Leo New Moon: Follow Your Heart

The first of two Leo New Moons in a month happens Sunday, July 23rd, at 2:46 am MST/PDT, at 0 degrees Leo 44 minutes. 

Here’s the chart:  LeoNewMoon2017-1.

Leo the Lion is the King of Beasts.  Ruled by the Sun, the Star at the center of our Solar System, Leo has long been associated with leadership and royalty, Kings and  Queens. 

Like the Sun, Leo wants to be the center of attention, recognized and loved by all!

Given this desire to be noticed and appreciated by others, it’s important to realize that most Leos are intrinsically insecure.  After all, Leo follows Cancer in the zodiac; the sign that’s learning INNER emotional security.

Leo’s primary evolutionary lesson is to learn to love and appreciate itself, instead of constantly seeking validation and approval from others.  Indeed, unless and until Leo learns to love itself, it will typically experience disappointment after bitter disappointment at a LACK of recognition from others.  Of course, this is the very set of circumstances that forces Leo back upon itself so that it can and must learn to love and value itself, ITSELF. 

This confirms the natural ‘law of correspondences’ that teaches that outer realities always reflect inner realities.  This law is sometimes referred to as the ‘As Above, So Below’ principle, or similarly, ‘As Without, So Within.’  It stands to reason that it is only when self-love exists that it can be reflected back to us from others.

Leo is the sign of the heart.  Its evolutionary intention to learn SELF-LOVE is precisely what is required in order to heal emotional insecurities, particularly insecurities about unique individuality that are always experienced through the sign of Cancer. 

Ultimately, every human being must learn this evolutionary lesson.  When we truly love and value ourselves, we’re free to be our unique authentic self.  As a result, we can then truly shine our light into the world, just like the Sun.

Two New Moons in Leo happen over the coming month.  Today’s Leo Moon at 0 degrees is the first.  The second is a Total Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees Leo on August 21st that traverses the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina.  Eclipses are powerful harbingers of change.  Astrologers know that Solar and Lunar Eclipses significantly ‘move’ events in the world.  Total Solar Eclipses are the most  powerful of all eclipses.

This first Leo Moon will initiate Leo lessons; the second will culminate them.  Leo lessons are about opening the heart to give and receive unconditional LOVE.  Leo is also about Creative Self-Expression, or Self-Realization.  We’re always happiest when we’re expressing our true self and when we’re creating and pursuing what we love.

Mars is also in Leo now conjunct the Sun and Moon.  Mars adds forceful energy to the New Moon chart pattern that encourages dynamic evolutionary growth.  Mars always instinctively pursues desires.  Our desires emanate directly from our Souls.  Most people are unaware of this however since most people’s Souls operate at an unconscious level.  Nevertheless, it is through our desires that our Souls point us forward and direct our personal evolutionary growth. 

Creativity is abundant now particularly when applied to desires and matters of the heart.  So follow your heart!  Take time to do the things you love with the people you love.

Let pleasure, joy and play lead the way!

The Sun and Moon are also quite favorably connected to Chiron, the ‘Wounded Healer,’ in Pisces, the sign of the Divine.  Pisces rules the natural spiritual developmental path.  Here, Chiron promises that open hearts can receive blessings from the Universe and the Divine Creative Source or what many people refer to as God, Goddess, Spirit, Great Mystery or All That Is. 

This Divine Creative Source is always teaching us the universal wisdom of compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love and acceptance.  Chiron in Pisces is THE ultimate symbol of healing for those who wish to glean their Soul’s purpose in co-creating painful past experiences.  Through Chiron in Pisces, we can come to realize how the most difficult events in our lives have facilitated our evolutionary journey and ongoing personal growth.

This Leo New Moon is saying, “RE-IMAGINE hurtful experiences.”  Move beyond WHAT happened.  Instead, seek to understand WHY it happened.  

What lessons were learned?  What wisdom was gained as a result of the pain and disappointment or disillusionment?   What was your Soul trying to teach you?!

Challenging aspects to Uranus in Aries and Neptune in Pisces are spurring the desire to break free of victim consciousness that co-creates realities that undermine and hurt us.  Indeed victim consciousness always manifests in punishing circumstances driven by an unconscious belief that we must ‘atone’ for the ‘sins’ of our human  imperfections. 

Liberating ourselves from victim consciousness requires that we make different choices.  These choices may seem too radical or daunting to some, especially those who’ve already experienced harsh criticism, judgment, painful rejection or ridicule for being ‘different.’

But of course, being different is what each of us MUST be if we’re really being true to ourselves!  IN TRUTH, EVERY HUMAN BEING IS IN FACT DIFFERENT! 

Nature reflects the truth of this natural law in every snowflake that falls, every tree in a forest and every flower in a field.  Each one is UNIQUE. 

In the natural evolutionary journey of the Soul, ‘fitting-in’ is the death knell to the expression of true individuality.  Expressing our true self is the only full-proof way to happiness.

Uranus is one of two planets that will station retrograde in the coming month.  The other is Mercury.  AND, they are most favorably connected to one another now allowing easy access to their energy.  Planets are most powerful when they station so these two are super-charged to deliver action and change!

Mercury and Uranus rule short-term and long-term memories respectively, including past life memories.  They are also a natural astrological planetary pair.  These two planets are higher and lower ‘octaves’ of one another, sharing the same energy, while vibrating at different frequencies.  Students of music understand this phenomenon.  Ruling the individual conscious and unconscious mind, they can bring powerful insights and understanding that can help heal past traumas for those who are willing to do the necessary ‘inner work’ of deeply reviewing and reflecting upon their life experiences.

Uranus (freedom, liberation, breakthroughs) stations retrograde on August 2nd at 28 degrees Aries (action, self-discovery, courage) encourages new ideas and new directions.  Uranus continues to be part of an extraordinary Grand Fire Trine along with the North Node (the path of evolution) in Leo (creativity and love) and retrograde Saturn (responsibility) which is finishing up its three year journey through Sagittarius (intuition, personal truth and beliefs).  This Grand Fire Trine also reflects an abundance of creative energy!

Mercury (thoughts, knowledge, communication) stations retrograde on August 12th in Virgo (healing, self-improvement, humility) encouraging necessary changes and adjustments in order to restore health and well-being and resolve crises.  This Mercury retrograde will focus attention on what needs to be healed on all levels including personal, collective and planetary wounds.  Here in the U.S. we will no doubt see renewed attention and effort on health care legislation as well as environmental laws and regulations. 

When Mercury completes its retrograde and stations direct on September 5th it will do so at the precise degree of the second Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse, 28 degrees Leo! 

This may well be a ‘brain on fire’ day, full of insights, revelations and renewed clarity.  Expect those famous ‘lightning bolt AHA’ moments that can bring surprising answers and breakthroughs in personal and collective consciousness. 

Mind-blowing discoveries, innovations and solutions to long-standing problems may suddenly, surprisingly and magically appear!

Two more important aspects occur in this New Moon chart pattern.  Venus in Gemini is opposite retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Libra is square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. 

Venus and Saturn encourage us to speak our truth while allowing others to do the same.  Be totally honest with yourself and others.  Open, straight-forward communication can lead to breakthroughs in understanding. 

Jupiter and Pluto have already squared each other twice, on November 24, 2016 and March 30, 2017.  Think back to what was happening in your life at those times.  It’s likely that whatever occurred then is culminating now.  

Both Venus opposite Saturn (rules Capricorn) and Jupiter square Pluto (currently in Capricorn) are demanding that we take complete responsibility (Capricorn) for all of our actions, choices and experiences knowing that our own Soul co-created those experiences FOR A REASON! 

Perhaps legal or financial matters were the issue during the previous Jupiter squares to Pluto.  Or perhaps relationship concerns were unfolding forcing difficult but necessary changes.  In any case, there was an evolutionary need to expand and evolve personal values or beliefs in order to more fully allow and accept other’s differences.

The bottom line message of this first Leo New Moon is that in order to evolve, we must open our hearts and learn to love ourselves and others unconditionally. 

Its also trying to teach us the natural spiritual wisdom of listening to and following our heart’s desires.  Our desires  always lead us towards greater personal evolution. 

We’re conditioned to believe that success and happiness always require hard work, sacrifice and suffering.  In fact, our Souls are trying to teach us that success and happiness naturally occur when we follow our heart!  


Leo rules the heart!  Leo teaches us that LOVE is all we really need.  If we do our best over the coming month, then when the second Leo New Moon occurs, which is a powerful TOTAL Solar Eclipse on August 21st, we can reap the rewards of a heart that’s more open, content and at peace with itself.  And if we do this right, we’ll experience a LOT more joy and have a LOT more fun along the way! 

The Leo New Moon TOTAL Solar Eclipse happens August 21st at 11:30 am MST/PDT!

 Copyright 2017.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.   All rights reserved.

Leo New Moon: Find the Joy

Leoimage23The Leo New Moon occurs on August 2nd, at 1:44 pm MST/PDT at 10 degrees Leo 57 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  LeoNewMoon2016.

Leo is the only zodiac sign in our Solar system ruled by a star, our Sun, not one of the planets.  As such, Leo has long been associated with nobility, royalty and dynasties.

The Lion, symbol of Leo, is called the ‘King’ of beasts.  Accordingly, Leos are characterized by dignity, leadership and pride.  Indeed a group or family of lions is called a ‘pride!’

Ruled by the Sun, Leos naturally see themselves as the ‘center of the universe.’  This quality of consciousness, referred to as a ‘pyramid reality mindset’ sees itself at the top of the pyramid and superior to others, expecting others to serve it’s needs.  However, this seeming narcissism hides a deeper inner truth.  Un-evolved Leos carry a deep inner emotional insecurity that needs constant outer recognition and attention to affirm their special qualities.  Seeking validation of their value and worth from outer sources can lead to an insatiable need for praise and acknowledgment.  When Leos don’t receive the acclaim and appreciation they feel they deserve, they’ll often pursue love affairs or ‘act out’ becoming the infamous ‘Drama Queen or King’ that just keeps climbing up on ‘stage’ in order to receive attention and be noticed.

This need to be noticed and validated as special is commonly reflected in the behavior of most children, who are also ruled by Leo.  Children often seek the attention of their parents saying, “Look at me!”  While this behavior is natural for children, it becomes pathological when carried into adulthood where unfulfilled needs for love and approval are projected onto others, especially loved ones at home and colleagues in the workplace.

loveyourselfThe evolutionary intention of Leo is to learn SELF-LOVE.  Instead of seeking approval, acknowledgement, validation and appreciation from outer sources, Leo must learn to love itself, to honor and respect itself and express its true nature – no matter what.

When Leo’s emotional insecurity reaches an extreme level of imbalance, they will typically co-create an Aquarian (opposite sign reflecting the path of evolution) shock or trauma.  The ‘rug gets ripped out’ from under them in order to reinforce humility and teach them to recognize that others are special too and deserve recognition as well.  Leo must ultimately learn that it is simply an actor on the stage of life, not the director of the play.

The Hermetic Law of Correspondences commonly known through the phrases, “As Above, So Below” and “As Within, So Without” is very instructive for Leo.  If you don’t love your self, love will not be reflected back to you through your outer environment.  If you cannot love your self, how can you expect others to love you?

When Leo evolves into self-love and appreciation, they’re no longer jealous of others who receive attention.  They become generous, kind-hearted and magnanimous.  Mature Leos are self-assured and confident within themselves.  They can then support others fully, encouraging them to develop and creatively express their authentic selves as well.  This reflects the true character of Leo, the beloved and benevolent King or Queen who truly serves their ‘subjects’ instead of the other way around.

The Sun and Moon in Leo are making several aspects to other planets in their New Moon chart.  They are joined by Venus in Leo, which adds value and meaning to individuality that needs to be creatively self-actualized and expressed in the world.  Venus in Leo can open the heart to greater love, unconditional love, for the self and others.  Venus in Leo seeks beauty and harmony, fairness and justice for all.

The New Moon is also part of a YOD formation, a unique planetary configuration comprised of two planets that are sextile (60 degrees apart) one another while both are simultaneously inconjunct (150 degrees apart) a third planet.  Altogether, the planets form a pattern that looks like a “Y” and are therefore called a YOD.

