Cancer New Moon

cancer_marchettiglyphThe Cancer New Moon occurs on Friday, June 27th, at 1:08 am MST at 5 degrees Cancer 37 minutes.  Here’s the New Moon chart:  CancerNewMoon2014.  The first water sign of the zodiac, Cancer is extremely sensitive emotionally.  Not surprising then is the fact that this sign’s symbol, the Crab, carries its ‘home’ – a protective outer shell – with it wherever it goes in order to keep it safe from harm.  Accordingly, for Cancer natives, their home also provides the ultimate refuge and is of the utmost importance to them as a place of safety, security and comfort.  Cancer also rules our family of origin and the conditioning influences we’re raised with throughout our early upbringing and childhood.  Our ego-centric identity is primarily shaped by our family.  Their influence and conditioning tell us who we are and contribute either to the development of a healthy self-image or one that’s damaged resulting in low self-esteem and emotional insecurities that are often carried into adult life.

The evolutionary intention of this extremely sensitive sign is to develop INNER EMOTIONAL SECURITY. Through Cancer, we become aware of all of our outer dependencies on people, places and things that we think will provide for our happiness and well-being. As we suffer disappointments and let-downs from these outer sources, we learn that the only true source of emotional well-being is ourselves. Real emotional security can only come from within.

Jupiter has been traveling through Cancer for over a year now and is finally finishing up its role in the Grand Cardinal Cross it’s been a part of for the last eight months along with Uranus in Aries, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn.  It also continues to be part of an ongoing Grand Water Trine with Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. Increased emotionality and insecurity has resulted from the tremendous social, cultural, political and economic upheavals and changes associated with these extraordinary celestial patterns. Evolution has required that we face personal fears as we deal with all the unexpected and irrevocable but necessary changes.

Jupiter’s last hurrah in Cancer is a square aspect to the Nodes of the Moon precise on the day of the New Moon. Perhaps there’s one more major decision or choice that must be made now in order to keep moving forward as the past gives way to a better but still uncertain future?  Jupiter rules our search for truth and higher understanding so this is the planet associated with personal beliefs.  Do your beliefs contribute to your emotional well-being or do they undermine your overall sense of safety and security?  Stand up for yourself and speak your truth while respecting the right of others to do the same.  On July 16th, Jupiter leaves Cancer and enters Leo until August 2015.  I’ll explain the influence of Jupiter through Leo next month…

The ongoing Grand Cardinal Cross is further activated by the Sun all next week. The Sun will oppose retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th (watch for power struggles), square Uranus in Aries on the 8th (embrace change and break free), and square Mars in Libra on the 19th (compromise or stand-offs).  And as Mars finally finishes its post retrograde trek through Libra, it too will once again ignite this Cross. So expect more changes that will probably increase insecurities! The way to successfully navigate all these changes is to FEEL your way through.  FEEL your emotions!  Don’t deny, ignore or suppress them as our culture often teaches us to do. Acting on your emotions is optional; feeling them is not.  Seek also to understand their origins as this will help you to effectively transcend their ability to emotionally ‘trigger’ you again in the future.

The New Moon is trine Neptune which just recently went retrograde in Pisces. The purpose of retrograde Neptune is to throw off old fantasies, delusions, deceptions and feelings of victimization! Connect with the ultimate source of love, acceptance and comfort – God/Goddess – and know that no matter what’s happening in your outer world, your inner connection to Source Energy is always safe and secure.  The Sun’s connection with Neptune occurs this Sunday.  Take some quiet time for yourself to connect with Spirit, receive inner guidance and recharge your energy.  Reflect upon your feelings to fully understand their meaning and message(s).  Our feelings are the best barometer we have to know how we’re really doing as we move through life and all of its obligations, expectations and overall ‘busy-ness!’  Clearly the question of the month is, “how does this FEEL?”

