Aries New Moon: Viva la Revolution!

AriesGlyph23The Aries New Moon occurs Thursday, April 7th, at 4:24 am PDT, at 18 degrees Aries 4 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  AriesNewMoon2016.  The Ram appropriately symbolizes Aries, which always acts instinctively upon it’s desires.  Of course, the Ram is also well known for butting heads with other males in the flock as it competes for the right to mate.  Ruled by Mars, the planet of war, Aries is the sign of pure male YANG energy; forceful and strong.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries always correlates to new beginnings.  So this sign is associated with Spring time (in the Northern hemisphere), the season that reflects a new beginning each year in the natural world when new life bursts forth as plants sprout new shoots and animals give birth.  The glyph for Aries represents new seedlings that have just pushed their way up through the soil, a remarkable instinctive act of natural strength.

As the first cardinal sign, Aries instinctively initiates action.  Aries overcomes it’s considerable fears through finding courage in action itself.  Most important however is the feedback Aries receives once it does act.  This always helps Aries discover something new about itself, the evolutionary purpose of this sign.  Through the instinctive process of continuously forging ahead into new experiences and unknown territory, Aries discovers and ultimately becomes who it is as a unique individual.

Accordingly, Aries needs LOTS of independence and freedom in order to initiate instinctive actions and pursue it’s desires.  When this freedom or independence is restricted, interfered with, or limited in any way, anger is always the natural reaction of Aries.  This explains why this sign is infamous for its anger and quick temper!

This New Moon in Aries carries a volatile instinctive energy pattern full of the impulse for revolutionary change!  This is because the Sun and Moon are conjunct Uranus, the planet associated with rebellion and revolution, which is also in Aries.  The Sun, Moon and Uranus are ALL square Pluto in Capricorn, which is gaining strength and influence as it slows down now ahead of its annual station retrograde on April 18th.  The ongoing square aspect (90 degree angle) between Uranus and Pluto is the most powerful and significant astrological pattern currently in the heavens.

Even though the powerful planetary connection between these two celestial heavyweights began over five years ago, and even though the seven EXACT squares between them have already occurred (June 2012 to March 2015), their connection and influence will continue through 2020.   This New Moon in Aries re-energizes this aspect between Uranus and Pluto in a BIG way!  Ruling revolution and evolution respectively, Uranus and Pluto are fueling major transformational changes worldwide.

1%vs99%Think of all the global changes that have occurred since Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008 coinciding with the economic downturn that began on Wall Street and quickly spread around the globe.  The Arab Spring began in 2010 in Tunisia initiating widespread political upheaval throughout the Middle East and North Africa.  Then the Occupy Movement, begun in Manhattan in 2011, also spread quickly within months, occurring in cities in over 80 countries and across every continent except Anarctica.  The Occupy Movement brought the phrase “1% vs. the 99%” into our lexicon.

Syrianrefugee10Unrest in many Arab countries continues to this day as the world witnesses the largest human migration since World War II.  Europe is overwhelmed by the millions of refugees fleeing countries in the region devastated by wars between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and their proxies.  And of course, the world is still trying to recover from the 2008 global economic downtown that began here in the United States.  It seems the ‘Occupy Movement’ is currently experiencing a renaissance in the current U.S. Presidential election as issues of income inequality, corporate welfare, Wall Street corruption and rigged economic, political and justice systems have become fundamental cornerstones of campaign platforms – at least on the Democratic side of the contest.

Think too of the extraordinary cultural shifts in our own country evidenced by the nationwide legalization of gay marriage and decriminalization of marijuana in several states.  Lets not forget that America also elected our first African American President in 2008 whose landmark legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act, has forever transformed the U.S. health care industry.

GodParticleExtraordinary change has also come to the world of science and religion!  Pope Francis has both inspired followers and upset leaders of the Catholic Church as he focuses his papacy on a return to the compassionate teachings of Jesus, rather than the traditional moralistic and highly judgmental doctrines so ingrained in the history and hierarchy of that centuries old religious institution.  Of course, the Islamic faith is also undergoing its own tremendous revolution as radical extremists continue to hijack and distort the peaceful teachings and traditions of that age old world religion.  As all this is happening, the scientific community discovered the “God Particle” in the Summer of 2012!