YODs are special astrological patterns that reflect a significant crises that can only be healed or resolved by making necessary changes and adjustments in order to re-align with reality and affect healing, self-improvement and personal humility.  YODS carry a unique spiritual quality or energy that links directly with your Soul’s evolutionary purpose and intentions.  This YOD is comprised of the Sun and Moon in Leo which are inconjunct both retrograde Pluto in Capricorn and retrograde Neptune and the Moon’s South Node in Pisces.  Pluto, Neptune and the South Node are all sextile each other and hold the keys to resolving the crisis.

Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes the need to emotionally and spiritually mature by taking complete responsibility for ALL of your own actions, choices and behaviors.  Stop blaming others for circumstances or situations you’re not happy about.  Blame is evidence of a consciousness rooted in victimization that assumes others are responsible and reveals an identification with powerlessness.  Nothing can heal from a consciousness of victimization.

Consciousness creates reality, so if you experienced something, you played a role in co-creating it.  Better to seek understanding of WHY you co-created a particular event rather than dwelling on WHAT happened and how awful it was which only serves to perpetuate a victim consciousness.  Keep asking your Higher Self, “Why would I co-create such an event in my life?  What am I to learn from this experience that will serve my Soul’s evolutionary growth intentions for me in this lifetime?”

Neptune and the South Node in Pisces symbolize the need to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs, particularly those associated with a sense of unworthiness.  They reflect the need to let go of an identity rooted in victimization and the need to cling to false beliefs, fantasies, delusions or idealizations that aren’t rooted in reality like the notion that unless you’re perfect, you’re worthless and therefore deserving of pain and punishment.

Unfortunately, we’ve ALL been conditioned for lifetimes by man-made religions to believe that we must suffer in order to atone for our imperfections, mistakes and ‘sins.’  The resulting feelings of unworthiness pervade the collective unconsciousness of humanity.  Nearly all of us carry these false beliefs deep within our subconscious regardless of whether or not we’ve been exposed to religion in the current lifetime.

This collective conditioning is easily evidenced in the all too common human experience of wondering what in the world we might have done to ‘deserve’ whatever ‘bad’ thing has happened to us.  This is due to religious influences that taught us to believe in the need for divine punishment or retribution for our ‘sins’ or imperfections.

Another classic example of this unconscious belief conditioning is the instinctive feeling of guilt experienced whenever we do or say something that’s disapproved of by others – even when those very choices or decisions reflect our own truth, what’s for our highest good, or in the best interests of our self or others.  Who among us has not had these experiences?!

Let go of false beliefs associated with the distorted religious teachings relative to ‘perfection’ and realize we are all evolving human beings.  Healing can come from simply doing your best and learning to judge yourself based on your intentions, not outcomes.

Remember, these same religions also teach that we’re made in the image of God or the Creator.  This means that if we are evolving, then the Divine Source that created us must also be evolving.

ForgiveyourselfConsider this:  if perfection actually existed, then evolution would be utterly and completely unnecessary.  In fact, evolution and perfection are antithetical to one another.

This YOD can teach you that to truly LOVE YOUR SELF, you must accept your self AS YOU ARE, including all of your imperfections.  Use the healing energy of this YOD to forgive yourself and unconditionally love yourself.   These choices reflect the true nature of the Divine Source that created us – a God that is unconditionally loving, compassionate and forgiving.

The New Moon is also in a waning trine (120 degrees apart) aspect with Saturn in Sagittarius.  Currently, Saturn is slowing down to a standstill in the heavens ahead of its upcoming station direct (resumption of forward movement) on August 13th at 9 degrees Sagittarius 47 minutes.  This powerful connection favors and supports self-discipline, emotional maturity, and the aforementioned need to take complete responsibility for ourselves.  The Sun and Moon trine Saturn may well bring rewards as a result of prior efforts made especially in regards to being true to yourself or ‘walking your  talk.’  This trine also reflects the potential for developing an expanded understanding of greater and greater levels of universal truths or what is true for all of us regardless of personal differences.

Sagittarius also rules foreign lands and cultures, cosmologies, philosophies and theologies.  This is the sign of man-made religions so we may also experience positive events and circumstances associated with the evolution of beliefs associated with faith traditions.

MuslimsattendCatholicMassThis evolution and growth in understanding just occurred in response to a recent tragedy.  Following the murder of Jacques Hamel, a French Priest, Muslims on Sunday attended Catholic Mass in churches and cathedrals across France, Italy and beyond.  “We’re very touched” said Archbishop Dominique Lebrun of Gouen Cathedral adding, “It’s an important gesture of solidarity.”  Outside the church, a group of Muslims were applauded when they unfurled a banner which read, “Love for all.  Hate for none.”

Saturn’s station also energizes the Spiritual T-Square that’s been in place for nearly a year now.  A T-Square is another astrological configuration.  This one looks like a capital “T”.  It includes Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo, which are opposite (180 degrees) Chiron and the South Node in Pisces.  ALL of these Virgo/Pisces planets are square (90 degrees) Saturn in Sagittarius.  Jupiter and Neptune rule our beliefs, consciously and unconsciously, respectively.

The evolutionary purpose reflected in this T-Square is a necessary review and reflection upon our beliefs to discern if they are really true.  Saturn will precisely square Neptune for the third and final time on September 10th.  The two previous squares occurred November 26, 2015 and June 17, 2016.  Saturn/Neptune are directly associated with the dissolution of – literally dissolving – old outworn or false beliefs.  This planetary connection is also dissolving limited consciousness structures and the resulting realities they have been creating, both on a personal and on a collective level.

What beliefs have lost their meaning for you?  What no longer feels ‘true’ to you?  What realities are no longer working in your life?  Are you ready to let go of an old mindset that contributed to that reality?  Are you willing to own and take responsibility for having co-created those realities or are you succumbing to disappointment and disillusionment and feeling depressed or powerless???

Interestingly, both Saturn and Neptune are associated with psychological depression.  Depression has a natural purpose!   That purpose causes us to isolate ourselves so we can reflect upon what quality or aspect of our consciousness is responsible for creating a reality that no longer works or is causing us to be unhappy.

This is a necessary evolutionary task for those who wish to take responsibility for their lives realizing that they have created their experiences.  Unfortunately, we are culturally conditioned, especially in the United States, to see depression as a weakness or character flaw, or a disturbing distraction that interferes with our life.  In fact, its the natural result and reflection of a life that’s no longer working, functional, healthy or satisfactory.

Masking depression with prescription drugs is not the answer.  In fact, pharmaceutical drugs simply numb our senses, anesthetizing our consciousness, ultimately interfering with the very process required for healing.  They actually interfere with the necessary and natural process of inner self-reflection and review.  It’s a sad fact that 70 million Americans take Prozac, the number one prescribed anti-depressant drug.  Of course prolonged depression may indeed require some kind of therapeutic intervention.  But know that depression is a naturally occurring human phenomenon associated with the spiritual evolutionary process designed specifically to turn our attention inward.  In doing so we can become consciously aware of thoughts and beliefs that are not in alignment with our personal truth and are in fact the source of our depression, melancholy and lack of well-being.

Meditation4Saturn and Neptune also represent meditation, a far better antidote to depression.  In my practice over the years, I’ve noticed that those who say they’re too busy to meditate are typically the ones who need to meditate the most!  Deepak  Chopra offers a wealth of information and guidance that can help you develop your own personal meditation practice.  If you’re interested, visit the Chopra Center at http://www.chopra.com for more info.

Deepak has also produced lots of YouTube videos that offer timeless spiritual insights from the world’s wisdom traditions.  Keep in mind that there are many forms of meditation.   Many don’t require much time at all.  What’s important is that you develop a daily practice.  It may be sitting cross-legged and motionless focusing simply on your breath or quietly repeating mantras.  Or it may be some form of moving meditation like walking silently in nature or a daily jogging routine.  There are countless ways to meditate so find what works for you and simply begin.

The T-Square will also be activated by Jupiter’s third and final opposition (180 degrees) to Chiron in Pisces which will occur August 12th just a day before Saturn’s station direct in Sagittarius.  The two previous oppositions between Jupiter and Chiron happened on November 3, 2015 and February 23, 2016.  What was happening in your life during these previous timeframes?  What do you need to heal?  What wounds were you experiencing or remembering?

Jupiter has a twelve year cycle which means it spends approximately one year in each of the twelve signs.  Jupiter will move out of Virgo and into Libra September 9th ending the T-Square pattern.  The energy of the T-Square over the past year has prompted each of us to be truer to ourselves and to make the effort to heal and self-improve.  Make the most of the final Jupiter/Chiron opposition to throw off the last vestiges of victim consciousness and to reach for the highest levels of compassion and forgiveness you can realize for yourself and others.

The New Moon chart includes two other important celestial events worth mentioning that complete the overall pattern ‘seeded’ in this lunation:  Mars will re-enter Sagittarius to complete it’s biannual retrograde period that began in February of this year, and Mercury, now in Virgo, one of the signs it rules, will go retrograde for the third time this year.

Mars acts instinctively on our desires which eminate from our Souls and reflect the evolutionary growth intentions our Soul has for us in each and every lifetime.  In fact, Mars is considered the ‘lower octave’ of Pluto, the planet that represents the Soul as well as the human evolutionary process itself.  Planets that are higher and lower octaves of one another reflect similar energy while vibrating at different frequencies.  Musicians know all about this phenomenon.

Mars goes retrograde every two years for about two and a half months.  Normally spending about two months in each sign, when Mars is retrograde it takes about seven or eight months to move through a sign.  This Mars retrograde began in Sagittarius at 9 degrees and backed up to 23 degrees Scorpio.

Its actual retrograde period was between April 17th and June 29th.  But every retrograde period actually begins when the planet first moves over the degree it will  back up to.  In this case, Mars first traversed 23 Scorpio on February 18th.  This began the ‘pre-shadow’ period of Mars retrograde which was from February 18th until April 17th.  And every planetary retrograde also has a ‘post-shadow’ period during which the planet returns to the same degree at which the actual retrograde began.  In this case that was 9 Sagittarius.  Mars JUST re-entered Sagittarius a few hours before the Leo New Moon occurred.  Mars will reach 9 degrees Sagittarius on August 22nd when it will completely finish up the entire retrograde cycle, including its post-shadow period.

DesireMars retrograde periods always reflect the need to review our desires.  How have you been acting upon your desires to achieve or pursue personal goals or ambitions or to just simply do the things you want to do?  Moving from Sagittarius back into Scorpio, this Mars  retrograde was about reflecting on our personal truth and beliefs which are ruled by Sagittarius, and how we wield our personal power which is ruled by Scorpio.

Scorpio also symbolizes our deepest wounds which often leave us feeling powerless and typically result from losses, abandonments and betrayals which are also associated with Scorpio.  Scorpio teaches right use of power.  Through Scorpio, we learn that we are intrinsically powerful through our ability to make free will choices which co-create our realities and facilitate our own personal evolution.  Unfortunately, the things we are culturally conditioned to believe represent power are money, sex and death.  And unfortunately, these are the things most often used to wield or have power OVER others.

So in effect, this Mars retrograde was about reviewing issues associated with beliefs and power particularly how we experience wealth and sexuality as a  result of our beliefs.  For example, what do your beliefs tell you are right and proper uses or expressions of sexuality?  What do your beliefs teach about money or wealth or possessions?

As Mars completes its current retrograde, we should all be mindful of insights and understandings we have come to as a result of experiences we’ve had since February this year.  Empower yourself by committing to be TRUE TO YOURSELF!  Empower yourself by knowing that you have the power to change your life by changing your choices and act accordingly.  On a collective level, we can expect more truths and more lies to be exposed so that healing and evolution can take place for us all.

Mars is also moving into a final phase in its two year cycle with Pluto which began in November 2014.  Between now and October 22nd, when Mars and Pluto once again align at the exact same degree in the zodiac, thus beginning a new two year cycle together, know that whatever you began in late 2014 is currently culminating or coming to a completion.  This final phase between Mars and Pluto always reflects the need to throw off old desires and achievements in order to make space for new goals and pursuits.  What Soul desires have you been pursuing over the past couple of years and what did you achieve or learn or experience as a result?  Take some time to reflect upon these issues to maximize the evolutionary intentions and potential associated with your own Soul’s desires now.

Mercury entered Virgo July 30th.  This speedy planet usually takes only two and a half weeks to traverse each zodiac sign.  But when Mercury is retrograde that timeframe gets extended to nearly two months.  Through Virgo, Mercury analyzes and sorts through all the information and knowledge it has to make sense of it all.  Indeed every Mercury retrograde period provides an opportunity to throw off excess or superfluous data that is no longer relevant or necessary.  Given the fact that information overload has become the norm for humanity in this digital age, we should all be thankful for each Mercury retrograde instead of dreading it!  Mercury retrogrades are also always encouraging us to achieve a greater balance between left-brain logical linear deductive thought processes and right-brain intuitive, holistic and metaphysical thought processes.

