Libra New Moon: Equality and the Balance of Power

Libraimage19The Libra New Moon happens on Friday, September 30th, at 5:11 pm MST/PDT, at 8 degrees Libra 15 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  LibraNewMoon2016.

Libra is the sign of relationships.  Libra initiates a diversity of relationships with a variety of different types of people.  Through comparing and contrasting itself with others, Libra discovers who it is as a unique individual.

Thousands of years of Patriarchal conditioning, characterized by hierarchy, dominance, exclusion and self-interest, has distorted this natural relationship phenomenon.  As a result, comparing and contrasting has become an instinctive process of ‘ranking’ ourselves and others to determine who’s better, richer, smarter, more attractive or more successful.  In short, comparing and contrasting has devolved into determining who’s above us or below us on a social status scale.

The scales, Libra’s symbol, are universally associated with balance.  However, most Libras are NOT inherently balanced.  LIBRAS ARE LEARNING BALANCE.  Nearly ALL the well-known attributes of Libra including peace, harmony, fairness and justice cannot be achieved unless and until there is equality – or balance – between genders, races, nations and species.  Pope Paul VI spoke truth when he famously said, “If you want peace, work for justice.”

This Libra New Moon will challenge us all to reach for greater balance and equality in all of our relationships.  

From time to time, most people experience imbalance to some degree or another in various areas of their lives.  As scales weigh and balance, they too can become unbalanced, tipping to one side or the other, sometimes to an extreme degree.  Symbolically, this reflects Libra’s association with EXTREMES.   It will come as no surprise to most Libras that they, more than any other sign, experience extreme imbalances in their relationships with others.  And it will also come as no surprise to any one who’s paying attention, that our world is reaching a tipping point relative to EXTREME IMBALANCES – environmentally, politically, economically and socially. 

The underlying factor most often responsible for imbalances in relationships is unequal resources.  Marriage counselors know all too well that money is the primary cause of conflict and arguments between partners that ultimately leads to divorce.

Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, fierce opponent of President Bush's Homeland Security and Use of Force measures prior to the invasion of Iraq, died in a mysterious plane crash just days before he was headed for re-election in 2002. Senate control switched from the Democrats to the Republicans as a result of the election.

Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, fierce opponent of President Bush’s Homeland Security and Use of Force measures prior to the invasion of Iraq, died in a mysterious plane crash just days before he was headed for re-election in 2002. Senate control switched from the Democrats to the Republicans as a result of the election.

In recent years the phrase ‘income inequality’ has entered our social discourse and become a rallying cry for political campaigns the world over. 

Political power exists almost exclusively in the hands of a very small number of wealthy elites in most countries.  The special interests of the wealthy few are consistently catered to by their paid lobbyists and the government officials that they essentially ‘own’ through campaign contributions and the dark money that underpins most electoral processes. 

However, extreme inequality and imbalance are not limited to human relationships and resources alone.

The natural world is also extremely out of balance due to environmental degradation.  Climatologists have been sounding the alarm for decades about the increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events as a result of pollution, deforestation and the acidification of the oceans. 

Any extreme imbalance will inevitably reach a tipping point where re-balancing naturally occurs.  This is graphically represented in the ancient symbol of the natural forces of YIN and YANG.  In relationships, rebalancing often results in break-ups.  In nature, natural disasters like disease outbreaks, earthquakes and landslides restore balance.  In politics, wave elections sweep the opposing party into power.  And in societies, extreme power imbalances between the wealthy and the poor lead to revolutions!

Venus rules Libra and is therefore the planetary ruler of this New Moon.  Currently moving through Scorpio, Venus is diving into the emotional waters of intimacy, trust, shared resources, motivations, desires and power, to reflect upon experiences of loss, abandonment and betrayal that have created deep wounds and emotional scars.  Feelings of powerlessness and an inability to trust others is often the result of such wounds.  With the relationship theme of this New Moon focused through Scorpio, there’s a need to confront and heal these wounds.  In the process, personal power is reclaimed.  Health and wholeness are restored and as a result, we can relate to others as equals once again. 

Venus rules both Taurus and Libra.  Taurus is the ‘inner side’ of Venus and is associated with YIN energy or energy that moves inwards towards our center.  Libra is the ‘outer side’ of Venus or YANG energy which is energy that moves outwards from our center.  This dual rulership provides crucial understanding relative to healing our relationships.  THIS IS BECAUSE THE QUALITY OF OUR INNER RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR SELF (Taurus) ALWAYS MANIFESTS IN THE QUALITY OF OUR OUTER RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS (Libra).  

aswithinsowithoutThis truth reflects the natural law of correspondences.  It’s what is meant by, “As Above, So Below” and “As Within, So Without.”  If you love, honor, respect and care about yourself, you’ll attract others who love, honor, respect and care about you.  If you judge, criticize and don’t value yourself, you’ll attract others who judge, criticize and don’t value you.

Evolution ALWAYS proceeds through the opposite sign.  With Venus currently traversing Scorpio, to evolve we need to learn the lessons of Taurus which are self-reliance and self-empowerment.  We must learn to meet our own needs ourselves which is, in and of itself, empowering.  It builds personal confidence and trust and belief in ourselves.  As Venus traverses Scorpio over the coming weeks, we’ll all have the opportunity to heal our relationships with others by healing our relationship with our self.  To do so we must be willing to confront our personal wounds, reclaim our personal power and let go of co-dependent behaviors and victim consciousness rooted in a belief that we need, and therefore expect, others to take care of us and fulfill our needs.

unconditionallove3 Fortunately, Venus is trine (120 degrees) retrograde Neptune and the South Node in Pisces. 

Venus and Neptune are higher and lower ‘octaves’ of the same energy – the energy of love.  Venus rules earthly, human love that is often conditional.  Conditional love is given based on conditions or expectations of  personal needs being met.  Neptune rules divine love that is unconditional and given no matter what. 