And finally, matters of freedom and responsibility will take center stage later in July as retrograde Saturn in Scorpio stations direct on the 20th reflecting new realities especially concerning money, power, responsibility and authority. It’s time for greater accountability by everyone! Uranus in Aries stations retrograde July 21st for five months. Achieving and maintaining a healthy self-image requires us to be true to ourselves.  Often, being true to our self requires that we break free of expectations to conform to other people’s opinions, beliefs and values – especially our family! BE who you really truly are. For there’s really no better way to really truly ensure your INNER emotional security and well-being!

The Leo New Moon is on July 26th at 3:42 pm MST!

Copyright 2014 Donna Lee Steele All rights reserved.

Spectacular Lunar Eclipse in Libra

LunarEclipseImageBloodRedMoonA rare total lunar eclipse occurs tonight and will be visible across the Americas beginning at about 11:00 pm and lasting until about 3:00 am MST/PDT in the United States.  The Full Moon will be exact at 12:42 am MST/PDT at 25 degrees 16 minutes of the sign Libra.  Here’s the chart:  TotalLunarEclipseinLibra2014  This eclipse is the first of four total lunar eclipses in a row between now and October 2015 being referred to as a ‘tetrad’ or ‘group of four.’  Lunar eclipses occur regularly every five and half months.  But this lunar eclipse begins a TOTAL lunar eclipse ‘tetrad’ which is a rare phenomenon since lunar eclipses are not always total – where the Moon passes precisely (not a little above or a little below) the exact alignment of the Earth and Sun resulting in a complete or total blockage of the Sun’s light upon the Moon’s surface.  Additionally, what makes this tetrad rare is the fact that total eclipses of the Moon don’t often happen successively, let alone four in a row.

This lunar eclipse is further distinguished by Pluto stationing (standing still or ‘stationary’) to turn retrograde today just eight hours before the eclipse at 4:44 pm MST/PDT.  AND since the eclipse occurs across the Aries/Libra axis its also energizing the once-in-a-lifetime Grand Cardinal Cross that will reach precision for the second of three times in just a week from April 20th to the 23rd (first time was December 25-30, 2013 and the third will be June 14-25, 2014).  Finally, the fifth of seven ongoing exact square aspects (90 degree angle) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn will happen next week on April 21st.

That’s a WHOLE LOT of celestial energy!  Astrology always reflects reality through the hermetic principle of “As above, so below.”  Coincidentally, there’s also a WHOLE LOT going on in our world right now!

The primary influence of this Libra lunar eclipse is a culmination of old relationship patterns and behaviors that are no longer working.  Libra is the sign associated with learning how to be in relationships as equals which helps us to achieve and maintain balance.  But Libra is also the sign of extremes!  It’s LEARNING balance.  The polarized state of our national and global politics, cultural norms, religious beliefs and economic ‘realities’ are extraordinary examples of current EXTREMES!  We’re at a cross-roads needing to make new choices about how we treat one another and how we treat our planetary home — the natural world that sustains us.  Clearly the path we’re on has reached the limits of sustainability.

Other celestial bodies in Libra affecting the lunar eclipse pattern are informative.  They include Mars (the God of War), the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroids Juno and Vesta.  Ceres, Juno and Vesta are all heavenly bodies that represent feminine archetypes associated with unconditional love, nurturing/nourishment, partnership commitments, fidelity and passionate spiritual devotion.  For thousands of years patriarchal conditioning has suppressed and marginalized women resulting in extreme imbalances in our relationship with half of the planet’s population, with our stewardship of the environment and in our disconnection to ‘Gaia’ the quintessential feminine consciousness of our planet Earth.  Needless to say, humanity’s habitual war-like tendencies clearly also contribute to relationship imbalances!  While some are still calling for military responses to current global events (can you say Ukraine, Syria, Iran and North Korea???), its time to respond differently if efforts are to succeed.

The Grand Cardinal Cross is a planetary configuration comprised of four planets, each in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) that are square one another (90 degrees) and opposite each other (180 degrees).  Squares and oppositions are tense angular relationships whose energies are often conflicted or challenging.  Squares reflect important choice points.  These choices have to do with deciding what actions to take or whom or what to believe.  Oppositions bring issues to a head forcing either a completion or separation of existing circumstances.