This Mercury retrograde occurs between 29 and 14 degrees of Virgo.  Mercury will therefore connect with both Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo, while simultaneously bringing Mercury into opposition with Neptune, Chiron and the South Node in Pisces.  Thus, this Mercury retro ALSO energizes the T-Square!  This T-Square will have its final ‘hoorah’ so to speak over the coming month!

Mercury retrograde in Virgo will give us all ample opportunities to think deeply about how our beliefs are underpinning the quality of our consciousness, resulting in the creation of our realities.  And if we’re experiencing realities that are no longer working for us or are contributing to dis-ease or dissatisfaction, then this Mercury retrograde period will be the PERFECT time to discern what thoughts and beliefs are not serving us and to make the effort to create new thoughts.  Affirmations and visualizations can help us to develop new habits in thought or behavior that create new realities that are in alignment with our highest truth.

Remember, the Leo New Moon is trying to teach us all that in order to be truly happy, we must be TRUE TO OURSELVES!  WE MUST LEARN TO LOVE OURSELVES!  We must learn to honor, respect and take very good care of ourselves.  Remember too that Leo is ruled by the Sun which is associated with the heart.

JoyheartSo go have some FUN!  Take time to do what you love with those you love — including yourself!  Relax!  Play!  Do MORE of what makes you happy!

In honor and remembrance of my beloved lifelong friend, Nancy Whitley, who passed away a year ago, I want to offer you a gift of Leo wisdom she found and shared often in her final years.  “FIND THE JOY!” she would say.  Find the joy in everyday little things and big things as well.  It’s always there.  If you look for it, you’ll find it.  And you’ll be happier and healthier as a result.

And if you believe you don’t have the time to do so, well, my sense is that may be the very best clue your Soul can offer you about a personal belief you have that you need to change…


The Virgo New Moon is a Solar Eclipse that occurs on September 1st at 2:03 am MST!

                            Copyright 2016.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.    All rights reserved.      


Taurus New Moon: Manifestation Madness!

Taurusimage25The Taurus New Moon happens on Friday, May 6th, at 12:29 pm MST/PDT at 16 degrees Taurus 41 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  TaurusNewMoon2016.

Taurus rules our essential needs for survival and teaches the lesson of self-reliance.  We all have unique gifts, skills, natural talents or abilities.  If we value ourselves, we’ll develop these gifts or personal resources and share them with the world.  As others value what we have to offer and compensate us accordingly, we’re able to garner the resources we need to take care of ourselves.  Self-reliance is personally empowering.  It builds confidence, assures a healthy relationship with ourselves and in turn enables us to manifest and attract all that we need and desire in healthy ways, not through co-dependency.

On a surface level, Taurus symbolizes resources.  This sign rules our money, assets and personal possessions.  On a deeper spiritual level however, Taurus represents our core values.  What we value will represent what gives meaning to our lives.  Valuing ourselves is of the utmost importance to our ability to manifest the resources we need to not only survive, but thrive.  What’s most important in life to you?  What gives your life meaning?

Venus rules Taurus and is therefore the ruler of this New Moon.  She’s strong now as she currently moves through her own sign of Taurus.  She joins the Sun and Moon in Taurus, as well as retrograde Mercury and the asteroid Vesta which symbolizes devotion.  Altogether, this New Moon chart has five celestial bodies in Taurus comprising a ‘stellium’ or a group of planets all in the same sign.  So Taurus energy is super abundant now!  Empowering this Taurus stellium even further is its connection to both retrograde Jupiter in Virgo and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn .  Together, they form a Grand Earth Trine.

GrandEarthTrineMay2016Grand Trines are a closed pattern of three or more planets all trine (120 degrees apart) one another.  Geometrically, Grand Trines look like a triangle.  Trines are the most favorable angular relationship between two planets.  When trine one another, planetary energies are harmonious and flow easily.  The natural benevolence of trines can be easily utilized to achieve what we want.  However, trines can also make life so easy that their energetic influence is often squandered through laziness.  When things are going really well we can fail to continue in our efforts.

This Grand Trine is in the Earth signs:  Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  The Earth element is associated with physicality and real material things so this Grand Earth Trine provides LOTS of manifestation energy!  What do you need or want right now?  Chances are, if you make a sincere effort, you’ll be able to easily attract and manifest what your heart desires.

Since Taurus rules our values and valuables, this Grand Trine also supports investments in what we value most, including ourselves!  Virgo assists self-care and self-improvement efforts.  Those who take good care of themselves and who diligently seek to improve themselves are likely to experience good health, vitality and success through meaningful work in the world.  Capricorn supports those who take complete responsibility for ALL their choices, actions and experiences.  It brings recognition and rewards to those who are mature, accountable, self-determined and wield their personal authority wisely.  This Grand Earth Trine is truly a magical manifestation machine so make the effort to take advantage of this magnificent celestial influence and reap the rewards!

Unfortunately, there are also some BIG obstacles contained in this New Moon pattern.  The Sun and Moon are both inconjunct (150 degree angle) retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, and Venus, the New Moon’s planetary ruler, is inconjunct retrograde Mars, which is also in Sagittarius until the 27th when it re-enters Scorpio.

Inconjunct angles typically reflect crises.  Crises have a natural purpose relative to our evolutionary growth.  Crises alert us to the fact that something’s awry.  Something’s not aligned with reality and requires personal changes and adjustments for resolution.  MAJOR changes will be necessary in the coming weeks relative to both resource and relationship issues.  If the necessary adjustments are made, things are likely to go well.  If required changes are stubbornly resisted, a common trait associated with Taurus, expect ‘manifestation madness!’

DetroitTeachersSickOut Also expect these issues to be reflected in headlines like the current dire financial circumstances of Detroit Public Schools.  Now at a crisis point, fed up Detroit teachers protested with a ‘sick-out.’  They marched outside the district headquarters earlier this week.  Nearly all of Detroit’s public schools were closed and more than 45,000 students missed classes after about half the district’s teachers called in sick to protest the possibility that some of them will not get paid over the summer if the struggling district runs out of cash.  Since then, city officials have assured them that funds will be found to cover the cost of their salaries.

Perhaps another financial scandal currently brewing is related to political fundraising.  Ah, money and politics!  Hillary’s ‘Victory Fund’ is a joint fundraising committee comprised of Clinton’s presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee and 32 state party committees. The setup allows Clinton to solicit checks of $350,000 or more from her super-rich supporters at extravagant fundraisers including a dinner at George Clooney’s house and a concert at Radio City Music Hall featuring Katy Perry and Elton John.   A recent investigation found that only a fraction of funds raised have actually been given to state parties for down-ballot democrats.  Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/clinton-fundraising-leaves-little-for-state-parties-222670#ixzz47iK8yoXe.

On the Republican side, Donald Trump has achieved presumptive nominee status after another big win in Indiana’s primary election.  Of course as presidential candidates get closer to winning their party’s nomination, they’re subjected to greater and greater scrutiny.  Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Tom Robbins just published an article in The Marshall Project, chronicling Trump’s decades-long history with individuals associated with organized crime.  https://www.themarshallproject.org/2016/04/27/trump-and-the-mob#.j6P1F2tYl.

While the Grand Earth Trine may well be a magical manifestation machine, the potential for crises for those whose choices (Pluto) are less than honest (Jupiter) or lack integrity are also YUGE!

MotherEarthTaurus is the quintessential sign associated with Mother Earth, our most precious and valuable resource.  Many of our current planetary crises including wars, disease outbreaks and climate change, are the result of decades of over-use, mis-use and outright abuse of natural resources and natural habitats.  We NEED a healthy planet to SURVIVE!  The Earth doesn’t need humanity; humanity needs, and belongs, to the Earth!

Further analysis of the Grand Earth Trine brings us to Jupiter.  Currently traveling through the sign of Virgo, which itself rules crises, health and the environment, Jupiter is reflecting some high-profile legal battles like the class action lawsuit filed by young people claiming that the U.S. government is denying them their constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness due to inadequate federal policies and actions to combat climate change.  U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin in Eugene, Oregon, just rejected motions by the U.S. government and trade groups representing the energy companies to dismiss the lawsuit by 21 plaintiffs ages 8 to 19.  http://www.seattletimes.com/business/climate-change-lawsuit-by-21-youths-takes-big-step-forward/.

AmazonJungleFortunately, many other grassroots political and legal efforts in support of the environment are gaining in strength.  A recent example of great success in protecting the environment was achieved by indigenous women of the Amazon:  http://www.pachamama.org/news/over-500-indigenous-women-of-the-amazon-and-allies-march-for-climate-justice-indigenous-rights?utm_source=April%202016%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Ecuador

MutableT-SquareJupiter also continues to be part of another significant and longer-term planetary configuration called a mutable T-Square.  This T-Square began last September and will continue until this August.  The T-Square is comprised of planets occupying three of the four mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).  Jupiter in Virgo is opposite (180 degrees apart) Neptune in Pisces.  Both are also simultaneously square (90 degree angle) Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius.  Lines drawn to reflect the opposition and square angles between them form what looks like the capital letter “T” upside down in the chart.  Astrologers are calling this a ‘Spiritual T-Square’ since it is made up of planets and signs that are associated with the search for higher truth and the natural spiritual evolutionary path.

Altogether, this heavenly pattern reflects the need and opportunity for humanity to review all of our belief systems to discern what’s really true.  We’ll need to discover the lies and deceptions we’ve been taught to believe for thousands of years by man-made religions.  Ultimately, we’ll need to throw off these conditioning influences that are co-creating distorted realities.

On Monday, May 9th, Jupiter stations direct at 13 Virgo completing it’s annual four month retrograde period that began January 7th.  Jupiter is always searching for the truth which is why it also rules the natural laws of the universe, the laws that are self-evident in the natural world or what we call ‘Nature.’  Accordingly, this planet is associated with higher-minded paths of study like philosophy, theology and cosmology.  On a mundane level Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius reflect man-made religions, laws and social justice systems.  On a personal level however, Jupiter rules our right-brain, the source of intuition.  Personal intuition leads each one of us to our personal truth.

As this planetary giant resumes forward motion in the heavens after a four month retrograde period of review relative to beliefs, greater insights and intuitive understandings are readily available.  Perhaps in addition to religious or spiritual beliefs, you’ve also been reflecting upon personal beliefs you have based upon lifelong conditioning from family, society or your own personal experiences?  What current events happening in your life have caused you to more deeply question your personal beliefs?

MercurytransitstheSunAlso happening on May 9th, Mercury reaches the halfway point of its current retrograde period with a rare transit to the Sun at 19 degrees Taurus 25 minutes!

A ‘Mercury transit of the Sun’ takes place when the planet Mercury comes between the Sun and the Earth.  Astronomically, this phenomenon is similar to an eclipse.  But because Mercury’s size is so much smaller than our massive Sun, when it moves across the face of the Sun it will appear as a tiny speck or small black dot.  Transits of Mercury to the Sun always occur in either May or November and happen 13 to 14 times each century.  The last Mercury transit of the Sun occurred in Scorpio on November 8th, 2006.  The last time Mercury transited the Sun from Taurus happened on May 7th, 2003.  What were you experiencing then?  Perhaps similar events will repeat in your life now.

You should NEVER look directly at the Sun.  But this amazing celestial event is well worth watching!  View it safely in real time at http://www.space.com/.

Mercury’s transit of the Sun will tremendously energize mental capacity.  Expect inventions, discoveries, AHA moments, revelations and all manner of breakthroughs in thought and understanding.  Perhaps some truly significant information or knowledge will be revealed.  Retracing its steps through Taurus, Mercury has our attention focused on essential needs and core values, especially pertaining to resources and relationships.  Again, what do you really value?  What do you truly NEED, not only to survive, but to THRIVE?  Be mindful of all incoming messages especially on the 9th!  Remember to pay particular attention to intuitive information and divine guidance coming from spiritual sources.  Mercury will complete this current retrograde period on May 22nd at 14 degrees Taurus.  Then it will be full speed ahead again with the manifesting process!

