what’s next for you and for the world.  Think about and discuss new ideas, plans and goals.  Then get ready to take bold new steps and actions to move forward! 


The Aries New Moon is on April 15th at 6:57pm MST.

 Copyright 2018.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.   All rights reserved.

One response to “Pisces New Moon: Dissolving Obstacles, Moving Forward

  1. Thanks, Donna! All I can say is, WOW! I so appreciate your talents and desire to share your insight with us!

    Bless you,



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