Its important to understand that cardinal energy typically manifests through a dance of two steps forward, then one step back.  This is because cardinal energy instinctively initiates actions that move us in new directions.  But new experiences are often stressful because they take us into unfamiliar territory which can be frightening.  We take a step back to regroup and re-establish security when that security has been upset by moving forward in new ways.  Ultimately, through feedback received after taking those initial steps, we’re able to decide which new directions we are meant to continue moving towards.

Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn has been THE planetary ‘base note’ anchoring the Grand Cardinal Cross.  This astrological influence began in 2008 with Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn for sixteen years.  Remember 2008 was when the global economy began to dramatically contract.  In 2010, Uranus entered Aries and began forming its square angle/aspect to Pluto.  It first entered Aries in May and stayed until August when it went retrograde moving back into Pisces over the fall and winter of that year.  It returned to Aries for a stay of seven years on March 11, 2011 within hours of the 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Japan that was followed by the enormous tsunami that crippled the Fukushima Diachi nuclear power plants that are still damaged and leaking radiation to this day.  These extraordinary events are associated with two of the most powerful elements of our current global social structural paradigm (Capricorn):  how we generate power and how we operate our global market driven economies.  Both have and will continue to need radical reforms if they are to be sustained in the future.

Jupiter has been in Cancer since June 2013.  It has been reflecting our increased emotionality and growing insecurities both personally and collectively as the world around us continues to change in dramatic and sometimes unexpected ways.  One of the most important choices we all face right now is whether to embrace these changes with optimism and excitement or dread and fear.  Choose to move forward anyway even in the face of fear!  Holding on to the past will only bring pain and confusion.  Evolutionary changes are necessary now.  Resistance will only ensure an increased likelihood that these changes will ultimately be forced upon us.

Mars entered Libra in December 2013.  Typically it takes only two months to traverse a sign.  Its current retrograde cycle (March 1 to May 19, 2014) will prolong its sojourn in Libra for eight months ending in August this year.  Mars rules Aries, the sign opposite Libra.  Mars rules war but is currently in the sign of peace!

Interestingly, when planets are retrograde, their energy naturally gravitates towards the opposite sign to facilitate its own evolution.  Aries/Libra is the relationship axis of the zodiac.  These two signs represent self (Aries) and our relationship with others (Libra).  These two signs are always trying to find the right balance between independence/freedom and commitment to others.  Intuition is the guiding force necessary to achieve this balance.  When we’ve spent too much time alone, our intuition will let us know and prompt us to connect with others and be more social.  On the other hand, when we’ve been hanging out with others and socializing so much that we’ve lost track of our own individuality, then our intuition will alert us to the need to spend some time alone so we can reconnect with our own needs and wants.  Be mindful of your intuitive urges in the coming days and weeks to find the right balance between yourself and others.

The bottom line of all this energy is this:  WE ARE LIVING IN EXTRAORDINARY TIMES!  Ancient cultures the world over have shared their prophecies about this being a time where humanity will experience a quantum leap forward in consciousness towards a much greater understanding of the truth of our experiences and our reality.  Perhaps the most exciting breakthrough of our times is the discovery by quantum physicists that human consciousness affects what reality is experienced or manifested.  Put simply, we now know that consciousness creates reality.  We are indeed CO-CREATORS.  We create our reality in every moment through the uniquely human capacity of free will choices.  The trick is to choose CONSCIOUSLY instead of unconsciously.  This requires that we pay attention to what we’re thinking, feeling, believing and doing.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse is a harbinger of great change.  The heavenly patterns are reflecting important choices we now need to make in order to evolve and grow.  Its time to let go of what’s no longer working.  Its time to choose different ways of being and doing.   We have the power to change our world, solve our problems, heal the planet and restore peace and balance in all our relations.

Its time to choose anew.  What will you choose?