The South Node is always encouraging us to let go of the past and what we’ve outgrown so that evolution can proceed.  In Pisces, letting go of negative emotions and victim consciousness will further facilitate forgiveness and compassion, of ourselves and others.  Through Pisces, we can transcend the fears that have conditioned us for so long.

The trine aspect is quite favorable allowing energy to flow easily between Venus, Neptune and the South Node.  This energy can manifest as rewards or benefits received due to prior and current efforts.  Of course Neptune and Pisces are also associated with the sacred elements of life.  They represent spiritual development and our connection to the Divine Source of Creation.  Venus trine Neptune and the South Node can ease the letting go process and provide readily available spiritual guidance, comfort, inspiration, benevolence and unconditional love and support.

There are two difficult challenges inherent in the Libra New Moon chart pattern.  The Sun and Moon in Libra are inconjunct (150 degrees) retrograde Neptune and the South Node in Pisces, and they’re square (90 degrees) stationary Pluto in Capricorn. 

Pisces is often associated with delusion, deception, confusion and depression.  It rules escapist tendencies like substance abuse.  This sign is also associated with a victim consciousness.  Stationary planets are quite powerful.  Pluto just stationed direct on September 26th completing a five month retrograde period.  So it’s essentially standing still in the heavens.  While Pluto represents the evolutionary process itself, it also represents our deepest security needs which often result in resistance to necessary growth and change.

The inconjunct angle is always associated with crises.  Crises alert us to the fact that something’s not rooted in reality and requires necessary changes and adjustments in order to be resolved or healed.  The Sun and Moon in Libra inconjunct Neptune and the South Node in Pisces will likely reflect distortions in how we’re seeing others.  They caution us to be aware of the risks and dangers inherent in the idealization of others.  Placing others on a pedestal nearly always guarantees bitter and devastating disappointments and disillusionment when they inevitably fall of that pedestal.  The adjustment that’s required is removal of the rose-colored glasses through which we choose to see only what we wish to see instead of the truth or reality.  Human beings are, well, human, NOT perfect!  Mere mortals can never provide the ultimate meaning in life; that can only come through a relationship with the Divine Source.

The square between the Sun and Moon in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn is a waning or 3rd quarter square.  This square reflects equally difficult and challenging circumstances.  This square will likely reflect significant differences in relationships with others, particularly with those in positions of power or authority.  The energy of this square manifests through a crisis of consciousness.  Often this translates to what to believe or what’s really true?  At this juncture, evolution proceeds through realizing the limitations in consensus or ‘mainstream’ reality and its expectation to conform to its values, beliefs, customs and norms.  Evolution now requires moving beyond these limitations to embrace timeless, universal values and principles like respect for life, honesty, tolerance, forgiveness, kindness and compassion.    

shimonperezThe Sun and Pluto are both associated with leaders and with power.  The recent death of Israeli ‘founding father’ Shimon Perez reflects the energy of endings often associated with the Sun square Pluto. 

This challenging pattern advises patience and maturity in dealings with and by powerful people, and important and consequential events or situations where sharp differences or disagreements exist.  Some relationships will no doubt come to an end.  Others will choose to move forward and do the difficult but important work of collaboration and reconciliation.

On a macro level, this energy is also reflected in the diplomatic breakdown between the United States and Russia over military cooperation in the war in Syria.  Of course its also quite evident in the current US Presidential campaign and election process. 

And it’s clearly evident in the current struggle between the representatives of over 200 tribes and their supporters who call themselves ‘water protectors’ who have gathered in North Dakota at a make-shift tribal encampment, and local and state law enforcement officials and national guard, as well as security personnel hired by Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners, who want to construct a pipeline across sacred burial grounds and under Lake Oahe, a Missouri river reservoir which is the sole water source of local Native American tribes. 

standingrocksiouxwaterprotectorsThe peaceful ‘water protectors’ have been tear-gassed, attacked and bitten by security dogs, and arrested by police in riot gear with assault rifles who are backed by armored vehicles. 

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe, whose cause has drawn international attention and thousands from across the globe to join their protest, has challenged the Army Corps of Engineers’ decision to grant permits for the $3.8 billion, 1,172 mile pipeline that would transfer North Dakota crude through South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois.  The federal government immediately stepped in following a judge’s decision against the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s legal challenge against the Corps.  President Obama called for a halt to the final permitting process until a thorough review of all permitting procedures and meaningful consultation with the tribes occurs.  He also just convened a conference of national tribal leaders and federal officials to discuss native sovereignty and treaty rights.

Libra’s lesson of learning to LISTEN to one another is crucial to achieving meaningful resolutions.  Forcing your will to get your way or attempting to dominate others will only lead to power struggles that likely won’t end well for either party involved.  Here again, Libra will teach us that while we are all special, unique and DIFFERENT, we are all also EQUALLY valuable and deserving of respectful consideration.  Remember that Venus/Neptune will provide Divine assistance.  Be willing to ask for and act upon higher, spiritual guidance and inspiration.  Consciously choose to wield your power wisely, to creatively and fearlessly confront issues that need to be healed.  Attempting to overpower, manipulate or control others or circumstances will likely result in destructive outcomes.

Globally, the powerful combination of Libra (equality in relationships) and Capricorn (Patriarchal conditioning based upon hierarchy and domination) will increase the pressure from grass roots movements, through protests and even legal actions, that demand greater accountability from social, political, business and religious leaders in countries all around the world.  Nations too will feel pressured to make important choices relative to disputes and differences to avoid escalating conflicts.

On a more personal level, the Sun and Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn will probably bring important turning points in many relationship matters.  Some relationships will end while others will choose to do the work of healing wounds and conflicts.  They’ll move forward in ways that recognize the equal value and importance of differing desires, values, beliefs and opinions between partners.