May 22nd will also mark Mars reaching the halfway point in its current retrograde that began at 8 degrees Sagittarius 56 minutes on April 17th, and will continue until June 29th when it stations direct at 23 degrees Scorpio 3 minutes.  Mars rules our desires.  Moving through the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio, Mars is also energizing the Spiritual T-Square further emphasizing the need to review and reflect upon beliefs.  As it returns to Scorpio, the focus will turn to deep emotional matters often associated with losses, abandonments and betrayals.  It’s time to ponder personal choices and personal power.  WHY have you made the choices you’ve made?  What desires motivated those choices?  Were they empowering or disempowering, constructive or destructive?

Scorpio is the sign opposite Taurus in the zodiac so these two signs for a natural ‘evolutionary pair.’  The lessons associated with Taurus and Scorpio, namely self-reliance and self-empowerment, are learned through discovering and developing personal values, learning to meet our own needs, and learning right use of power.  All human beings possess power.  That power is our ability to make free will choices.  Unfortunately, the primary model for relationships in most cultures today is one of co-dependence – expecting others to take care of us and to be the source of our fulfillment.  Most of us are conditioned to believe that we’ll be happy when we meet the right person. 

This distorted belief often produces power imbalances in relationships.  And when power imbalances reach an extreme, they actually begin to interfere with our evolutionary growth.  Then our Souls will naturally co-create circumstances that remove whatever we’re giving our power away to.  The result is loss, abandonment or betrayal that throws us back upon ourselves to learn an essential self-reliance and re-empowerment.  From a spiritual developmental point of view, Taurus and Scorpio teach us to correctly and wisely use our intrinsic power of free will choices to manifest that which we desire.

So I’m declaring May ‘Manifestation Madness’ month!  What do you need or desire?  Make the effort!  And be sure to make whatever necessary changes and adjustments crop up along the way.  Imagine, in full detail, using ALL your physical senses, with deep and profound gratitude, that you already have what you desire.  Empower yourself to manifest and manage your resources and relationships – including your relationship with the planet. 


The Gemini New Moon occurs on June 4th at 7:59 pm MST!

                               Copyright 2016.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.   All rights reserved.         







Aries New Moon: Viva la Revolution!

AriesGlyph23The Aries New Moon occurs Thursday, April 7th, at 4:24 am PDT, at 18 degrees Aries 4 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  AriesNewMoon2016.  The Ram appropriately symbolizes Aries, which always acts instinctively upon it’s desires.  Of course, the Ram is also well known for butting heads with other males in the flock as it competes for the right to mate.  Ruled by Mars, the planet of war, Aries is the sign of pure male YANG energy; forceful and strong.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries always correlates to new beginnings.  So this sign is associated with Spring time (in the Northern hemisphere), the season that reflects a new beginning each year in the natural world when new life bursts forth as plants sprout new shoots and animals give birth.  The glyph for Aries represents new seedlings that have just pushed their way up through the soil, a remarkable instinctive act of natural strength.

As the first cardinal sign, Aries instinctively initiates action.  Aries overcomes it’s considerable fears through finding courage in action itself.  Most important however is the feedback Aries receives once it does act.  This always helps Aries discover something new about itself, the evolutionary purpose of this sign.  Through the instinctive process of continuously forging ahead into new experiences and unknown territory, Aries discovers and ultimately becomes who it is as a unique individual.

Accordingly, Aries needs LOTS of independence and freedom in order to initiate instinctive actions and pursue it’s desires.  When this freedom or independence is restricted, interfered with, or limited in any way, anger is always the natural reaction of Aries.  This explains why this sign is infamous for its anger and quick temper!

This New Moon in Aries carries a volatile instinctive energy pattern full of the impulse for revolutionary change!  This is because the Sun and Moon are conjunct Uranus, the planet associated with rebellion and revolution, which is also in Aries.  The Sun, Moon and Uranus are ALL square Pluto in Capricorn, which is gaining strength and influence as it slows down now ahead of its annual station retrograde on April 18th.  The ongoing square aspect (90 degree angle) between Uranus and Pluto is the most powerful and significant astrological pattern currently in the heavens.

Even though the powerful planetary connection between these two celestial heavyweights began over five years ago, and even though the seven EXACT squares between them have already occurred (June 2012 to March 2015), their connection and influence will continue through 2020.   This New Moon in Aries re-energizes this aspect between Uranus and Pluto in a BIG way!  Ruling revolution and evolution respectively, Uranus and Pluto are fueling major transformational changes worldwide.

1%vs99%Think of all the global changes that have occurred since Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008 coinciding with the economic downturn that began on Wall Street and quickly spread around the globe.  The Arab Spring began in 2010 in Tunisia initiating widespread political upheaval throughout the Middle East and North Africa.  Then the Occupy Movement, begun in Manhattan in 2011, also spread quickly within months, occurring in cities in over 80 countries and across every continent except Anarctica.  The Occupy Movement brought the phrase “1% vs. the 99%” into our lexicon.

Syrianrefugee10Unrest in many Arab countries continues to this day as the world witnesses the largest human migration since World War II.  Europe is overwhelmed by the millions of refugees fleeing countries in the region devastated by wars between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and their proxies.  And of course, the world is still trying to recover from the 2008 global economic downtown that began here in the United States.  It seems the ‘Occupy Movement’ is currently experiencing a renaissance in the current U.S. Presidential election as issues of income inequality, corporate welfare, Wall Street corruption and rigged economic, political and justice systems have become fundamental cornerstones of campaign platforms – at least on the Democratic side of the contest.

Think too of the extraordinary cultural shifts in our own country evidenced by the nationwide legalization of gay marriage and decriminalization of marijuana in several states.  Lets not forget that America also elected our first African American President in 2008 whose landmark legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act, has forever transformed the U.S. health care industry.

GodParticleExtraordinary change has also come to the world of science and religion!  Pope Francis has both inspired followers and upset leaders of the Catholic Church as he focuses his papacy on a return to the compassionate teachings of Jesus, rather than the traditional moralistic and highly judgmental doctrines so ingrained in the history and hierarchy of that centuries old religious institution.  Of course, the Islamic faith is also undergoing its own tremendous revolution as radical extremists continue to hijack and distort the peaceful teachings and traditions of that age old world religion.  As all this is happening, the scientific community discovered the “God Particle” in the Summer of 2012!

Quantum science continues to leap forward in its understanding of how life is created in our Universe.  Of particular interest to many is the emerging science of consciousness that has not only proven that consciousness creates reality, but is also proving the existence of the phenomenon of the ‘Soul!’  http://www.news.com.au/tablet/quantum-scientists-offer-proof-soul-exists/story-fnenjnc3-1226507686757

On a day to day basis, it can be difficult to grasp the magnitude of change currently unfolding on our planet.  Nevertheless, humanity continues to be in the midst of extraordinary levels of r-evolutionary change and transformation relative to old social, political, cultural, economic, religious and scientific structures and paradigms.

Expect this extraordinary pace of change to accelerate!

Uranus is associated with the archetype of liberation.  Uranus ALWAYS works to free us from whatever limitations are preventing further evolutionary growth on both individual and collective levels.  This is why Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution.  Often, in order to break free of the restrictions associated with the status quo, we must rebel against those forces that expect us to unquestioningly conform and comply to old established forms and structures and their rules and regulations.

It’s worth noting that when evolutionary changes are resisted for too long, Uranus acts to suddenly and unexpectedly shatter old realities and paradigms to enforce necessary change so that evolutionary growth can continue.  Resistance to necessary evolutionary change is in fact the primary causative factor for cataclysmic events.  In these cases, Uranus acts like an earthquake, transforming the landscape forever.

FukishimaDisaster2011Currently moving through Aries, Uranus has been shaking things up in order to wake us up since May 2010 when it first entered Aries.  In fact, the very day that Uranus re-entered Aries (it’s first retrograde returned it to Pisces for eight months from August 2010 to March 2011), the catastrophic 9.0 Tohoku earthquake occurred off the Northeast coast of Japan that triggered the explosions and subsequent meltdown at the Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on March 11, 2011.  Clearly this was a cataclysmic event.  It actually happened within just two hours of Uranus returning to the sign of Aries!  Revolutionary Uranus will remain in Aries, the sign of new beginnings until 2019.

And speaking of power…

Astrologically, the issue of power is ruled by Pluto and its sign, Scorpio.  Pluto represents the Soul and the evolutionary process itself.  Accordingly, Pluto teaches the right uses of power.  Intrinsically, all human beings are endowed with the power of FREE WILL CHOICE which facilitates the very process of human evolution.  Unfortunately, in our modern reality, most of us have been conditioned to attribute power to mundane and material things, like status and wealth.  Interestingly, Pluto also rules sex and death, two other things we typically associate with power.  Of course these are the things most commonly used to manipulate and control or wield power over others.  These behaviors always reflect gross misuses of power.

With Pluto currently moving through Capricorn (2008 to 2025), and the Sun, Moon and Uranus in Aries now squaring Pluto in Capricorn in this New Moon chart, those in positions of authority who are abusing their power will increasingly be exposed as their lies and corrupt practices are revealed.  Capricorn is the sign associated with established social structures like governments and with those in positions of social authority like CEO’s, bankers, politicians and religious leaders.

Iceland's Prime Minister Sigmundor David Gunnlaugsson and his wife Anna Sigorlaug Palsdottir

Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundor David Gunnlaugsson and his wife Anna Sigorlaug Palsdottir

A perfect example of the power of the Sun square Pluto (April 6th) to expose corruption just happened this week with the release of over 11 million documents called the ‘Panama Papers.’  This cyber attack/hack is the largest leak in modern history.  It revealed the names of hundreds of individuals including twelve heads of state, government leaders and their wealthy associates, as well as mafia figures and drug and weapons traffickers who have stashed their wealth in tax havens with the aid of a Panamanian law firm, Mossack Fonseca.  Among them are Ukraine’s President, Petro Poroshenko, and Iceland’s Prime Minister, Sigmundor David Gunnlaugsson, who resigned on Tuesday after more than 10,000 citizens in Iceland protested against he and his wife’s tax evasion.

For more information on this story go to http://www.democracynow.org/2016/4/5/panama_papers_world_leaders_rich_criminals

Remember I recently mentioned ‘International Transparent Forensic Accounting’ in a previous blog post? It appears this phenomenon is gaining ground as shocking (Uranus) levels of global corruption involving the rich and powerful are brought to light.  The Panama Papers classically illustrate how Pluto operates.  It first reveals and exposes that which is corrupt, decayed or dysfunctional.  Once revealed, those things will either be healed or come to an end.  Indeed this week has already brought an end to one career (Capricorn) for a leader who was abusing the power and authority of his position of prominence.  There will no doubt be more.

But now let’s also look at power from a more mundane point of view…

WindturbineThe world needs power in the form of energy sources in order to function.  Most of our cars still run on gasoline that fuels their engines, as does much of the machinery of industry.  Countless other common materials and profitable business products like fertilizers, plastics and pesticides that have become ubiquitous in modern life are manufactured from petroleum and its derivatives.  Oilspill

Fossil fuels have powered global economies for a century and a half.  However, petroleum is a deadly pollutant that is destroying ecosystems all across our planet.  Scientists unanimously agree that we’ve reached a tipping point.  For our evolution to continue, indeed for our very survival, we must now make different choices regarding energy sources.

Why haven’t we made this necessary change yet?  Why are we resisting the very change Mother Nature (who we are all ONE with) is quite dramatically insisting we must make in order to survive?  The answer is that the petroleum industry has vast wealth and holds enormous power over the very politicians whose responsibility it is to make energy policy changes.  Did I mention already that political systems are ‘rigged’ and corrupt?  The increasing frequency of extreme weather events reflect our stubborn resistance to necessary evolutionary changes relative to how we generate energy and utilize ‘power’ sources.  Unless and until we collectively make a different free will choice, we’ll no doubt continue to experience cataclysmic weather events and increasing outbreaks of infectious diseases resulting from environmental degradation and climate change.

Solarpanels3So we find ourselves at a choice point relative to how we power our lifestyles.  The crisis of climate change and its extreme weather events and rising sea levels are alerting us to the need to evolve away from our old destructive fossil fuel energy paradigm.  We must move quickly, globally, towards renewable energy sources that are clean, healthy and sustainable.  It’s time to r-evolutionize (Uranus and Pluto) our  relationship with energy and power!