Blessings, Donna






Other planetary influences symbolized through the Grand Cardinal Cross

Aries New Moon

AriesGlyph3The Aries New Moon occurs on Sunday, March 30th at 11:45 am MST/PDT at 9 degrees Aries 59 minutes. Here’s the chart: Aries New Moon 2014.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac symbolizing the bursting forth of new life each Spring. This sign instinctively initiates action and tirelessly moves forward in new directions. Its purpose is to discover something unknown but special about itself and its destiny. Aries needs absolute freedom in order to pursue these personal experiences. In fact, if Aries is limited in any way, it responds with anger as it pushes forward anyway!

This New Moon in Aries is joined by Uranus, the asteroid Juno (partnership commitments) and the Moon’s South Node all symbolizing an urgent desire to forge new ways of relating to ourselves and to one another, especially the feminine half of humanity. This lunation activates the Grand Cardinal Cross of 2014 anchored by Uranus square Pluto – which itself is activating the ongoing manifestation of social revolutionary ‘seeds’ originally sown in the ‘60’s when this planetary cycle began. No wonder the same issues that demanded attention then are back in our headlines today including women’s rights, minority rights, voting rights and matters of war and peace!

Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) initiates actions, but typically does so in a dance of two steps forward, one step back. This is because moving into new experiences creates uncertainty and insecurity.  A step back in order to re-establish security is often necessary before we can muster the courage to take two more steps forward.  Often it is also because something from the past needs to be retrieved in order to successfully move forward. Perhaps we need to recreate the revolutionary fervor of the ‘60’s in order to bring about much needed global social and economic reforms now.  Or perhaps we need to reach back much further to a time before dominant patriarchal influences when we lived communally, sharing everything from food, to shelter, and even the responsibility for rearing children.  During those times we also lived in much greater harmony with and reverence for the natural world.

Mars rules Aries and is therefore the ruling planet of this New Moon.  Mars is currently retrograde (March 1 to May 19) in Libra, the sign of peace, relationships and equality. How we treat one another is topic number one since the Nodes of the Moon recently entered the signs of Aries and Libra last month (February 18, 2014).  Achieving greater balance and justice in intimate partnership matters, issues of marriage, gender and income equality, ongoing racial disparities and increased efforts in national diplomacy are all front and center in our personal and collective realities now demanding fundamental r-evolutionary changes if we are to effectively solve the current problems we face and move forward towards a better tomorrow for all of us.

Unfortunately, Mars is NOT happy being retrograde or being in Libra, its opposite sign! These influences are effectively curbing Mars’ natural tendency towards rash behavior.  They are forcing deliberation and contemplation before actions are taken. We need look no further than the near universal global condemnation of Russia’s military (Mars) aggression and intervention in the Ukraine as it recently annexed the Crimean peninsula to understand how ‘martial’ energy is currently being restrained and limited.  This restraining influence is also evident in the United State’s decision to NOT respond militarily.  Humanity’s evolution now requires that we THINK, very carefully, before we ACT!

The Sun and Moon in Aries will repeatedly aspect Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn and retro Mars in Libra over the next few days energizing the Grand Cardinal Cross. Additionally, further connections between Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mars will continue to unfold over the coming weeks with the Grand Cardinal Cross reaching a point of precision from April 20-23.

Rebellious Uranus in Aries just wants to overthrow the entire status quo!  Its revolutionary impulses will be mighty strong over the coming weeks so use this energy wisely to courageously chart a new course for yourself in areas of your life that have become stagnant or are preventing further personal growth. Open up to new experiences and different ways of doing things.  This will allow for new opportunities and new perspectives that help you break free of old outworn ideas and familiar but limiting patterns of behavior.

Jupiter in Cancer reflects the extreme emotionality of these times.  Emotional dependencies and insecurities associated with religious extremism, nationalism and protectionism can threaten current efforts towards greater global peace and cooperation.  We all need to develop a greater sense of INNER emotional security realizing that the emotional balance and well-being we desire can only truly come from within us, not through any outer source.