Quantum science continues to leap forward in its understanding of how life is created in our Universe.  Of particular interest to many is the emerging science of consciousness that has not only proven that consciousness creates reality, but is also proving the existence of the phenomenon of the ‘Soul!’

On a day to day basis, it can be difficult to grasp the magnitude of change currently unfolding on our planet.  Nevertheless, humanity continues to be in the midst of extraordinary levels of r-evolutionary change and transformation relative to old social, political, cultural, economic, religious and scientific structures and paradigms.

Expect this extraordinary pace of change to accelerate!

Uranus is associated with the archetype of liberation.  Uranus ALWAYS works to free us from whatever limitations are preventing further evolutionary growth on both individual and collective levels.  This is why Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution.  Often, in order to break free of the restrictions associated with the status quo, we must rebel against those forces that expect us to unquestioningly conform and comply to old established forms and structures and their rules and regulations.

It’s worth noting that when evolutionary changes are resisted for too long, Uranus acts to suddenly and unexpectedly shatter old realities and paradigms to enforce necessary change so that evolutionary growth can continue.  Resistance to necessary evolutionary change is in fact the primary causative factor for cataclysmic events.  In these cases, Uranus acts like an earthquake, transforming the landscape forever.

FukishimaDisaster2011Currently moving through Aries, Uranus has been shaking things up in order to wake us up since May 2010 when it first entered Aries.  In fact, the very day that Uranus re-entered Aries (it’s first retrograde returned it to Pisces for eight months from August 2010 to March 2011), the catastrophic 9.0 Tohoku earthquake occurred off the Northeast coast of Japan that triggered the explosions and subsequent meltdown at the Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on March 11, 2011.  Clearly this was a cataclysmic event.  It actually happened within just two hours of Uranus returning to the sign of Aries!  Revolutionary Uranus will remain in Aries, the sign of new beginnings until 2019.

And speaking of power…

Astrologically, the issue of power is ruled by Pluto and its sign, Scorpio.  Pluto represents the Soul and the evolutionary process itself.  Accordingly, Pluto teaches the right uses of power.  Intrinsically, all human beings are endowed with the power of FREE WILL CHOICE which facilitates the very process of human evolution.  Unfortunately, in our modern reality, most of us have been conditioned to attribute power to mundane and material things, like status and wealth.  Interestingly, Pluto also rules sex and death, two other things we typically associate with power.  Of course these are the things most commonly used to manipulate and control or wield power over others.  These behaviors always reflect gross misuses of power.

With Pluto currently moving through Capricorn (2008 to 2025), and the Sun, Moon and Uranus in Aries now squaring Pluto in Capricorn in this New Moon chart, those in positions of authority who are abusing their power will increasingly be exposed as their lies and corrupt practices are revealed.  Capricorn is the sign associated with established social structures like governments and with those in positions of social authority like CEO’s, bankers, politicians and religious leaders.

Iceland's Prime Minister Sigmundor David Gunnlaugsson and his wife Anna Sigorlaug Palsdottir

Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundor David Gunnlaugsson and his wife Anna Sigorlaug Palsdottir

A perfect example of the power of the Sun square Pluto (April 6th) to expose corruption just happened this week with the release of over 11 million documents called the ‘Panama Papers.’  This cyber attack/hack is the largest leak in modern history.  It revealed the names of hundreds of individuals including twelve heads of state, government leaders and their wealthy associates, as well as mafia figures and drug and weapons traffickers who have stashed their wealth in tax havens with the aid of a Panamanian law firm, Mossack Fonseca.  Among them are Ukraine’s President, Petro Poroshenko, and Iceland’s Prime Minister, Sigmundor David Gunnlaugsson, who resigned on Tuesday after more than 10,000 citizens in Iceland protested against he and his wife’s tax evasion.

For more information on this story go to

Remember I recently mentioned ‘International Transparent Forensic Accounting’ in a previous blog post? It appears this phenomenon is gaining ground as shocking (Uranus) levels of global corruption involving the rich and powerful are brought to light.  The Panama Papers classically illustrate how Pluto operates.  It first reveals and exposes that which is corrupt, decayed or dysfunctional.  Once revealed, those things will either be healed or come to an end.  Indeed this week has already brought an end to one career (Capricorn) for a leader who was abusing the power and authority of his position of prominence.  There will no doubt be more.