Transforming our energy policies (Pluto) is not the only necessary evolutionary change we’re facing.  We obviously also need to change our politics.  Uranus rules politics because it’s  associated with how societies form groups within themselves.  The most common social grouping we all experience is our friends.  On a larger scale however, social groups are reflected through political parties.  Anyone notice the increasing chaos upending established political parties and systems the world over?  The current Presidential election process underway in the United States has completely shattered longstanding political ‘conventional wisdom’ as pundits, journalists and strategists find themselves utterly baffled at both Donald Trump’s and Bernie Sander’s success.  The ‘political revolution’ Bernie Sanders is calling for is indeed  happening!

So this New Moon powerfully re-ignites the ongoing r-evolutionary Uranus/Pluto connection.  But that’s not all it’s doing.  In addition, the Sun and Moon — and Uranus too are all inconjunct (150 degree angle) both the North Node and retrograde Jupiter in Virgo.  So what do these planetary connections mean?

Virgo is the sign of crises!  The New Moon’s connection to Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo reflects the need to make necessary changes and adjustments in order to effectively resolve and heal these crises.  Many things ruled by Virgo are currently capturing headlines.  For example, Virgo represents workers and workplaces so it’s not at all surprising that efforts to raise the minimum wage in the United States are finally gaining traction.  Just this week Governor Brown of California and Governor Cuomo of New York signed legislation raising their state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour.  Other cities like Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco have already enacted similar wage increase laws.

Virgo is also associated with health and healthcare systems.  Even as ‘Obama-care’ has dramatically reduced the number of uninsured Americans, varying statistics estimate over 30 million still have no health insurance.  So it’s also not surprising that a single payer healthcare system is once again front and center in the political discourse as a cornerstone of one of the Presidential candidate’s campaigns, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

zikavirusmosquitoVirgo also rules the environment and it’s health.  As Jupiter moves through this sign (August 2015 to September 2016) it’s reflecting the enormous scale of environmental degradation.  So once again, it should not be surprising that we’ve also been experiencing an expansion of infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola and the Zika virus.  Also dramatically increasing are drug-resistant strains of bacterial organisms and viruses like tuberculosis and MRSA.  This phenomenon will increasingly threaten the health of people and animals all over the planet.

So thank heavens Jupiter also rules man-made laws and legislative processes.  Jupiter’s transit through Virgo has coincided with a growing number of successful legal actions against big environmental polluters.  Lawsuits prohibiting the manufacture of toxic pesticides responsible for decimating crucial pollinator species like bees, butterflies and bats have recently prevailed against corporate behemoths like Bayer and Monsanto.  Last month legislation banning GMO labeling laws set to go into effect soon in Vermont failed in Congress.  Additionally, several states Attorneys General have joined with New York’s Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, who has brought suit against Exxon Mobil and others in the petroleum industry for fraud based upon decades of deceptive information provided to their shareholders about the impact of climate change due to fossil fuels.

HoneybeepollinatingcropsIt’s also likely that legal efforts against fracking, oil pipeline construction, offshore oil exploration and drilling will continue to grow and succeed all across this country.  Jeffrey Wolf Green, the founder of Evolutionary Astrology said over twenty years ago, “Environmentalism will become the new religion.”  As Jupiter in Virgo connects with the Sun and Moon in Aries now, we’ll continue to see changes and adjustments evidenced by environmental activism and legislation.  Not only will these efforts grow in strength and numbers but also in their success against corporate, financial and political interests that have a legacy of destroying our planet for profits.

The bottom line is that through the current influence of Virgo, healthier choices are gaining ground worldwide, among individuals, communities and nations!  What new choices are you making in support of your own personal health and well-being?  What changes are you pursuing to improve your work life or benefit your career path?

And finally, the Aries New Moon is also trine (120 degree angle) Saturn in Sagittarius.  This is a most auspicious planetary pairing!  In addition to Jupiter’s benevolent influence for legal actions against wrongdoing, the Sun’s very favorable connection to Saturn in Sagittarius (the sign ruled by Jupiter) is also bringing rewards and success to those whose prior efforts have worked for the common good or in pursuit of truth and justice.  Saturn’s association with responsibility, accountability and maturity, will be reflected in significant progress and achievement for those who have and continue to act ethically, with honesty and integrity (Sagittarius) for the benefit of all.

The influence of Sun in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius is reflected in recently enacted new rules regulating Advisors in the financial industry.  They must now put their client’s best interests ahead of their own profit goals.  Reports show that Financial Advisors have pocketed an average of $18 billion a year from the pension funds of those they advise.  This protection for worker’s hard-earned retirement savings is long overdue.  Another timely example of ethical responsibility is the decision by Paypal’s CEO, Dan Shulman, to cancel the company’s plan to expand their massive global operations center in Charlotte, North Carolina, after the state’s legislature passed a law repealing the city’s recent ban against discrimination for those in the LGBT community.

Pope Francis meets with the Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, left, and Abdul Azeem Salhab, Head of the Waqef supreme court, near the Dome of the Rock Mosque

Pope Francis meets with the Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, left, and Abdul Azeem Salhab, Head of the Waqef supreme court, near the Dome of the Rock Mosque

Sagittarius rules the search for truth so it represents the world’s religions and faith traditions.  Another historic example of maturity and integrity focused on the well-being of many has been evidenced time and again by Pope Francis as he has met with religious leaders from many faith traditions.  In the Spring of 2014 he met with Muslim, Jewish and Orthodox leaders in Jerusalem saying, “a visit to the Holy Land would not be complete without a meeting with the Muslim communities.”

Saturn is the planet of discipline and self-determination necessary to obtain our goals particularly those requiring serious, long-term effort and commitment.  What important goals are you working towards?  How are you evolving into a greater experience of maturity, personal responsibility and accountability?

Indeed MANY GOOD THINGS are happening throughout the world!  We just don’t hear much about them from corporate-owned mainstream media sources whose agenda depends upon fear and distortions of truth.  But then we all have the responsibility of making choices, daily, between fear and hope, despair and inspiration, truth or lies.

Long-term readers of my monthly New Moon posts, as well as those who listen to Heavenly Help, my free weekly podcast know that I’ve been saying for years (since about 2010!) that we are living in extraordinary times.  Ancient cultures the world over foresaw this time in human history as a time of tremendous evolutionary growth and change.  Their prophecies predicted both a time of great leaps forward in human consciousness and a time of cataclymic changes on planet Earth.

Consider the fact that every Soul alive on the planet today, including you, CHOSE to be here now.  This means at a Soul level, each and every one of us intended to be part of these r-evolutionary changes.  Indeed I believe the discovery of the Higgs Boson, or ‘God Particle’ reflects this revelatory leap forward in human consciousness foretold by the ancients long ago.  Since physicists discovered that consciousness creates reality, human beings now KNOW that we are responsible for the realities we are experiencing because we are the ones co-creating those realities through the power of our free will choices, individually and collectively.





The Taurus New Moon occurs on May 6th at 12:29 pm MST!

Copyright 2016.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.   All rights reserved.





Cancer New Moon: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

CancerGlyph15The Cancer New Moon happens at 6:24 pm PDT on Wednesday, July 15th, at 23 degrees Cancer 14 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  CancerNewMoon2015.  The Crab, symbol of Cancer, carries its home on its back, retreating into its shell when it feels insecure.

Not surprising then is the fact that the evolutionary intention of Cancer is learning INNER emotional security.  This sign teaches that the only true source of emotional balance and well-being is our self.  Emotional security can only come from within.

Cancer rules home, family, ancestry and self-image.  How are these things linked together?  For most of us, family is the original source of our emotional and psychological conditioning.  Family members, particularly our parents, tell us who we are and this, in turn, creates a foundation for how we see ourselves and how we FEEL about ourselves.  Our self-image is established early in life.  Too much criticism can create emotional insecurity; too much praise can create feelings of superiority.  Either way, most of us are taught to conform to others expectations in order to receive love, acceptance and approval.  This sets us up to depend upon outer sources for our well-being.

To evolve through Cancer, we must first become aware of, and then detach from, all outer dependencies, be they people, places or things.  This does not mean we all need to become Hermits in caves!  The evolutionary shift required occurs at the level of consciousness.  Awareness changes from falsely believing that we utterly NEED those outer sources of comfort and protection to be happy and secure, to realizing that we simply WANT them.  In truth, we do not, in fact, need them.

Unfortunately, as security needs are conflated with outer sources, dependency upon them becomes the causal factor for psychological compulsions to control them.  Resistance to the evolutionary lesson of inner emotional security inevitably results in the co-creation, by the Soul, of circumstances that remove or eliminate those outer sources.  This effectively disrupts the cycle of dependency and reinforces the lesson of INNER emotional security.

With Mercury and Mars joining the Sun and Moon in Cancer now, exactly opposite retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, it’s time to either resolve conflicting viewpoints through integration and compromise (can you say an historic nuclear arms agreement with Iran?) or to literally end and throw off old realities and paradigms that are no longer working (can you say re-established diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba after fifty years of ineffective sanctions and isolation from the community of Western hemispheric nations?).

Its interesting to note that so much of the conversation about these two events (as well as others like the Supreme Court’s recent decision upholding the right to same sex marriage in all fifty states) centers around whether people believe they increase or decrease personal or national SECURITY!

Just like individuals, nations also have a self-image.  This New Moon pattern that includes Mars and Mercury at 14 degrees Cancer, connects directly with the U. S. Sun at 14 degrees Cancer in our nation’s natal chart.  With oppositions to Pluto at 14 degrees Capricorn, its also time for America to evolve its national self-image, adopting a greater sense of maturity and self-responsibility (Capricorn).  This will facilitate the development of greater INNER emotional security for our nation.

Although Mercury/Mars opposite Pluto will no doubt bring intense communications (can you say emotional outbursts?!) actions will speak louder than words now, although the words are probably going to be pretty loud as well!  Even as I write this post, a woman is walking the streets of my neighborhood loudly yelling (Mars) for her lost dog (Mercury rules pets)!  And of course, one need look no further than talk radio and cable news shows to further confirm the current level of ‘over-the-top’ emotional histrionics!

Mercury/Mars opposite Pluto also reflects the need to ‘walk your talk.’  The bottom line is that actions are much more powerful than words this month.  Say what you mean and mean what you say, but more importantly, take ACTIONS and make CHOICES from a place of personal power, self-responsibility and emotional maturity.  Act and choose from a place of INNER EMOTIONAL SECURITY.

We will ALL be challenged in the coming weeks and months to ‘up our game’ relative to achieving and maintaining a sense of emotional stability and security.  Let’s be clear; we’re all feeling somewhat emotionally insecure in the face of enormous revolutionary changes happening the world over.  These ongoing changes are increasingly contributing to uncertainty and insecurity, individually and collectively.

And yet, the hermetic law of correspondences that teaches As Above, So Below, and As Without, So Within, necessarily leads us back to ourselves as the source of those changes.  We now know through quantum science that it is our own consciousness that creates our reality.  Our outer world simply reflects our inner world.

Through Cancer, we learn to feel safe and secure within, no matter what’s happening ‘out there.’  Indeed, the more we accomplish inner emotional security, the more peaceful our world will become.  The New Moon in Cancer encourages us to do the inner work required to establish and maintain inner peace and stability.

Remember that evolution implies and requires change.  And change ALWAYS creates some level of anxiety and turmoil as old familiar paradigms go into flux.  Chaos reigns for a time as old structures dissolve making way for a new order to take shape, emerge and manifest. What’s changing in your life? What old patterns are disintegrating? What do you need to feel safe and secure?

For many people recent upsets and unexpected surprises have indeed wreaked havoc severely undermining emotional security.  However, its these very crises that are facilitating a necessary and growing awareness of what must change for personal evolution to continue.  The very purpose of crises is to bring about critical changes and adjustments!  New and different choices must be made in order to resolve the crises.  It’s time to break free of the past and to move forward in new directions!

Thankfully, the Sun and Moon in Cancer are joined by retrograde Chiron in Pisces and retrograde Saturn in Scorpio.  Altogether, these planets are forming a Grand Water Trine, the most positive and benevolent celestial pattern possible relative to emotional experiences.  This Grand Water Trine emphasizes and supports emotional expression.  It will be easier than usual to share your deepest and most heartfelt feelings.  Likewise, confronting your greatest fears will be a little less scary.  Accepting complete responsibility for the realities/experiences you have co-created for yourself will smooth the way and become the ultimate path to healing.

Additionally, three planetary changes in direction, as well as one planetary sign change, will also support this month’s theme of developing greater INNER emotional security.