Saturn rules Capricorn and has been moving through Sagittarius since December 2014.  Through Sagittarius, Saturn is compelling a review of personal and collective beliefs to determine if they are rooted in truths.  Saturn will square the Moon’s Nodes on October 7th.  This celestial event also reflects the need to make important choices. 

Right choices will reflect healthy alternatives that support personal and collective well-being and bring improvements to crises or unresolved problems.  ‘Walk your talk’ and stand in your personal truth while allowing others to do the same.  Take complete responsibility for ALL your choices, both those made in the past, whose consequences are now evident, and those made presently that will create future realities.  This planetary configuration may also manifest through landmark legal decisions that have far-reaching impacts, as well as significant choices that affect religious, educational and transportation matters that have wide-spread implications for many.

And finally, Mars also connects with Pluto this month.  On October 19th, these two planets of will and desire will come together at 15 degrees Capricorn to begin a new two year cycle together.  Their current cycle began in November 2014.  Mars always instinctively acts upon our desires.  Our desires emanate from the Soul, which for most of us operates at an unconscious level. 

Reflecting Capricorn energy, these desires will likely have to do with leadership and authority, career paths and responsibilities associated with family, community or country.  Since Capricorn also rules ambition, many people will be focused on pursuing goals and projects that will bring social recognition.  Remember the wisdom of responsibility that Capricorn teaches.  Consider the effects your actions and choices will have on relationships with others.  And be sure to finish up all the loose ends from Mars/Pluto’s current cycle before rushing full speed ahead towards new goals and desires associated with the upcoming cycle. 

This Libra New Moon points to the need to return to ways of living that are based upon Matriarchal values.  Matriarchal values are LIBRA values!  These include giving, sharing, inclusion and group interests.  Matriarchal consciousness realizes we are all in this together!  Matriarchal values are rooted in right relationships.  We NEED this planet we call home to be healthy since our very survival depends upon it.  And we benefit from working together and helping one another.  Accordingly, we need a healthier relationship to the planet, and healthier relationships with one another.  To restore health we must restore BALANCE.  To restore balance we must recognize our common humanity.  We must see one another as different but EQUAL.  And we must do a much better job of sharing resources and power.  In truth, we are indeed all EQUAL in the eyes of the Creator…


The Scorpio New Moon is on October 30th at 10:38 am MST.

Copyright 2016.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.    All rights reserved.


Libra New Moon: A New Balance of Power

Libraimage4The Libra New Moon occurs October 12th at 5:06 pm MST/PDT.  It happens at 19 degrees Libra 20 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  LibraNewMoon2015.

The Scales, Libra’s glyph, is misleading.  The Scales have long symbolized balance.  However, it’s important to note that Libra is learning balance.  Until mastery of this archetype is achieved, Libra experiences imbalance, often to extremes, particularly in relationship dynamics.  The number one contributing factor to unhealthy and unsuccessful relationships is an imbalance of power.  Who has it?  Who doesn’t?  Is it acknowledged and wielded equally?  Is it used to support one another in independent individual development or is it used in ways that contribute to and maintain co-dependence?

To promote relationship balance and equality, Libra must learn to LISTEN!  Since Libra also NEEDS TO BE NEEDED, it often derives its identity, value and worth through others.  In turn, this leads to Libra’s habitual giving to others so that it will be valued for providing what they think others need.  This cannot help but foster co-dependency.  Effective listening allows Libra to give and receive (use power) properly, giving what’s actually needed, not what they think the other needs, which all too often simply reflects their own personal projected needs, thus sustaining co-dependence.

Recent Venus and Mercury retrogrades encouraged a major review of relationship dynamics particularly issues of equality/inequality and balance/imbalance of power.  We can break free of unhealthy relationship patterns and behaviors now.  However, if necessary changes are resisted for too long, some unequal situations, especially in partnerships, could end quite abruptly as this New Moon’s central astrological aspect, an opposition between the Sun in Libra and retrograde Uranus in Aries, highlights.  This revolutionary aspect always demands greater individual freedom.

House Speaker John Boehner on right; House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy on left.

House Speaker John Boehner on right; House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy on left.

We need look no further than the U. S. House of Representatives Republican caucus for evidence of the surprising and rebellious nature of the energy of the Sun opposite Uranus.  Current Speaker of the House John Boehner unexpectedly announced his resignation last week shocking even his closest political insiders.  His second in command, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, announced he would run to fill the position and was broadly considered a ‘shoe-in.’  However, in a totally surprising turn of events, the so-called “Freedom Caucus,” lamenting their perceived lack of power as rank and file Republicans, refused to support McCarthy throwing the normally routine process of selection of a new Speaker of the House into utter chaos as they rebelled against what they saw as an automatic ‘coronation’ of the next in line.  In a second and perhaps even more surprising political ‘bombshell’ McCarthy suddenly announced he was dropping out of the race.

‘Sudden.’  ‘Surprising.’  ‘Unexpected.’  ‘Shocking.’  ‘Chaos.’  ‘Rebellion.’  These are all uniquely Uranian words and phenomena.   Because the ‘status quo’ in so many different aspects of our world’s reality ARE NOT BALANCED AND ARE NOT FUNCTIONING IN HEALTHY PRODUCTIVE WAYS, we can expect even more bombshells – politically, economically, socially and culturally, in the coming days, weeks and months!

Explosion at Peace Rally at Ankara, Turkey

Explosion at Peace Rally at Ankara, Turkey

A dark and dangerous manifestation of this volatile and revolutionary celestial pattern between the Sun and Uranus, was the twin explosions that rocked a Peace Rally in Ankara, Turkey on Saturday.  Ironically, the Sun and Moon in Libra represent peace; Uranus retrograde in Aries represents chaos.  Uranian energy often ‘blows up’ the status quo, ripping the rug out from underneath us when necessary evolutionary changes have been resisted for far too long.