But now let’s also look at power from a more mundane point of view…

WindturbineThe world needs power in the form of energy sources in order to function.  Most of our cars still run on gasoline that fuels their engines, as does much of the machinery of industry.  Countless other common materials and profitable business products like fertilizers, plastics and pesticides that have become ubiquitous in modern life are manufactured from petroleum and its derivatives.  Oilspill

Fossil fuels have powered global economies for a century and a half.  However, petroleum is a deadly pollutant that is destroying ecosystems all across our planet.  Scientists unanimously agree that we’ve reached a tipping point.  For our evolution to continue, indeed for our very survival, we must now make different choices regarding energy sources.

Why haven’t we made this necessary change yet?  Why are we resisting the very change Mother Nature (who we are all ONE with) is quite dramatically insisting we must make in order to survive?  The answer is that the petroleum industry has vast wealth and holds enormous power over the very politicians whose responsibility it is to make energy policy changes.  Did I mention already that political systems are ‘rigged’ and corrupt?  The increasing frequency of extreme weather events reflect our stubborn resistance to necessary evolutionary changes relative to how we generate energy and utilize ‘power’ sources.  Unless and until we collectively make a different free will choice, we’ll no doubt continue to experience cataclysmic weather events and increasing outbreaks of infectious diseases resulting from environmental degradation and climate change.

Solarpanels3So we find ourselves at a choice point relative to how we power our lifestyles.  The crisis of climate change and its extreme weather events and rising sea levels are alerting us to the need to evolve away from our old destructive fossil fuel energy paradigm.  We must move quickly, globally, towards renewable energy sources that are clean, healthy and sustainable.  It’s time to r-evolutionize (Uranus and Pluto) our  relationship with energy and power!

Transforming our energy policies (Pluto) is not the only necessary evolutionary change we’re facing.  We obviously also need to change our politics.  Uranus rules politics because it’s  associated with how societies form groups within themselves.  The most common social grouping we all experience is our friends.  On a larger scale however, social groups are reflected through political parties.  Anyone notice the increasing chaos upending established political parties and systems the world over?  The current Presidential election process underway in the United States has completely shattered longstanding political ‘conventional wisdom’ as pundits, journalists and strategists find themselves utterly baffled at both Donald Trump’s and Bernie Sander’s success.  The ‘political revolution’ Bernie Sanders is calling for is indeed  happening!

So this New Moon powerfully re-ignites the ongoing r-evolutionary Uranus/Pluto connection.  But that’s not all it’s doing.  In addition, the Sun and Moon — and Uranus too are all inconjunct (150 degree angle) both the North Node and retrograde Jupiter in Virgo.  So what do these planetary connections mean?

Virgo is the sign of crises!  The New Moon’s connection to Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo reflects the need to make necessary changes and adjustments in order to effectively resolve and heal these crises.  Many things ruled by Virgo are currently capturing headlines.  For example, Virgo represents workers and workplaces so it’s not at all surprising that efforts to raise the minimum wage in the United States are finally gaining traction.  Just this week Governor Brown of California and Governor Cuomo of New York signed legislation raising their state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour.  Other cities like Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco have already enacted similar wage increase laws.

Virgo is also associated with health and healthcare systems.  Even as ‘Obama-care’ has dramatically reduced the number of uninsured Americans, varying statistics estimate over 30 million still have no health insurance.  So it’s also not surprising that a single payer healthcare system is once again front and center in the political discourse as a cornerstone of one of the Presidential candidate’s campaigns, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

zikavirusmosquitoVirgo also rules the environment and it’s health.  As Jupiter moves through this sign (August 2015 to September 2016) it’s reflecting the enormous scale of environmental degradation.  So once again, it should not be surprising that we’ve also been experiencing an expansion of infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola and the Zika virus.  Also dramatically increasing are drug-resistant strains of bacterial organisms and viruses like tuberculosis and MRSA.  This phenomenon will increasingly threaten the health of people and animals all over the planet.