Venus is powerfully ‘standing still’ in the heavens now as she prepares for her biannual retrograde which will occur between 0 degrees Virgo and 14 degrees Leo, from July 25th to September 6th.  The purpose of this Venus retrograde period is to review and reflect upon past crises associated with resources and relationships and to learn greater self-love.  After all, if you don’t love and value yourself, it is not possible to co-create outer relationships and financial realities that love you and reflect your true value!

On the following day, July 26th, Uranus in Aries will station retrograde until December 25th, reversing course from 21 degrees Aries to 16 degrees Aries.  Personal revelations are due and will lead to radical discoveries and revolutionary changes, affecting individuals, nations and the planet.  Pay very close attention to repetitive thoughts or ideas that just keep coming into your mind.  These repetitive thoughts are emanating directly from your Soul as it attempts to point you towards your intended future.

And Saturn in Scorpio, retrograde since March 14th, stations direct or forward in motion again on August 1st/2nd, depending on your time zone.   Saturn’s final transit through late degrees of Scorpio reflects the need to confront unresolved fears and wounds associated with losses, abandonments and betrayals that resulted in feelings of powerlessness.

Remember, that Grand Water Trine and its supportive energies will help you muster the courage to dive in and dive deep to uncover and heal all those buried hurts and traumas.  This is the path to personal re-empowerment.  For those inclined to meditate (also superbly supported by retrograde Chiron in Pisces in the Grand Water Trine) you may wish to check out a free 21 Day Meditation Program hosted by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey at http://www.chopracentermeditation.com.   It began on July 13th but you can still register and begin participation at any time throughout the 21 day program.

AND finally, on August 11th, Jupiter enters Virgo for a little over a year, increasing personal and global crises! while simultaneously expanding understanding of ourselves, each other and the world.  As Jupiter moves further into Virgo over the coming months, it will form a mutable ‘T-square’ with Saturn in Sagittarius (as of late September) and Neptune in Pisces.  This planetary pattern will enforce the need to embrace reality and face the truth.  This will be particularly true regarding the need to make different choices relative to climate change and environmental degradation that increasing threatens the health of our planet and all its inhabitants through extreme weather events and disease.  https://www.yahoo.com/health/earths-degradation-threatens-major-health-gains-124204503917.html

Successful change is always rooted in reality; rose colored glasses do NOT promote healing.  Even if it’s painful, let go of outer dependencies in order to continue to grow and evolve.  Let go willingly knowing that they have served and completed their purpose.  Bless and release them lovingly, grateful for what they taught you.

In a world filled with so much turmoil and conflict, I am reminded of a local church banner that says, “There is no way to peace; peace is the way.”  That peace begins within for each one of us…

This article is written a summary of my live public presentation that explains and analyzes the energies and influences of the New Moon in-depth.  The audio recording is available in CD or mp3 file formats for $15.  Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.


The Leo New Moon occurs on Aug 14th at 7:53 am MST!

Copyright 2015 Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting All rights reserved.



Aries New Moon: Seedlings Take Root

AriesGlyph17The Aries New Moon is the first New Moon of the natural year!  It occurs on April 18th, 2015, at 11:57 am MST at 28 degrees Aries.  Here’s the chart:  AriesNewMoon2015.  This New Moon carries a powerful ‘slow burn’ energy pattern that wants to establish and secure what’s been recently begun (November 2014 and January 2015) so that it will not only survive but ultimately thrive.

This New Moon juxtaposes opposite Yin and Yang energies.  Aries energy is quintessentially Yang, instinctively initiating actions that create new directions and new beginnings in life.  However, Mars, Aries’ ruling planet, is currently in Taurus, a pure Yin energy that deliberately slows action and consolidates forces to ‘ground’ new beginnings and manifest them into physical reality.  What Aries begins, Taurus establishes and stabilizes.

Happening at 28 degrees of Aries, this New Moon is actually void of course, meaning that the Sun and Moon will not make any more aspects with other planets before leaving Aries and entering Taurus.  Accordingly, you should wait at least a couple of days, or until the Sun enters Taurus, before taking any important steps or actions

The coming month will require patience as well as the ability to act spontaneously as alternating energies both drive you to action and draw you to stillness.  To successfully combine the best of both Yin and Yang influences, allow your intuition to be your guide.  By listening to your inner guidance, you’ll know when it’s time to act and when it’s time to wait for further insight or understanding before moving forward once again.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 20th increasing the consolidating and stabilizing forces available to nurture what’s new.  This is the time to ‘transplant’ your ‘seedlings’ into a loving ‘garden’ where they’ll put down roots that will sustain their continuing growth.  As thoughts increasing turn to matters of security, invest in what’s most meaningful and valuable to you, including your self!  Make the effort now to nurture and steadfastly care for what’s really important in your life, knowing that if you do the work, Autumn will bring an abundant harvest!

Indeed many recently initiated goals and projects embody high-minded spiritual values and universal principles. It’s really crucial now to ‘walk your talk.’  Let inspiration be your guide.  Keep moving forward – ONE STEP AT A TIME – implementing necessary actions in pursuit of noble and worthy personal, professional and spiritual goals.

This advice may seem counter-intuitive to those who follow in lock-step with mainstream ideas and expectations especially when it comes to ‘conventional wisdom’ about how to develop a business, pursue meaningful goals or invest in personal growth.  However, those who are wise know that the r-evolutionary influence of Uranus square Pluto is still quite active, and will continue to be so for several years to come.  In fact, ironically, now that the seven precise square aspects between these two are finished (June 2012 to March 2015), their peak influence has really just begun.

Progress now requires that we break free of old paradigms, particularly patriarchal paradigms that favor exclusion over inclusion, self-interest over sharing, hierarchy and control over equality and fairness.  Perhaps even more important however is a shift away from an almost exclusive left-brained, deductive way of thinking that has long favored logic over intuition and ‘cold hard facts’ over dreams.  Of course it’s always wise to stay tethered to reality, but equally important is the power of our right-brained holistic, intuitive thought processes that see beyond the limitations of the physical world.  Our right brain sees the whole picture – not just the parts, and can conceptualize and imagine what’s possible, not just what’s practical.  Intuition and imagination are the fuels that manifest our dreams.

Pluto just stationed retrograde on April 16th.  It’s still ‘stationary’ or appearing to stand  still in the heavens from our point of view here on Earth.  Stationing planets are super powerful.  Pluto symbolizes the Soul and the evolutionary process.  Until September 24th, Pluto retrograde will encourage a review of our Soul’s deepest desires.  Pluto retrograde in Capricorn (structures) will bring our attention to the nature of our current realities.  Capricorn rules the structural nature of human consciousness.  Consciousness creates reality.  Between now and September, we have an opportunity to honestly self-reflect upon what’s working and what’s not working in our world.

Want an example of how our consciousness, individually and collectively, creates our realities!  Consider how all of us are conditioned, almost from birth, to be afraid.  We’re taught to be afraid of power and authority, of losing our jobs, or not having adequate insurance, or losing our investments or even a loved one.  We’re taught to be afraid of strangers and of people from cultures that are different.  We’re taught to fear disease and identity theft and even asteroids that could destroy the planet!  For heavens sake, if you watch the news, you’re probably terrified on a daily basis!  Now consider how much ‘terrorism’ there is in our world.  This is NOT a coincidence.  Or to be more precisely accurate, I should say that it is indeed a ‘coincidence’ (coinciding incidents)!  Global terrorism is simply a reflection of the quality of our individual and collective consciousness.  Global terrorism is an outer manifestation of our inner terror and fears.

Pluto also symbolizes power and learning the right use of power.  As humans, our greatest power is our power to co-create which we do in nearly every waking moment through our free will choices.  The choices we make inherently reflect the quality of our consciousness.  Free will choices co-create our reality, consciously and unconsciously and facilitate our ongoing evolution.  The really awesome power of free will choices is when choices are made CONSCIOUSLY, not unconsciously.  Clearly its time to reclaim our power and use it consciously to co-create what we WANT, not what we don’t want!

So consider that the best use of this retrograde period is to take complete responsibility for what you’re co-creating in your life.  If you’ve experienced it, you can be sure that your consciousness helped to co-create it.  Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is a chance to re-empower your self by CONSCIOUSLY CO-CREATING your realities.

Of course in order to succeed at co-creating more desirable realities, you must determine what part of your consciousness (thoughts, beliefs) has been responsible for creating the reality or experiences that you don’t want or that’s no longer working or serving you.  The ultimate evolutionary lesson of Pluto in Capricorn is realizing that to change your reality, you must literally change your mind!

Mars, the ruling planet of this Aries New Moon, currently in Taurus, just sextiled (60 degrees) Neptune in Pisces and squared (90 degrees) Jupiter in Leo.  Together, these aspects provide the ‘juice’ to overcome the doubts of naysayers (including our own inner critic) and truly believe in your self and your dreams. It’s time to reach higher and see farther, trusting your Higher Self to guide and inspire you to create what really matters.  It’s time to realize (make real) your greatest Soul level desires.  Its time to manifest your greatest personal potential.

Further favorable support for your efforts is an upcoming waxing trine aspect (120 degrees) between Mars and Pluto on April 21st.  Mars and Pluto are a natural planetary pair.  Astrologically, Mars is known as the lower ‘octave’ of Pluto.  Again, Pluto symbolizes the Soul and its deepest desires, which for most of us reside at an unconscious level.  Mars instinctively acts upon our Soul’s deepest desires.  Mars trine Pluto reflects a tremendously positive and beneficial planetary influence that brings rewards for past efforts while simultaneously empowering current efforts.  Mars can act successfully now to manifest what really matters most.  Mars trine Pluto is an awesome invitation to evolve forward in leaps and bounds relative to your Soul’s evolutionary growth intentions in this lifetime!

So Spring has sprung!  It’s time to transplant all your new seedlings so they can take root.  Make the effort to really nurture and tend to them.  Seedlings are the perfect metaphor for our dreams and desires.  All they really need to grow is our conscious loving care and attention…

This article is written a summary of my live public presentation that explains and analyzes the energies and influences of the New Moon in-depth.  The audio recording is available in CD or mp3 file formats for $15.  Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The Taurus New Moon occurs on May 17th at 9:13 pm MST!

Copyright 2015 Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting All rights reserved.

Virgo New Moon: Crises and Necessary Adjustments

The Virgo New Moon happened at 7:12 am MST/PDT on Monday, August 25th at 2 degrees Virgo 18 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  VirgoNewMoon2014.

Virgoimage13Virgo is a transitional archetype that bridges the fully complete ego-centric development of the individual self, experienced from Aries through Leo, with the need to socialize with others by learning to be in relationship as an equal that initiates in Libra and culminates in Pisces.  The socialization process begins with one-on-one relationships in Libra and ends in Pisces when we remember that we’re all connected and are all One within the entire universal whole.

Virgo follows Leo, the sign of maximum individual development and expression, when the ego has become quite ‘full of itself’ so to speak.  Individual ego aggrandizement must be deflated before arriving at Libra, the sign associated with the need to learn balance and equality between self and others.  Virgo facilitates this ego adjustment process.  Accordingly, the Virgo archetype is most commonly experienced through crises that occur for the purpose of instigating intense self-analysis to discern what needs to be adjusted within the personal ego-centric identity.  Through Virgo, humility and self-improvements occur so the individual is ready to meet others as an equal in Libra.

Virgo carries an intrinsic psychology of inferiority. Leo’s ego-centric aggrandizement is associated with a psychology of superiority.  Both of these psychologies are distortions.  Leo thinks the whole world revolves around it.  Virgo typically focuses on what’s wrong rather than what’s right. Leo needs to learn that everyone is special and the center of their own universe.  Virgo needs to accept its imperfections and learn to see the glass as half-full, not half empty.