Evolutionary forces of change can be constructive or destructive.  Unfortunately, when the cry for necessary changes are consistently ignored over time, those who are ignored feel disenfranchised and then often feel it necessary to resort to violence to achieve their goals.  It’s heartbreaking and sad that a Peace rally was so shockingly disrupted by EXTREMISTS (remember Libra rules extremes) who misused power in the most horrific way causing the deaths of nearly a hundred people and injuring hundreds more.

But let’s be realistic.  Extreme inequality relative to the balance of wealth and power is indeed a daily reality for billions of people the world over.  The energy of this New Moon will increasingly and dramatically bring these imbalances to the fore and into our collective consciousness.  The energy of this New Moon is revolutionary and will indeed manifest as change.  The $64k question is, “What kind of change – constructive or destructive?”  Of course the answer depends entirely upon what choices we make personally and globally.

Venus rules Libra and this New Moon.  Currently moving through Virgo, it reflects the need for HEALING.  In order to heal extremism, we must make necessary adjustments in how we relate to one another.  A greater sense of equality and balance must be restored.  Dare I say we must learn to SHARE (Libra) resources and power?  Clearly, we must change how we take care of ourselves, each other and our planet.  To do so we must also embrace a much more honest, equal and realistic view of ourselves and others.  Virgo always serves to realign us with REALITY – often through crises.  Perhaps the growing crises of climate change and refugee migrations will encourage greater sharing and equality among humanity as our need to help one another in order to survive increases.

Venus’ connection to both Uranus and the South Node in Aries reflects the need to let go of selfishness that denies the legitimate needs and desires of others.  Conversely, it’s also telling those who consistently sacrifice their own equally important needs and desires that it’s time to stand up for themselves and stop being a doormat.  Denial of anyone’s legitimate needs is a recipe for imbalance and inequality.  If your relationships are a series of one crisis (Virgo) after another, its time to look at the common denominator:  YOU!  Since the ‘outer always reflects the inner,’ your relationships with others cannot improve as long as you continue to criticize, disrespect, betray, de-value and judge yourself.’

Venus is semi-square the Sun and Moon in Libra.  This symbolizes the need to let go of pain and suffering.  Surrendering to your Higher Self, and accepting and forgiving with gentle care and compassion your very real yet imperfect human self, you can begin the process of necessary INNER HEALING WORK that eliminates the negative mindset that keeps you from recognizing your own worth and value.  Relationships with others can never be equal or healthy as long as you see yourself as ‘less than’ or ‘never good enough.’

From an evolutionary perspective, Libra initiates a diversity of relationships with a diversity of others for the purpose of discovering who we are as individuals.  Through the natural process of comparing and contrasting ourselves with others, we can come to know and appreciate what’s unique and different about ourselves.  However, thousands of years of patriarchal conditioning, that views everything through the distorted lens of dominance, hierarchy and exclusion, has instead taught us to compare and contrast ourselves with others to determine hierarchical rank:  who’s better and who’s worse, who’s richer and who’s poorer, who’s smarter, prettier, more successful, more powerful.  If you view the world in this way, its inevitable that you will come to false conclusions about worth — both of yourself and of others.

Another major contributing factor to inequality in relationships comes from the conditioning of man-made belief systems or what we call religions.  Of the seven billion people who inhabit our planet, the majority of them believe in one of the world’s three largest religions:  Judaism, Islam or Christianity.  Unfortunately, ALL of these three major world religions teach fundamental inequalities.  They believe in gender inequality teaching that men are superior to women.  They also believe that humans are superior to animals and the environment teaching that mankind has ‘dominion over’ the natural world.  Interestingly, the etymology of both  ‘dominion’ and ‘dominate’ are the same.  They also teach inequality of race believing that some races are superior to others which resulted in the infamous Papal Bull that established the doctrine of ‘Manifest Destiny’ that justified the land grabs and genocide of indigenous peoples throughout the Americas.   Through thousands of years of conditioning influence, these patriarchal man-made religions have institutionalized false beliefs relative to INEQUALITY!

Venus square Saturn in the New Moon chart can help us to throw off these distortions of the truth.  If we choose, we can evolve beyond the social and cultural expectations to conform to these distorted values and beliefs.  As Saturn moves through Sagittarius over the next two years, we’ll ALL be paying much greater attention to what we believe and why we believe it.  Keep in mind that our beliefs form the very basis of how we interpret reality, so if our beliefs are faulty, it stands to reason that the conclusions we reach will likely also be false.

In a perfectly timed ‘As Above, So Below’ moment reflecting Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius, which is focusing human consciousness on a search for greater understanding of the truth, Oprah Winfrey’s OWN Network is launching a seven part series beginning October 18th called, “BELIEF.”

This upcoming series is described as a groundbreaking television event exploring humankind’s ongoing search to connect with something greater than ourselves. This original series invites viewers to witness some of the world’s most fascinating spiritual journeys through the eyes of the believers.  Journeying to the far reaches of the world, and to places cameras have rarely been, “Belief” searches the origins of diverse faiths and the heart of what really matters.  These stories and others will all lead us to ask:  “What do you believe?”  

Of course, I don’t know whether this series will contribute to a greater understanding or further obfuscation of truth.  At the very least, since Sagittarius also teaches the relativity of truth, it may very well offer us an opportunity to expand our understanding of more of the truth.  Either way, it is indeed quite timely!  Read more at:

If you are willing to do the necessary inner work of healing, especially regarding the elimination of victim consciousness, this month’s New Moon celestial energies can bring breakthroughs.  If you will take full responsibility for your own choices and actions, and the realities you’ve co-created for yourself, you’ll benefit from heavenly support that brings greater emotional maturity and security.  If you surrender your personal will to your higher Divine Will, then when Venus trines retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on the 22nd/23rd, you can reap many rewards particularly in the areas of personal and financial health and well-being, meaningful and right work, happier relationships with others and of course, a mind and heart at greater peace with itself and the world.