So thank heavens Jupiter also rules man-made laws and legislative processes.  Jupiter’s transit through Virgo has coincided with a growing number of successful legal actions against big environmental polluters.  Lawsuits prohibiting the manufacture of toxic pesticides responsible for decimating crucial pollinator species like bees, butterflies and bats have recently prevailed against corporate behemoths like Bayer and Monsanto.  Last month legislation banning GMO labeling laws set to go into effect soon in Vermont failed in Congress.  Additionally, several states Attorneys General have joined with New York’s Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, who has brought suit against Exxon Mobil and others in the petroleum industry for fraud based upon decades of deceptive information provided to their shareholders about the impact of climate change due to fossil fuels.

HoneybeepollinatingcropsIt’s also likely that legal efforts against fracking, oil pipeline construction, offshore oil exploration and drilling will continue to grow and succeed all across this country.  Jeffrey Wolf Green, the founder of Evolutionary Astrology said over twenty years ago, “Environmentalism will become the new religion.”  As Jupiter in Virgo connects with the Sun and Moon in Aries now, we’ll continue to see changes and adjustments evidenced by environmental activism and legislation.  Not only will these efforts grow in strength and numbers but also in their success against corporate, financial and political interests that have a legacy of destroying our planet for profits.

The bottom line is that through the current influence of Virgo, healthier choices are gaining ground worldwide, among individuals, communities and nations!  What new choices are you making in support of your own personal health and well-being?  What changes are you pursuing to improve your work life or benefit your career path?

And finally, the Aries New Moon is also trine (120 degree angle) Saturn in Sagittarius.  This is a most auspicious planetary pairing!  In addition to Jupiter’s benevolent influence for legal actions against wrongdoing, the Sun’s very favorable connection to Saturn in Sagittarius (the sign ruled by Jupiter) is also bringing rewards and success to those whose prior efforts have worked for the common good or in pursuit of truth and justice.  Saturn’s association with responsibility, accountability and maturity, will be reflected in significant progress and achievement for those who have and continue to act ethically, with honesty and integrity (Sagittarius) for the benefit of all.

The influence of Sun in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius is reflected in recently enacted new rules regulating Advisors in the financial industry.  They must now put their client’s best interests ahead of their own profit goals.  Reports show that Financial Advisors have pocketed an average of $18 billion a year from the pension funds of those they advise.  This protection for worker’s hard-earned retirement savings is long overdue.  Another timely example of ethical responsibility is the decision by Paypal’s CEO, Dan Shulman, to cancel the company’s plan to expand their massive global operations center in Charlotte, North Carolina, after the state’s legislature passed a law repealing the city’s recent ban against discrimination for those in the LGBT community.

Pope Francis meets with the Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, left, and Abdul Azeem Salhab, Head of the Waqef supreme court, near the Dome of the Rock Mosque

Pope Francis meets with the Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, left, and Abdul Azeem Salhab, Head of the Waqef supreme court, near the Dome of the Rock Mosque

Sagittarius rules the search for truth so it represents the world’s religions and faith traditions.  Another historic example of maturity and integrity focused on the well-being of many has been evidenced time and again by Pope Francis as he has met with religious leaders from many faith traditions.  In the Spring of 2014 he met with Muslim, Jewish and Orthodox leaders in Jerusalem saying, “a visit to the Holy Land would not be complete without a meeting with the Muslim communities.”

Saturn is the planet of discipline and self-determination necessary to obtain our goals particularly those requiring serious, long-term effort and commitment.  What important goals are you working towards?  How are you evolving into a greater experience of maturity, personal responsibility and accountability?

Indeed MANY GOOD THINGS are happening throughout the world!  We just don’t hear much about them from corporate-owned mainstream media sources whose agenda depends upon fear and distortions of truth.  But then we all have the responsibility of making choices, daily, between fear and hope, despair and inspiration, truth or lies.

Long-term readers of my monthly New Moon posts, as well as those who listen to Heavenly Help, my free weekly podcast know that I’ve been saying for years (since about 2010!) that we are living in extraordinary times.  Ancient cultures the world over foresaw this time in human history as a time of tremendous evolutionary growth and change.  Their prophecies predicted both a time of great leaps forward in human consciousness and a time of cataclymic changes on planet Earth.