Pluto in Capricorn stations retrograde on April 14th just one day before a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra that will be visible from much of the Western hemisphere including the Americas.  Stationary Pluto will require patience and thorough consideration of any new ideas or plans based upon reality not idealism or wishful thinking.  The old guard will tenaciously hold onto the status quo and continue to exert their considerable power and influence.  Changes WILL inevitably come; but some will take more time than others.

Venus enters Pisces on the 5th and then conjuncts Neptune and Chiron on the 11th and 20th respectively.  These ethereal celestial energies will soften the nervous, anxious and edgy energy of the Cardinal Cross allowing divine inspiration, compassion, empathy and forgiveness to guide our actions and decisions.  There’s no better planetary connection than Venus/Neptune for spiritual guidance or inspired artistic expression.  There’s danger in Venus/Chiron however.  Be sure to review past wounds and traumas with a desire to understand WHY your Soul chose to co-create such experiences for yourself and how those experiences have facilitated the lessons your Soul has chosen to learn and evolve through in this lifetime.  Without this kind of objective analysis, wounds are likely to be re-imprinted and simply continue a consciousness of victimization.

And finally, a Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th will demand a much greater responsibility in the use of precious but limited natural resources.  On a more personal level, Taurus has to do with values and possessions.  Taurus teaches self-reliance and self-development so we learn to meet our own needs which is far more empowering than depending on someone else to take care of us.  Solar Eclipses follow a 19 year cycle.  So think back to what was happening for you in 1995 for greater insights about how this eclipse energy is likely to manifest in your own personal life since repeating astrological cycles often recreate similar events and experiences.

Also of great importance is the fact that the Grand Cardinal Cross, precise from April 20th to the 23rd will dramatically  impact the United States natal chart as it exactly aligns with our Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Libra.  In mundane astrology, which interprets the charts of nations, both the Sun and Saturn are planets associated with leadership.  America will have an extraordinary opportunity to further evolve over the coming weeks and months as our resources, values, security, self-image, beliefs and reputation are challenged and changed.

The U.S. natal Sun in Cancer is in the 2nd house of values and resources while Saturn in Libra is in the 5th house of creativity and purpose.  Those who understand the true purpose and evolutionary growth intentions of America as a nation know that our destiny is to foster and promote equality, fairness and justice for ALL.  These are lessons we began learning at our nation’s founding when many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were themselves slave owners and voting rights were granted exclusively to white men who were property owners.  It continues today as we are now learning to see ourselves as an equal among nations, not as a ‘superior’ nation.  Its no coincidence that it has recently become commonplace among some Americans to vigorously defend a national self-image of ‘exceptionalism.’  ALL nations are exceptional just as all human beings are special in their own unique way.  We continue to learn the lessons of ‘different’ but ‘equal’ and to see diversity as a strength, not a weakness.

The current Grand Cardinal Cross influence has never before been experienced by our nation in all of our 238 years of existence.  We may well be in for historic events and experiences in the near future.  Our leaders will surely be tested over the coming weeks and months as r-evolutionary social, cultural, political and economic changes continue to manifest throughout the world.  Now more than ever before we need to lead by the power of example, not by the power of force.

What new directions are unfolding in your life? Are you courageous enough to forge ahead in spite of your fears of the unknown? What new ideas are demanding your attention and action now?  Are you ready to bust out and break free?!

The current celestial influences are a once in a lifetime opportunity to change our destiny both personally and collectively. Historic and life-changing events are on the horizon! Perhaps it’s now or never so take that BIG proverbial ‘leap of faith’ and dare to boldly create the future you desire and that we all deserve!

This article is a brief summary of my live presentation/analysis of the New Moon chart in an approximate hour-long audio recording that includes dates/descriptions of significant upcoming astrological aspects for the month. The audio recording is available on CD or mp3 file formats for $15. Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse is on Monday, April 28th at 11:14 pm MST.

Copyright 2014. Donna Lee Steele. All rights reserved.