Unequal and unbalanced relationship dynamics can heal now.  You know that famous bumper sticker that says, “No Justice; No Peace”?  Justice and peace require a fundamental sense of fairness and equality.  It’s time to let go of distorted values and false belief systems that have conditioned us for centuries to blindly accept inequalities.  Be especially mindful of your beliefs in the coming weeks and how those beliefs dictate the way in which you interpret reality, including how you see yourself and others.  Truth is, WE ARE ALL ALL ONE, EQUAL IN THE EYES OF OUR CREATOR.

The Scorpio New Moon is on November 11th at 10:47 am MST!

Copyright 2015.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.   All rights reserved.


Libra New Moon: Balancing Extremes

LibraGlyph11The Libra New Moon occurs on Tuesday, September 23rd at 11:14 pm MST/PDT.  It happens at 1 degree Libra 7 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  LibraNewMoon2014.  Libra initiates a diversity of relationships with a diversity of people. Through contrasting and comparing ourselves with others, we realize who we are as individuals. Each individual is unique.  AND all human beings are intrinsically equal. Just as parents know their children are each different in their own unique way, most also love and value all of their children equally.

Libra’s symbol, the scales, leads us to believe that this sign is inherently balanced.  IT IS NOT!  Libra rules EXTREMES.  It needs to learn balance!  Libra is the sign of relationships and of learning how to relate to others as an equal; not submissive to or dominant over others.

Unfortunately, our collective reality is rife with extremity.  It seems to have manifested everywhere in the human experience from our politics, which are extremely polarized in countries the world over from the United States, to Scotland, to Afghanistan, to the the Middle East.  Its even re-emerging once again in growing mistrust and geopolitical conflicts between Russia and the United States and Europe reminding many of the Cold War.  Its present in zealous religious ideologies that have produced dangerous extremist factions/terrorists, and in our economies through extreme wealth disparity and income inequality epitomized by the 1% vs. 99%.  And its reflected in global climate changes resulting in extreme weather events worldwide.  Indeed the word ‘Extremist’ has become commonplace in our daily life.  Clearly, we could ALL benefit from learning how to balance more effectively!

Libra lessons are primarily concerned with the dynamics of effective listening and appropriate giving. Because Libra is a sign that ‘needs to be needed’ it often gives to others in ways that promote co-dependency. Cultural conditioning encourages projecting  personal needs onto others and expecting others to fulfill those needs.

Projections inevitably lead to ineffective listening or listening through a ‘filter’ of personal needs. This often results in inappropriate ‘conditional’ giving motivated by “I will love you IF…”  Resources, time, attention and even love are given only on the condition that the recipient adequately fulfills your needs in return.  To listen effectively requires turning off the filter of personal needs.  Only then you can really hear what your partner is saying about their needs, wants and desires.  Listening effectively enables Libra to give appropriately, based upon what others really need, not what Libra thinks they need, which more often than not, maintains relationship co-dependency.  In matters of giving and receiving, Libra learns to first question whether it will promote independence or co-dependence and then chooses accordingly.

Venus rules Libra and therefore this New Moon. Venus is currently in Virgo opposing retrograde Chiron and retrograde Neptune both in Pisces.  These oppositions reflect relationship wounds and disappointments.  Most of us have at some point in our lives experienced profound disillusionment with a a partner or some relationship.  But most of the time, this results from those very projections just mentioned. Far too many cultures condition us to believe that our needs will be met, indeed that our ultimate fulfillment, will come only when we meet the ‘right person.’

Of course, this projection of ‘ultimate’ meaning onto mere mortals (our human partners) inevitably ends in disappointment when we realize they’re human – just like us – and not the defacto God/Goddess we want them to be.  Keep in mind that we not only have relationships with others, but also with our self and with the Divine Source that created us.  Whether you call this Source The Creator, Great Mystery, God, Goddess, Allah, Hunab Ku or The Cosmic Mother, your relationship with that Divine Source is truly the only ‘ultimate’ relationship capable of providing ‘ultimate’ meaning!

In Virgo, Venus spurs an intense inner self-analysis that discerns what self-adjustments must be made in order to resolve crises, heal feelings of unworthiness and increase emotional well-being. Doing so will minimize the projection of needs onto others and the resultant conditional giving – that leads to co-dependency – that leads to crises!  Keep in mind that the evolutionary path for Libra is found in its opposite sign, Aries.  Aries is about discovery of SELF.  In short, taking responsibility for your SELF, working on your SELF, healing your SELF and focusing energy and attention on your SELF allows for a personal metamorphosis that can eliminate co-dependency. Ironically, SELF-development often results in healthier relationships that are more balanced, peaceful, equal, fair and just.

Together, Virgo and Pisces symbolize reality vs. illusions and therefore symbolize the resolution to delusional, idealized thinking.  Take off those rose-colored glasses and get real!  See things realistically, not idealistically or as you wish them to be.  And stop the denial, which is choosing not to see at all.  Embrace reality.  See others as they truly are remembering that ALL human beings are imperfect.  Life is imperfect.  We’re all EVOLVING, including the Divine Source that created us.  Apply the compassion and forgiveness of Pisces and the discernment and natural analytical abilities of Virgo to SELF-improve.  Heal your self and you’ll heal those disappointments that were created by delusional thinking.

Thankfully, the upcoming Aries Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on October 8th provides the energy and opportunity to culminate old relationship patterns.  Learn to take better care of yourself YOURSELF and your relationships will flourish. This lesson applies to all manner of relationships from one-on-one partnerships between family members, friends, and lovers, to foreign relations between nations.