Consider the fact that every Soul alive on the planet today, including you, CHOSE to be here now.  This means at a Soul level, each and every one of us intended to be part of these r-evolutionary changes.  Indeed I believe the discovery of the Higgs Boson, or ‘God Particle’ reflects this revelatory leap forward in human consciousness foretold by the ancients long ago.  Since physicists discovered that consciousness creates reality, human beings now KNOW that we are responsible for the realities we are experiencing because we are the ones co-creating those realities through the power of our free will choices, individually and collectively.





The Taurus New Moon occurs on May 6th at 12:29 pm MST!

Copyright 2016.   Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.   All rights reserved.





Aquarius New Moon: Awakening Consciousness

AquariusImage20The Aquarius New Moon occurs on Monday, February 8, 2016, at 7:39 am at 19 degrees Aquarius 15 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  AquariusNewMoon2016.

Aquarius is perhaps the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac.  Many people believe Aquarius is a water sign.  This is probably because Aquarius has long been known as the ‘Water Bearer’ who is always shown pouring water from an urn.  Aquarius is actually an air sign and that water is symbolic of cosmic knowledge the heavens offer for all mankind.

Air is the element associated with all forms of information and intelligence.  As the third and final air sign of the zodiac Aquarius represents the highest forms of thought and knowledge – cosmic wisdom.

AquariusImage13Aquarius’ glyph, two wavy lines atop one another, represents frequency waves, not water waves.  Accordingly, Aquarius rules all things associated with intelligent information that travels invisibly through the air, transmitted and received by things like computers, radios and crystals.  Accordingly, Aquarius also rules energy, electricity, airplanes and satellites, the internet, electronic devices, Reiki and lightning.  This sign is also associated with science and technology so it rules invention and discovery.

Human consciousness is pure energy.  Human thoughts can actually be measured as brain thoughtsarethingswaves of varying frequencies.  Each thought and feeling we have transmits energy that emanates out from our consciousness.  Ultimately, that energy manifests into physical reality and experience.  Ever heard “Energy flows where thoughts go”  or “Energy manifests”?  Quantum mechanics began to prove in the early 1800’s that these sayings are in fact true.  Consciousness does indeed create specific realities, out of a field of infinite possibilities, based upon what we focus our attention on.  These two links provide further information on the emerging science of consciousness: and

scienceandreligionThroughout the ages, mystics, sages and holy people have taught us the importance of being mindful of our thoughts.  As science and spirituality re-unite, we’re once again able to understand these ancient wisdom teachings previously thought of as mythologies.  Now we realize that scientific truths are embedded in many spiritual texts.  We now know that consciousness literally creates all reality, and that this process of co-creation is facilitated through FREE WILL CHOICES.

Uranus rules Aquarius, the sign of this New Moon, and it continues to be quite powerfully connected to several other planets.  First and foremost, Uranus is still within orb of a square aspect with Pluto.  While the seven exact square aspects (90 degree angular relationship) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn occurred between June 2012 and March 2015, the influence of these two celestial heavyweights is actually more powerful now having moved beyond their crescent phasal relationship into a first quarter square phase with one another.  This reflects a shift from YIN to YANG energy forces.  Overall, their current connection will take an entire decade to unfold (2008 and 2018) promising ongoing r-evolutionary change throughout the world for years to come.

Consider that Uranus and Aquarius rule energy and scientific breakthroughs, Pluto is associated with the evolutionary process itself, Capricorn rules the structural nature of human consciousness and the sign of Aries always symbolizes new beginnings, and you can easily grasp what the highest possible manifestation of Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn could be:  a revolutionary breakthrough in human consciousness that transforms our earthly reality!  But we must consciously choose it!

socialunrestCurrently moving through Aries, Uranus is also inconjunct Mars in Scorpio.  Uranus and Mars symbolize the need for radical political and economic reforms demanded by outer social forces.  Unless and until these changes occur, we can expect increasing social unrest particularly among the world’s youth and disenfranchised.  We’ll also likely continue to experience political upheaval and financial volatility – all powerful catalysts for change!