Virgo evolves through Pisces, its opposite sign where we learn forgiveness and compassion. Virgo/Pisces also teach discernment between delusions/lies and truth/reality. Perfection itself is a delusion. Once Virgo accepts its imperfections instead of relentlessly judging them, it can begin to heal its wounds. Virgo ultimately learns to make judgments based upon intentions, not outcomes. Self-improvement inevitably results from simply always trying to do your best.  Once Virgo embraces Pisces, and begins to develop spiritually through embracing natural laws instead of man-made laws and religions that are based upon the moral judgments of right/wrong and good/evil, then Virgo becomes a humble servant of the Divine Source that created it, aligning its personal will with higher divine will.  Then the healing really begins…

Mercury is the ruler of the Virgo New Moon and is now opposite Chiron in Pisces.  This aspect is symbolic of the psychological wounds carried in humanity’s collective unconscious resulting from thousands of years of man-made moralistic religious beliefs that have projected judgments, shame and guilt. The Sun and Moon, also in Virgo, are opposite Neptune in Pisces, the sign Neptune rules. Thus the Virgo/Pisces axis is fully activated this month so the above themes of crises, adjustments, forgiveness, humility, healing, spiritual development and self-improvement will all be emphasized. It’s time to take off those rose-colored glasses and see things as they truly are rather than continuing to buy into delusions through denial of reality. This is no small task given the ubiquitous spin, obfuscation and deliberate manipulation of facts we are bombarded with daily by governments, media, businesses and even religious and political ideological belief systems.

Its also no small task when your router goes down and won’t reset and needs to be replaced just when its time to post this New Moon message on my blog.  So for the last day and a half, I’ve been patiently awaiting my new router (my very own ‘technology crisis/adjustment’) while I was trying my best to gracefully accept my inability to go online.  Thanks everyone for your patience awaiting this post!  I have a LOT of emails to catch up on!

Notably, seven inconjunctions (150 degree angles) also occur in the Virgo New Moon chart. Inconjunct angles are themselves associated with crises that require adjustments. Crises are most likely to manifest in areas of life associated with Virgo and Pisces:  workplaces, employers and employees, pets, health matters and institutions, places of worship and religious leaders, bodies and supplies of water, chemical or drug-related matters, prisons and deceptive or fraudulent activities. Adjustments are likely to unfold between players in high-stakes legal, religious or political power struggles. The Ebola outbreak, the pursuit of equal justice in Ferguson, MO, as well as the role that drugs for depression may have played in Robin William’s recent tragic suicide are all examples of how these celestial crisis energies are already manifesting.

For Virgo to succeed in moving forward with goals of self-improvement it needs to know the following in order to successfully outwit its overdeveloped mental capacity.  This sign is masterful at rationalizing excuses, “yeah buts…” and ingenious delay and denial tactics that are all part of a procrastination strategy.  Its important to understand WHY you do this!  Virgo is so wounded by judgments it has bought into about its unworthiness, that it will typically resist moving in any new direction because its terrified of making a mistake.  Check out this TED Talk by Brune Brown, PhD.  Her recent revelatory social research into shame illuminates this very prevalent human psychology: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability.

I call this Virgo psychological distortion ‘perfection paralysis.’  Virgo fears that if it messes up its going to be judged and humiliated yet again and so there’s pressure to always be right.  Which is impossible.  Humans make mistakes.  We’re ALL evolving.  Evolution is intrinsically opposite the state of perfection.  So Virgo doesn’t even begin or try anything new.  It just make more excuses, continues to procrastinate and perhaps creates yet another crisis to fully distract itself from doing that new thing that it really needs to do that scares it to death…  Get it?

Remember, to heal you must be kind and gentle and forgiving and compassionate with yourself!  “Spiritual evolutionary growth is NOT for Sissies.”  I’ve been saying this a lot lately because I now see it in my work with clients each and every day.  But spiritual evolutionary growth IS doable.  In fact, its a driving force behind each and every Soul’s desire to reincarnate in the first place — to continue evolving.  So no more excuses!  Make a plan and get started now.  Remember too that Virgo succeeds best in moving forward ONE STEP AT A TIME.  This is the ‘perfect’ cure for ‘perfection paralysis!’  Just one step at a time…

Relationship dynamics are also in focus again this month as Venus (women) in Leo squares Mars (men) in Scorpio on the 26th and 27th. Throw off outer expectations about how your relationships should be if they conflict with who you really are or what you really value. Some relationships with incompatible goals, needs or values may necessarily end. Recognize and honor differences while remaining friendly even as you part ways.  This will minimize karmic consequences between partners.

Pluto, the planet of the Soul and its desires, as well as the evolutionary process itself is intensifying as it slows down to station direct September 22nd. Retrograde since April 14th, Pluto retrograde always encourages a review of our individual and collective realities. Now as Pluto moves forward, its direct energy can help us to change elements of our reality that aren’t working.

And finally, Mars is also beginning a new two year cycle with Saturn on August 25th as they come together at 18 degrees Scorpio.  Mars is our conscious desire nature that instinctively acts upon what it wants and Saturn has to do with self-responsibility, self-determination, developing your own inner authority and the emotional maturation process.  Use this new Mars/Saturn cycle to initiate new personal goals.  Goal-setting should focus on developing greater self-empowerment and self-responsibility, healing old wounds, pursuing deeper relationship trust and intimacy, increasing emotional maturation and achieving important personal desires. It’s time for self-adjustments that bring self-improvement. It’s time to heal ourselves, our communities and our world.  Its time to move forward in new and more meaningful directions. It’s time to BE the change we wish to see in the world!

Recently a friend offered a classic Buffalo Springfield lyric to describe the extraordinary quality of the times we’re living in. “Something’s happenin’ here; what it is ain’t exactly clear…” Perhaps Bob Dylan can provide the answer: “The times, they are a changin…”

This article is a summary of my live presentation/analysis of the New Moon chart in an approximate hour-long audio recording that includes dates/descriptions of significant upcoming astrological events for the month. The audio recording is available in CD or mp3 file formats for $15. Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The next New Moon which will be in Libra is on September 23rd at 11:14 pm MST!

 Copyright 2014 Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting. All rights reserved.

Cancer New Moon

cancer_marchettiglyphThe Cancer New Moon occurs on Friday, June 27th, at 1:08 am MST at 5 degrees Cancer 37 minutes.  Here’s the New Moon chart:  CancerNewMoon2014.  The first water sign of the zodiac, Cancer is extremely sensitive emotionally.  Not surprising then is the fact that this sign’s symbol, the Crab, carries its ‘home’ – a protective outer shell – with it wherever it goes in order to keep it safe from harm.  Accordingly, for Cancer natives, their home also provides the ultimate refuge and is of the utmost importance to them as a place of safety, security and comfort.  Cancer also rules our family of origin and the conditioning influences we’re raised with throughout our early upbringing and childhood.  Our ego-centric identity is primarily shaped by our family.  Their influence and conditioning tell us who we are and contribute either to the development of a healthy self-image or one that’s damaged resulting in low self-esteem and emotional insecurities that are often carried into adult life.

The evolutionary intention of this extremely sensitive sign is to develop INNER EMOTIONAL SECURITY. Through Cancer, we become aware of all of our outer dependencies on people, places and things that we think will provide for our happiness and well-being. As we suffer disappointments and let-downs from these outer sources, we learn that the only true source of emotional well-being is ourselves. Real emotional security can only come from within.

Jupiter has been traveling through Cancer for over a year now and is finally finishing up its role in the Grand Cardinal Cross it’s been a part of for the last eight months along with Uranus in Aries, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn.  It also continues to be part of an ongoing Grand Water Trine with Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. Increased emotionality and insecurity has resulted from the tremendous social, cultural, political and economic upheavals and changes associated with these extraordinary celestial patterns. Evolution has required that we face personal fears as we deal with all the unexpected and irrevocable but necessary changes.

Jupiter’s last hurrah in Cancer is a square aspect to the Nodes of the Moon precise on the day of the New Moon. Perhaps there’s one more major decision or choice that must be made now in order to keep moving forward as the past gives way to a better but still uncertain future?  Jupiter rules our search for truth and higher understanding so this is the planet associated with personal beliefs.  Do your beliefs contribute to your emotional well-being or do they undermine your overall sense of safety and security?  Stand up for yourself and speak your truth while respecting the right of others to do the same.  On July 16th, Jupiter leaves Cancer and enters Leo until August 2015.  I’ll explain the influence of Jupiter through Leo next month…

The ongoing Grand Cardinal Cross is further activated by the Sun all next week. The Sun will oppose retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th (watch for power struggles), square Uranus in Aries on the 8th (embrace change and break free), and square Mars in Libra on the 19th (compromise or stand-offs).  And as Mars finally finishes its post retrograde trek through Libra, it too will once again ignite this Cross. So expect more changes that will probably increase insecurities! The way to successfully navigate all these changes is to FEEL your way through.  FEEL your emotions!  Don’t deny, ignore or suppress them as our culture often teaches us to do. Acting on your emotions is optional; feeling them is not.  Seek also to understand their origins as this will help you to effectively transcend their ability to emotionally ‘trigger’ you again in the future.

The New Moon is trine Neptune which just recently went retrograde in Pisces. The purpose of retrograde Neptune is to throw off old fantasies, delusions, deceptions and feelings of victimization! Connect with the ultimate source of love, acceptance and comfort – God/Goddess – and know that no matter what’s happening in your outer world, your inner connection to Source Energy is always safe and secure.  The Sun’s connection with Neptune occurs this Sunday.  Take some quiet time for yourself to connect with Spirit, receive inner guidance and recharge your energy.  Reflect upon your feelings to fully understand their meaning and message(s).  Our feelings are the best barometer we have to know how we’re really doing as we move through life and all of its obligations, expectations and overall ‘busy-ness!’  Clearly the question of the month is, “how does this FEEL?”

And finally, matters of freedom and responsibility will take center stage later in July as retrograde Saturn in Scorpio stations direct on the 20th reflecting new realities especially concerning money, power, responsibility and authority. It’s time for greater accountability by everyone! Uranus in Aries stations retrograde July 21st for five months. Achieving and maintaining a healthy self-image requires us to be true to ourselves.  Often, being true to our self requires that we break free of expectations to conform to other people’s opinions, beliefs and values – especially our family! BE who you really truly are. For there’s really no better way to really truly ensure your INNER emotional security and well-being!

The Leo New Moon is on July 26th at 3:42 pm MST!

Copyright 2014 Donna Lee Steele All rights reserved.

Spectacular Lunar Eclipse in Libra

LunarEclipseImageBloodRedMoonA rare total lunar eclipse occurs tonight and will be visible across the Americas beginning at about 11:00 pm and lasting until about 3:00 am MST/PDT in the United States.  The Full Moon will be exact at 12:42 am MST/PDT at 25 degrees 16 minutes of the sign Libra.  Here’s the chart:  TotalLunarEclipseinLibra2014  This eclipse is the first of four total lunar eclipses in a row between now and October 2015 being referred to as a ‘tetrad’ or ‘group of four.’  Lunar eclipses occur regularly every five and half months.  But this lunar eclipse begins a TOTAL lunar eclipse ‘tetrad’ which is a rare phenomenon since lunar eclipses are not always total – where the Moon passes precisely (not a little above or a little below) the exact alignment of the Earth and Sun resulting in a complete or total blockage of the Sun’s light upon the Moon’s surface.  Additionally, what makes this tetrad rare is the fact that total eclipses of the Moon don’t often happen successively, let alone four in a row.

This lunar eclipse is further distinguished by Pluto stationing (standing still or ‘stationary’) to turn retrograde today just eight hours before the eclipse at 4:44 pm MST/PDT.  AND since the eclipse occurs across the Aries/Libra axis its also energizing the once-in-a-lifetime Grand Cardinal Cross that will reach precision for the second of three times in just a week from April 20th to the 23rd (first time was December 25-30, 2013 and the third will be June 14-25, 2014).  Finally, the fifth of seven ongoing exact square aspects (90 degree angle) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn will happen next week on April 21st.

That’s a WHOLE LOT of celestial energy!  Astrology always reflects reality through the hermetic principle of “As above, so below.”  Coincidentally, there’s also a WHOLE LOT going on in our world right now!

The primary influence of this Libra lunar eclipse is a culmination of old relationship patterns and behaviors that are no longer working.  Libra is the sign associated with learning how to be in relationships as equals which helps us to achieve and maintain balance.  But Libra is also the sign of extremes!  It’s LEARNING balance.  The polarized state of our national and global politics, cultural norms, religious beliefs and economic ‘realities’ are extraordinary examples of current EXTREMES!  We’re at a cross-roads needing to make new choices about how we treat one another and how we treat our planetary home — the natural world that sustains us.  Clearly the path we’re on has reached the limits of sustainability.