The asteroid Pallas Athena (feminine wisdom) joins the Sun and Moon in Libra now.  It too symbolizes the need for greater relationship equality and balance particularly between the sexes.  This can only be achieved through a re-integration and reclamation of long-lost feminine values and perspectives.  We need look no further than the current NFL domestic violence and abuse headlines to realize the need for a greater awareness and understanding of the centuries-old reality of devastating imbalance between men and women.  Sadly, this imbalance exists not only in our homes, but also in our workplaces, our places of worship, in governments and in society as a whole.  To heal our relationships with each other, with the Divine Source, and with our planet, will require no less than a profound re-balancing of archetypal energies between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

Mercury’s also in Libra now and is getting ready to experience its final retrograde of 2014 from October 4-25 traversing from 2 degrees Scorpio back to 16 degrees Libra. This emphasizes the need for balanced communication in relationships.  Conversations are likely to be powerful, deep and intense as individual needs, desires and values are reflected upon and shared with significant others.  People from the past may show up to remind us of old relationship dynamics.  What worked?  What didn’t?  It’s quite the opportune time to confront and heal those old relationship wounds.  Find the courage to speak from your heart AND the patience and maturity to LISTEN to others whole-heartedly.

The most significant New Moon (Sun and Moon in Libra) aspect is an inconjunct (150 degree angle)  with Neptune in Pisces.  Unfortunately, this celestial pattern correlates to many of our global crises including climate change, identity theft, the prison industrial complex, chemical warfare, the growing Ebola outbreak, pharmaceutical drug-pushing, religious extremism, political fraud, corruption of the media, police brutality and environmental degradation.  These issues threaten every culture and nation on the planet.

Fortunately, this same celestial pattern between the Sun, Moon and Neptune also correlates to a burgeoning spiritual awakening for humanity as a whole.  Just one recent example of this is the marches in cities and countries worldwide this past weekend, including nearly 400,000 people in New York City, demanding that world leaders take action NOW to address and alleviate climate change.  Add to this North Carolina’s ‘Moral Monday’ marches over the past year and South Carolina’s ‘Truthful Tuesday’ marches and the political transformation underway in Ferguson, Missouri which has also become the catalyst for law enforcement reform.  Municipal police departments nationwide are adopting the use of personal body cameras to be worn by their police officers, forever changing the extreme power imbalance between the police and citizens.

Perhaps one of the best examples though of a change in consciousness is to be found in Naomi Klein’s newly released book entitled, ‘This Changes Everything’ that identifies capitalism as the primary culprit underlying and driving most of our global crises.  This book promises to become as seminal a work as Rachel Carson’s, ‘Silent Spring’ was in the 70’s which cited industrial chemical pollution as devastating to our environment.   Humanity is indeed waking up!

The New Moon’s semi-square to both Jupiter in Leo and Ceres in Scorpio symbolizes the need for a greatly expanded vision of caring, cooperation and collaboration, not conflict and competition, to overcome struggles to provide for the needs of refugees, the disease-stricken, and all those who are disenfranchised socially, politically and economically.

Pluto in Capricorn just completed a five month retrograde/review of what is and isn’t working in our individual and collective realities.  Now we can move forward with greater insight, awareness and understanding. Recognizing what quantum science has proven over the past decade, that consciousness creates reality, we can now make different, more informed choices that will co-create a new and improved reality.  We CAN balance extremes, especially in all our relationships.  Yes, human beings are imperfect.  AND, we’re also uniquely endowed with the ultimate power – the power of free will choice.

Choose equality.  Choose peace.  CHOOSE BALANCE

This article is a summary of my live presentation/analysis of the New Moon chart in an approximate hour-long audio recording that includes dates/descriptions of significant upcoming astrological events for the month. The audio recording is available in CD or mp3 file formats for $15. Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The next New Moon is a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio October 23rd at 2:57 pm MST!

Copyright 2014 Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting. All rights reserved.

Spectacular Lunar Eclipse in Libra

LunarEclipseImageBloodRedMoonA rare total lunar eclipse occurs tonight and will be visible across the Americas beginning at about 11:00 pm and lasting until about 3:00 am MST/PDT in the United States.  The Full Moon will be exact at 12:42 am MST/PDT at 25 degrees 16 minutes of the sign Libra.  Here’s the chart:  TotalLunarEclipseinLibra2014  This eclipse is the first of four total lunar eclipses in a row between now and October 2015 being referred to as a ‘tetrad’ or ‘group of four.’  Lunar eclipses occur regularly every five and half months.  But this lunar eclipse begins a TOTAL lunar eclipse ‘tetrad’ which is a rare phenomenon since lunar eclipses are not always total – where the Moon passes precisely (not a little above or a little below) the exact alignment of the Earth and Sun resulting in a complete or total blockage of the Sun’s light upon the Moon’s surface.  Additionally, what makes this tetrad rare is the fact that total eclipses of the Moon don’t often happen successively, let alone four in a row.

This lunar eclipse is further distinguished by Pluto stationing (standing still or ‘stationary’) to turn retrograde today just eight hours before the eclipse at 4:44 pm MST/PDT.  AND since the eclipse occurs across the Aries/Libra axis its also energizing the once-in-a-lifetime Grand Cardinal Cross that will reach precision for the second of three times in just a week from April 20th to the 23rd (first time was December 25-30, 2013 and the third will be June 14-25, 2014).  Finally, the fifth of seven ongoing exact square aspects (90 degree angle) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn will happen next week on April 21st.

That’s a WHOLE LOT of celestial energy!  Astrology always reflects reality through the hermetic principle of “As above, so below.”  Coincidentally, there’s also a WHOLE LOT going on in our world right now!

The primary influence of this Libra lunar eclipse is a culmination of old relationship patterns and behaviors that are no longer working.  Libra is the sign associated with learning how to be in relationships as equals which helps us to achieve and maintain balance.  But Libra is also the sign of extremes!  It’s LEARNING balance.  The polarized state of our national and global politics, cultural norms, religious beliefs and economic ‘realities’ are extraordinary examples of current EXTREMES!  We’re at a cross-roads needing to make new choices about how we treat one another and how we treat our planetary home — the natural world that sustains us.  Clearly the path we’re on has reached the limits of sustainability.