Another important breakthrough in awareness we can manifest at this extraordinary time in human history is the realization that human consciousness is not only a receiver of intelligent information, but also a transmitter of information.  Understanding this truth is a compelling impetus to become more responsible for the quality of our consciousness personally and collectively.  It encourages us to become much more mindful of our thoughts and what we’re co-creating with those thoughts.  Shifting from the false belief that we are victims of our reality to the truth that we are actually co-creators of our reality, and therefore in charge of our own destiny, would utterly transform our human experience.  THOUGHTS MATTER BECAUSE THOUGHTS LITERALLY MANIFEST INTO MATTER!

Yet another breakthrough in our awareness would be an increased understanding of the power of collective consciousness.  When many people focus their consciousness on a singular thought, idea, feeling or desire, the power of that thought stream is exponentially increased.  Science has also verified this truth through many experiments that prove the efficacy of group meditation to alter existing realities including decreasing levels of crime, changing the weather, and manifesting physical healings.  Similarly, scientific studies have also shown significant, measurable spikes in our collective consciousness field when global tragedies occur.

For some months now we’ve also been experiencing a powerful celestial pattern called a ‘T-Square.’  This is a planetary configuration comprised of at least two planets that are opposite one another (180 degrees apart) while both are simultaneously square (90 degrees apart) a third planet.   The opposite planets are Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.   Jupiter is also joined by the North Node in Virgo and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces are joined by the South Node in Pisces.  ALL are simultaneously square Saturn which is now moving through Sagittarius.  Since Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter) and Pisces (ruled by Neptune) rule conscious and unconscious beliefs respectively, and Sagittarius rules the search for truth, Astrologers are calling this a ‘Spiritual T-Square.’

Altogether, this T-Square is reflecting the urgent and timely need to review and reflect upon WHAT we believe and WHY we believe what we believe to determine if its really true.  To resolve the many crises (Virgo) we face, we must realign with reality (Virgo), throw off false beliefs that are co-creating false and distorted realities, and make the personal effort to heal and improve situations that are simply no longer working or serving our needs.  One of the most damaging false beliefs humanity must let go of is the belief that we’re powerless to change our reality — that we are essentially victims of fate.  Indeed, nothing is further from the truth!

Both Venus and Pluto in Capricorn will favorably trine (120 degree angle) Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo and sextile (60 degree angle) Chiron and the South Node in Pisces reflecting the courage and discipline to heal old identities rooted in victimization and powerlessness.  Watch February 9th and 10th as well as March 16th for opportunities to take greater personal responsibility and to make important choices relative to self-improvements effecting personal health and well-being particularly regarding everyday work issues, personal finances, matters pertaining to truth, honesty and integrity and choosing to honor what is truly most meaningful and important in your life.   Rewards will come easily to those who ‘do the work.’

Aquarius facilitates evolutionary breakthroughs that liberate us through its natural ability to detach emotionally.  This sign is often accused of being distant, cool and aloof especially in emotional situations.  But this is not the case!  Aquarius feels emotions just like everyone else.  What’s different about Aquarius is its intrinsic capacity to be objective.  Aquarius teaches OBJECTIVITY!  Once we’re able to detach, step back, and observe what’s really happened or is happening, we can easily see and therefore change the old ways of being that were co-creating those situations.

One of the most important breakthroughs associated with Aquarius, is the ability to liberate from the pressure to conform to other’s expectations especially those of family and society.  Aquarians ALWAYS feel different – because they are!  They are not meant to ‘fit in.’  They’re meant to stand out!  This is the sign of unconventional, non-conformists, radicals and revolutionaries!  If conforming to consensus reality, mainstream values and the status quo requires self-betrayal or denial of your true self, Aquarius will teach you to become a ‘group of one!’

It may come as no surprise then that Aquarius is also the sign of trauma which is so often experienced by those who refuse to conform.   Standing apart from the crowd is difficult.  It requires courage.  But know this:  When the forces of liberation and evolution are resisted by individuals for too long their Soul will co-create cataclysmic events in order to enforce the necessary evolutionary changes.  When necessary change is resisted for too long by groups of people on a collective level, rebellion results that ultimately brings social revolutions!