Other celestial bodies in Libra affecting the lunar eclipse pattern are informative.  They include Mars (the God of War), the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroids Juno and Vesta.  Ceres, Juno and Vesta are all heavenly bodies that represent feminine archetypes associated with unconditional love, nurturing/nourishment, partnership commitments, fidelity and passionate spiritual devotion.  For thousands of years patriarchal conditioning has suppressed and marginalized women resulting in extreme imbalances in our relationship with half of the planet’s population, with our stewardship of the environment and in our disconnection to ‘Gaia’ the quintessential feminine consciousness of our planet Earth.  Needless to say, humanity’s habitual war-like tendencies clearly also contribute to relationship imbalances!  While some are still calling for military responses to current global events (can you say Ukraine, Syria, Iran and North Korea???), its time to respond differently if efforts are to succeed.

The Grand Cardinal Cross is a planetary configuration comprised of four planets, each in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) that are square one another (90 degrees) and opposite each other (180 degrees).  Squares and oppositions are tense angular relationships whose energies are often conflicted or challenging.  Squares reflect important choice points.  These choices have to do with deciding what actions to take or whom or what to believe.  Oppositions bring issues to a head forcing either a completion or separation of existing circumstances.

Its important to understand that cardinal energy typically manifests through a dance of two steps forward, then one step back.  This is because cardinal energy instinctively initiates actions that move us in new directions.  But new experiences are often stressful because they take us into unfamiliar territory which can be frightening.  We take a step back to regroup and re-establish security when that security has been upset by moving forward in new ways.  Ultimately, through feedback received after taking those initial steps, we’re able to decide which new directions we are meant to continue moving towards.

Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn has been THE planetary ‘base note’ anchoring the Grand Cardinal Cross.  This astrological influence began in 2008 with Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn for sixteen years.  Remember 2008 was when the global economy began to dramatically contract.  In 2010, Uranus entered Aries and began forming its square angle/aspect to Pluto.  It first entered Aries in May and stayed until August when it went retrograde moving back into Pisces over the fall and winter of that year.  It returned to Aries for a stay of seven years on March 11, 2011 within hours of the 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Japan that was followed by the enormous tsunami that crippled the Fukushima Diachi nuclear power plants that are still damaged and leaking radiation to this day.  These extraordinary events are associated with two of the most powerful elements of our current global social structural paradigm (Capricorn):  how we generate power and how we operate our global market driven economies.  Both have and will continue to need radical reforms if they are to be sustained in the future.

Jupiter has been in Cancer since June 2013.  It has been reflecting our increased emotionality and growing insecurities both personally and collectively as the world around us continues to change in dramatic and sometimes unexpected ways.  One of the most important choices we all face right now is whether to embrace these changes with optimism and excitement or dread and fear.  Choose to move forward anyway even in the face of fear!  Holding on to the past will only bring pain and confusion.  Evolutionary changes are necessary now.  Resistance will only ensure an increased likelihood that these changes will ultimately be forced upon us.

Mars entered Libra in December 2013.  Typically it takes only two months to traverse a sign.  Its current retrograde cycle (March 1 to May 19, 2014) will prolong its sojourn in Libra for eight months ending in August this year.  Mars rules Aries, the sign opposite Libra.  Mars rules war but is currently in the sign of peace!

Interestingly, when planets are retrograde, their energy naturally gravitates towards the opposite sign to facilitate its own evolution.  Aries/Libra is the relationship axis of the zodiac.  These two signs represent self (Aries) and our relationship with others (Libra).  These two signs are always trying to find the right balance between independence/freedom and commitment to others.  Intuition is the guiding force necessary to achieve this balance.  When we’ve spent too much time alone, our intuition will let us know and prompt us to connect with others and be more social.  On the other hand, when we’ve been hanging out with others and socializing so much that we’ve lost track of our own individuality, then our intuition will alert us to the need to spend some time alone so we can reconnect with our own needs and wants.  Be mindful of your intuitive urges in the coming days and weeks to find the right balance between yourself and others.

The bottom line of all this energy is this:  WE ARE LIVING IN EXTRAORDINARY TIMES!  Ancient cultures the world over have shared their prophecies about this being a time where humanity will experience a quantum leap forward in consciousness towards a much greater understanding of the truth of our experiences and our reality.  Perhaps the most exciting breakthrough of our times is the discovery by quantum physicists that human consciousness affects what reality is experienced or manifested.  Put simply, we now know that consciousness creates reality.  We are indeed CO-CREATORS.  We create our reality in every moment through the uniquely human capacity of free will choices.  The trick is to choose CONSCIOUSLY instead of unconsciously.  This requires that we pay attention to what we’re thinking, feeling, believing and doing.

The Libra Lunar Eclipse is a harbinger of great change.  The heavenly patterns are reflecting important choices we now need to make in order to evolve and grow.  Its time to let go of what’s no longer working.  Its time to choose different ways of being and doing.   We have the power to change our world, solve our problems, heal the planet and restore peace and balance in all our relations.

Its time to choose anew.  What will you choose?

Blessings, Donna






Other planetary influences symbolized through the Grand Cardinal Cross

Aries New Moon

AriesGlyph3The Aries New Moon occurs on Sunday, March 30th at 11:45 am MST/PDT at 9 degrees Aries 59 minutes. Here’s the chart: Aries New Moon 2014.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac symbolizing the bursting forth of new life each Spring. This sign instinctively initiates action and tirelessly moves forward in new directions. Its purpose is to discover something unknown but special about itself and its destiny. Aries needs absolute freedom in order to pursue these personal experiences. In fact, if Aries is limited in any way, it responds with anger as it pushes forward anyway!

This New Moon in Aries is joined by Uranus, the asteroid Juno (partnership commitments) and the Moon’s South Node all symbolizing an urgent desire to forge new ways of relating to ourselves and to one another, especially the feminine half of humanity. This lunation activates the Grand Cardinal Cross of 2014 anchored by Uranus square Pluto – which itself is activating the ongoing manifestation of social revolutionary ‘seeds’ originally sown in the ‘60’s when this planetary cycle began. No wonder the same issues that demanded attention then are back in our headlines today including women’s rights, minority rights, voting rights and matters of war and peace!

Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) initiates actions, but typically does so in a dance of two steps forward, one step back. This is because moving into new experiences creates uncertainty and insecurity.  A step back in order to re-establish security is often necessary before we can muster the courage to take two more steps forward.  Often it is also because something from the past needs to be retrieved in order to successfully move forward. Perhaps we need to recreate the revolutionary fervor of the ‘60’s in order to bring about much needed global social and economic reforms now.  Or perhaps we need to reach back much further to a time before dominant patriarchal influences when we lived communally, sharing everything from food, to shelter, and even the responsibility for rearing children.  During those times we also lived in much greater harmony with and reverence for the natural world.

Mars rules Aries and is therefore the ruling planet of this New Moon.  Mars is currently retrograde (March 1 to May 19) in Libra, the sign of peace, relationships and equality. How we treat one another is topic number one since the Nodes of the Moon recently entered the signs of Aries and Libra last month (February 18, 2014).  Achieving greater balance and justice in intimate partnership matters, issues of marriage, gender and income equality, ongoing racial disparities and increased efforts in national diplomacy are all front and center in our personal and collective realities now demanding fundamental r-evolutionary changes if we are to effectively solve the current problems we face and move forward towards a better tomorrow for all of us.

Unfortunately, Mars is NOT happy being retrograde or being in Libra, its opposite sign! These influences are effectively curbing Mars’ natural tendency towards rash behavior.  They are forcing deliberation and contemplation before actions are taken. We need look no further than the near universal global condemnation of Russia’s military (Mars) aggression and intervention in the Ukraine as it recently annexed the Crimean peninsula to understand how ‘martial’ energy is currently being restrained and limited.  This restraining influence is also evident in the United State’s decision to NOT respond militarily.  Humanity’s evolution now requires that we THINK, very carefully, before we ACT!

The Sun and Moon in Aries will repeatedly aspect Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn and retro Mars in Libra over the next few days energizing the Grand Cardinal Cross. Additionally, further connections between Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mars will continue to unfold over the coming weeks with the Grand Cardinal Cross reaching a point of precision from April 20-23.

Rebellious Uranus in Aries just wants to overthrow the entire status quo!  Its revolutionary impulses will be mighty strong over the coming weeks so use this energy wisely to courageously chart a new course for yourself in areas of your life that have become stagnant or are preventing further personal growth. Open up to new experiences and different ways of doing things.  This will allow for new opportunities and new perspectives that help you break free of old outworn ideas and familiar but limiting patterns of behavior.

Jupiter in Cancer reflects the extreme emotionality of these times.  Emotional dependencies and insecurities associated with religious extremism, nationalism and protectionism can threaten current efforts towards greater global peace and cooperation.  We all need to develop a greater sense of INNER emotional security realizing that the emotional balance and well-being we desire can only truly come from within us, not through any outer source.

Pluto in Capricorn stations retrograde on April 14th just one day before a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra that will be visible from much of the Western hemisphere including the Americas.  Stationary Pluto will require patience and thorough consideration of any new ideas or plans based upon reality not idealism or wishful thinking.  The old guard will tenaciously hold onto the status quo and continue to exert their considerable power and influence.  Changes WILL inevitably come; but some will take more time than others.

Venus enters Pisces on the 5th and then conjuncts Neptune and Chiron on the 11th and 20th respectively.  These ethereal celestial energies will soften the nervous, anxious and edgy energy of the Cardinal Cross allowing divine inspiration, compassion, empathy and forgiveness to guide our actions and decisions.  There’s no better planetary connection than Venus/Neptune for spiritual guidance or inspired artistic expression.  There’s danger in Venus/Chiron however.  Be sure to review past wounds and traumas with a desire to understand WHY your Soul chose to co-create such experiences for yourself and how those experiences have facilitated the lessons your Soul has chosen to learn and evolve through in this lifetime.  Without this kind of objective analysis, wounds are likely to be re-imprinted and simply continue a consciousness of victimization.

And finally, a Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th will demand a much greater responsibility in the use of precious but limited natural resources.  On a more personal level, Taurus has to do with values and possessions.  Taurus teaches self-reliance and self-development so we learn to meet our own needs which is far more empowering than depending on someone else to take care of us.  Solar Eclipses follow a 19 year cycle.  So think back to what was happening for you in 1995 for greater insights about how this eclipse energy is likely to manifest in your own personal life since repeating astrological cycles often recreate similar events and experiences.

Also of great importance is the fact that the Grand Cardinal Cross, precise from April 20th to the 23rd will dramatically  impact the United States natal chart as it exactly aligns with our Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Libra.  In mundane astrology, which interprets the charts of nations, both the Sun and Saturn are planets associated with leadership.  America will have an extraordinary opportunity to further evolve over the coming weeks and months as our resources, values, security, self-image, beliefs and reputation are challenged and changed.

The U.S. natal Sun in Cancer is in the 2nd house of values and resources while Saturn in Libra is in the 5th house of creativity and purpose.  Those who understand the true purpose and evolutionary growth intentions of America as a nation know that our destiny is to foster and promote equality, fairness and justice for ALL.  These are lessons we began learning at our nation’s founding when many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were themselves slave owners and voting rights were granted exclusively to white men who were property owners.  It continues today as we are now learning to see ourselves as an equal among nations, not as a ‘superior’ nation.  Its no coincidence that it has recently become commonplace among some Americans to vigorously defend a national self-image of ‘exceptionalism.’  ALL nations are exceptional just as all human beings are special in their own unique way.  We continue to learn the lessons of ‘different’ but ‘equal’ and to see diversity as a strength, not a weakness.

The current Grand Cardinal Cross influence has never before been experienced by our nation in all of our 238 years of existence.  We may well be in for historic events and experiences in the near future.  Our leaders will surely be tested over the coming weeks and months as r-evolutionary social, cultural, political and economic changes continue to manifest throughout the world.  Now more than ever before we need to lead by the power of example, not by the power of force.

What new directions are unfolding in your life? Are you courageous enough to forge ahead in spite of your fears of the unknown? What new ideas are demanding your attention and action now?  Are you ready to bust out and break free?!

The current celestial influences are a once in a lifetime opportunity to change our destiny both personally and collectively. Historic and life-changing events are on the horizon! Perhaps it’s now or never so take that BIG proverbial ‘leap of faith’ and dare to boldly create the future you desire and that we all deserve!

This article is a brief summary of my live presentation/analysis of the New Moon chart in an approximate hour-long audio recording that includes dates/descriptions of significant upcoming astrological aspects for the month. The audio recording is available on CD or mp3 file formats for $15. Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse is on Monday, April 28th at 11:14 pm MST.

Copyright 2014. Donna Lee Steele. All rights reserved.