Other celestial bodies in Libra affecting the lunar eclipse pattern are informative.  They include Mars (the God of War), the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroids Juno and Vesta.  Ceres, Juno and Vesta are all heavenly bodies that represent feminine archetypes associated with unconditional love, nurturing/nourishment, partnership commitments, fidelity and passionate spiritual devotion.  For thousands of years patriarchal conditioning has suppressed and marginalized women resulting in extreme imbalances in our relationship with half of the planet’s population, with our stewardship of the environment and in our disconnection to ‘Gaia’ the quintessential feminine consciousness of our planet Earth.  Needless to say, humanity’s habitual war-like tendencies clearly also contribute to relationship imbalances!  While some are still calling for military responses to current global events (can you say Ukraine, Syria, Iran and North Korea???), its time to respond differently if efforts are to succeed.

The Grand Cardinal Cross is a planetary configuration comprised of four planets, each in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) that are square one another (90 degrees) and opposite each other (180 degrees).  Squares and oppositions are tense angular relationships whose energies are often conflicted or challenging.  Squares reflect important choice points.  These choices have to do with deciding what actions to take or whom or what to believe.  Oppositions bring issues to a head forcing either a completion or separation of existing circumstances.

Its important to understand that cardinal energy typically manifests through a dance of two steps forward, then one step back.  This is because cardinal energy instinctively initiates actions that move us in new directions.  But new experiences are often stressful because they take us into unfamiliar territory which can be frightening.  We take a step back to regroup and re-establish security when that security has been upset by moving forward in new ways.  Ultimately, through feedback received after taking those initial steps, we’re able to decide which new directions we are meant to continue moving towards.

Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn has been THE planetary ‘base note’ anchoring the Grand Cardinal Cross.  This astrological influence began in 2008 with Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn for sixteen years.  Remember 2008 was when the global economy began to dramatically contract.  In 2010, Uranus entered Aries and began forming its square angle/aspect to Pluto.  It first entered Aries in May and stayed until August when it went retrograde moving back into Pisces over the fall and winter of that year.  It returned to Aries for a stay of seven years on March 11, 2011 within hours of the 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Japan that was followed by the enormous tsunami that crippled the Fukushima Diachi nuclear power plants that are still damaged and leaking radiation to this day.  These extraordinary events are associated with two of the most powerful elements of our current global social structural paradigm (Capricorn):  how we generate power and how we operate our global market driven economies.  Both have and will continue to need radical reforms if they are to be sustained in the future.

Jupiter has been in Cancer since June 2013.  It has been reflecting our increased emotionality and growing insecurities both personally and collectively as the world around us continues to change in dramatic and sometimes unexpected ways.  One of the most important choices we all face right now is whether to embrace these changes with optimism and excitement or dread and fear.  Choose to move forward anyway even in the face of fear!  Holding on to the past will only bring pain and confusion.  Evolutionary changes are necessary now.  Resistance will only ensure an increased likelihood that these changes will ultimately be forced upon us.

Mars entered Libra in December 2013.  Typically it takes only two months to traverse a sign.  Its current retrograde cycle (March 1 to May 19, 2014) will prolong its sojourn in Libra for eight months ending in August this year.  Mars rules Aries, the sign opposite Libra.  Mars rules war but is currently in the sign of peace!

Interestingly, when planets are retrograde, their energy naturally gravitates towards the opposite sign to facilitate its own evolution.  Aries/Libra is the relationship axis of the zodiac.  These two signs represent self (Aries) and our relationship with others (Libra).  These two signs are always trying to find the right balance between independence/freedom and commitment to others.  Intuition is the guiding force necessary to achieve this balance.  When we’ve spent too much time alone, our intuition will let us know and prompt us to connect with others and be more social.  On the other hand, when we’ve been hanging out with others and socializing so much that we’ve lost track of our own individuality, then our intuition will alert us to the need to spend some time alone so we can reconnect with our own needs and wants.  Be mindful of your intuitive urges in the coming days and weeks to find the right balance between yourself and others.

The bottom line of all this energy is this:  WE ARE LIVING IN EXTRAORDINARY TIMES!  Ancient cultures the world over have shared their prophecies about this being a time where humanity will experience a quantum leap forward in consciousness towards a much greater understanding of the truth of our experiences and our reality.  Perhaps the most exciting breakthrough of our times is the discovery by quantum physicists that human consciousness affects what reality is experienced or manifested.  Put simply, we now know that consciousness creates reality.  We are indeed CO-CREATORS.  We create our reality in every moment through the uniquely human capacity of free will choices.  The trick is to choose CONSCIOUSLY instead of unconsciously.  This requires that we pay attention to what we’re thinking, feeling, believing and doing.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse is a harbinger of great change.  The heavenly patterns are reflecting important choices we now need to make in order to evolve and grow.  Its time to let go of what’s no longer working.  Its time to choose different ways of being and doing.   We have the power to change our world, solve our problems, heal the planet and restore peace and balance in all our relations.

Its time to choose anew.  What will you choose?

Blessings, Donna






Other planetary influences symbolized through the Grand Cardinal Cross

Libra New Moon

LibraImage2The Libra New Moon happens on Friday, October 4th at 11 degrees Libra 56 minutes at 5:34 pm MST/PDT.  Here’s the horoscope:  LibraNewMoon2013.  The symbolic glyph for Libra is the scales of justice, weighing and balancing hearts and deeds.  But Libra is NOT inherently balanced.  In reality, Libra is the sign of extremes.  It is learning balance.  Most commonly, Libra learns balance through its relationships with others.

Libra initiates a variety of relationships with a diversity of people and through the process of comparing and contrasting, comes to know itself as a uniquely different individual.  Through its relationships with others, Libra learns to treat others equally and to be treated equally by others.  You might think this is a simple task.  It isn’t.  Maintaining harmonious relationships requires a balance of power as this balance utterly dictates the reality of the relationship.  For illustrative purposes, take just a moment and think about a few important relationships in your life.  Now thinking about each of these people, answer the following questions as they relate to the balance of power in these relationships:  Who has the upper hand most frequently?   Who’s really in charge?   Who most often gets their way and who most often gives in?  How’s that workin’ for ya?  Perhaps something has recently occurred that’s now demanding that some adjustment(s) be made?

Relationship crises will abound this month as these necessary adjustments are made between friends, lovers, adversaries, enemies, families, neighbors and even nations.  Saturn in Scorpio will bring up deep and powerful emotions and feelings.  Uranus in Aries will want to have its own way no matter what.  Saturn’s trine to Chiron in Pisces will have some looking for a savior and some looking for a scapegoat.  But Saturn also represents the need to grow up and to take complete responsibility for your own actions – including the choice to be in the relationship in the first place!  Relationship crises have/are occurring and choices must now be made about how to change and move forward – together or alone.

With the fourth of seven square aspects (from June 2012 to March 2015) between revolutionary Uranus in Aries and evolutionary Pluto in Capricorn coming up on November 1st we are approaching the mid-point in the current window of opportunity for a quantum shift in human consciousness prophesied for this time.  Reference the recent about face in the confrontation between the United States and Syria, as well as the new potential thaw in US/Iran relations as evidence of a quantum shift in human consciousness that’s well underway.  As above, so below.  As within, so without.   Science now knows that consciousness creates reality.  Our shifting collective human consciousness is indeed creating new realities that are different than our past realities of continuous warfare and dominance over others.  How is your reality shifting?  How is it changing the way you think and behave?  This extraordinary time in human history is empowering radical changes in our world, one person at a time.

Libra is ruled by Venus which is currently in Scorpio and just completed a square aspect (90 degrees) with Mars in Leo.  Venus and Mars are also associated with relationships as these two planets represent women and men respectively.  The square that just occurred between them also symbolically represents the energy of crisis forcing choices and decisions about how to proceed or move forward with necessary changes to the relationship.  Old relationship patterns are breaking down; new ways of relating are now required.  Many relationships are currently renegotiating balance of power issues.  We need look no further than the growing rift between the ‘establishment’ and the ‘Tea Party’ wings of the Republican party in the United States to see evidence of a relationship ‘adjustment’ relative to power sharing that’s currently unfolding.

Obviously, such relationship changes and adjustments require serious discussions between the parties involved.  What’s important in these discussions is a recognition that EVERYONE involved has legitimate needs and desires that must be met in order for the relationship to be successful.  How they are met and in what order is not so important as striving towards a final tally that ‘feels’ fair to all involved.  Some relationships are just naturally equal.  No one really ‘keeps score’ but things always seem to just feel even.  Some relationships are inherently unequal like bosses and employees, or parents and children.  But in the end, EVERYONE involved has legitimate needs that must be met!  So its time to talk about what’s working and what’s not working and to find the intestinal fortitude to be forthright and honest in declaring and standing up for your own wants and needs.

It will also be equally necessary to sincerely listen (a key Libra lesson) and make an effort to truly hear what the other person is saying they need and want!  When effective listening occurs in relationships, appropriate giving and receiving follows.  Proper giving and receiving is a PRIMARY FACTOR in both establishing and maintaining a healthy balance of power within relationships.  Inappropriate giving is often the unwitting result of a classic Libra attribute — the need to be needed!  But too much giving creates a sense of duty, obligation and ultimately resentment when the receiving party begins to feel that they OWE the giver.  The balance of power is disturbed and undermines the health of the relationship.

Mercury (information and communication) just entered Scorpio (deep emotions and trust issues) where its slowing down for it’s final retrograde of 2013 from October 21st to November 10th. This influence powerfully supports the process of digging up, revealing or otherwise exposing facts and truths that have been buried or hidden or just kept secret.  It will help us confront and discuss our deepest needs and desires so healing can occur.  Information shared in this way will prove to be crucially important to decisions being made now especially regarding important relationships.

And finally, eclipse season is upon us again!  On October 18th a Lunar Eclipse occurs at 25 Aries and two weeks later on November 3rd a Solar Eclipse happens at 11 Scorpio.  Eclipses always energize and accelerate the manifestation process so events associated with them typically turn out to be quite important in scope or consequence.  These two eclipses herald an upcoming change in the focus of our collective human consciousness shifting our attention from the power of resources (the people in power) to the power of relationships (the power of the people).  Can we finally transcend the need to dominate others in order to feel secure?  Can we finally begin to see others as equals?  The celestial patterns are encouraging such evolutionary progress but of course, as always, we must make the free will choice to do so…

Finally, this New Moon pattern also includes an exact inconjunt (150 degrees) angle between Saturn in Scorpio and retrograde Uranus in Aries.  The inconjunct angle is yet another crisis indicator!  This aspect represents crises that occur as a result of being blocked by outer circumstances or forces that powerfully and effectively oppose what you’re trying to accomplish.  This pattern is designed to make overly willful or overly egotistical people think twice about HOW they are going about pursuing their goals.  It will block any and all efforts by these people to move forward unless and until they learn to equally consider the needs of others.

So take time this month to reevaluate what you really need and what you really want.  Find the courage to openly, honestly and effectively communicate these needs and wants to the important ‘others’ in your life.   And finally, become a much better listener when it comes to hearing what others are saying they really need and want.  Dig deep to find and face your own fears especially regarding relationships.  And know that the most successful societies in human history have been characterized by a shared commitment to consistently considering and meeting EVERYONE’s needs, not just those of a chosen, privileged few!

This article is a brief summary of my live presentation/analysis of the New Moon chart in an approximate hour-long audio recording that includes dates/descriptions of significant upcoming astrological aspects for the month. The audio recording is available on CD or mp3 file formats for $15.  Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

 The next New Moon is at 11 degrees Scorpio and is a Solar Eclipse!  It occurs on Monday, November 3rd at 5:50 am MST/PDT.

Copyright 2013        Donna Lee Steele        All rights reserved.