The Sun and Moon in Aquarius are square Mars in Scorpio in the New Moon chart signaling clashes between intense forces – to both resist and embrace necessary changes – particularly relative to matters of wealth  bankstersand power (Pluto and Scorpio) and politics (Uranus and Aquarius).  Old financial and political realities and paradigms that are no longer working to serve the needs of the whole of humanity are disintegrating.  It’s time to reclaim our collective power and make different choices.  Resistance to these necessary changes by the forces of the status quo is strong.  Dramatic evidence of this is inherent in the endless power struggles, between people and their governments, between political factions, between nations and between different cultures and races.  Fortunately, evolutionary forces ALWAYS win out over forces of resistance.  One way or another, change WILL occur.  It’s only a matter of time…

The Sun and Moon are also inconjunct (150 degrees – a crisis angle) Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo in the New Moon chart.  This planetary connection reflects the increasing urgency to address the crises of climate change, disease outbreaks, environmental degradation and overwhelming refugee migrations due to war and poverty.  Often Virgo reflects consciousness rooted in victimization that undermines it’s ability to objectively analyze reality.  We’ve now reached a point where extraordinary effort will be required to heal the physical, psychological and spiritual wounds so many of us carry.  But we must do so if we are to transform our individual and collective consciousness that continuously co-creates realities that manifest death, violence, inequality, injustice and corruption.

This Aquarius New Moon is also sextile Uranus, its ruler, in Aries, the sign of new beginnings.  This aspect reflects a choice point relative to manifesting a new direction.  We simply need to find the courage to take the first steps knowing that as we move into unfamiliar territory, we’ll need to take a step back periodically to review our choices and adjust course if need be.  Aries always moves forward instinctively so it stands to reason that it naturally unfolds through a process of two steps forward, one step back.  So don’t worry if you make a choice and then realize it wasn’t quite right.  Simply make another choice and proceed.  Likewise, realize that not all new starts are meant to be completed.  Just keep choosing anew until you’ve found the right course where doors open and solutions are found.  Just keep moving forward ONE STEP AT A TIME!

Fortunately, this  New Moon in Aquarius promises scientific breakthroughs and discoveries that can bring innovative solutions to some of our most urgent problems.  It’s power of objectivity can help us to break free of many old realities and old paradigms.  This energy can help us to liberate ourselves from false beliefs and distortions of truth that have dis-empowered us and literally kept us in the dark for millennia.

Aquarius is the sign of awakening.  It’s energy is like turning on a light in a dark room!  It brings the AHA moments of our lives.  It’s time to wake up and to realize just how powerful we truly are.  It’s time to change our thoughts from anger, fear and hatred, to love and peace and kindness.  If we truly wish to change our reality, we must change our thoughts which will in turn change the quality of our consciousness which is the source that co-creates our realities.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us.  As above, so below.  The planets don’t make things happen but they do indeed reflect our reality.  The powerful heavenly patterns in place now, including this Aquarius New Moon, are reflecting a quantum shift in human consciousness.  And not a moment too soon!

The following parable has long been a favorite of mine and is perhaps a perfect way to end this post:

Words of Wisdom

An Elder Native American woman was teaching her Grandchildren about life.

She said to them, “A fight is going on inside me.  It’s a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, doubt,
jealousy, inferiority, shame, hatred, lies, false pride and ego.

The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, truth, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, friendship,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, compassion and faith.

This same fight is going on inside you too and inside every other person.”

Her grandchildren thought about what she had said for a while and then one child asked, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Grandmother simply replied, “The one you feed.”


You may also find this additional channeled source of information inspiring and enlightening:

The Pisces New Moon is a Solar Eclipse on March 7th at 6:54 pm MST!

Copyright 2016.  Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.  All rights reserved.

Aquarius New Moon 2.0 – Revolution is in the Air!

AquariusImage9The second Aquarius New Moon of 2015 occurs on February 18th at 29 degrees Aquarius 59 minutes at 4:47 pm MST.  Here’s the chart:  AquariusNewMoon2015-2.  Happening at the final minute of the sign, this New Moon reflects the ultimate Aquarian potential:  liberation and freedom.  It carries a blueprint for revolution!

This is the second New Moon in Aquarius in a month. The last New Moon was at 0 degrees Aquarius 9 minutes on January 20th.  It ‘seeded’ the creative potential for change.  This New Moon is at 29 degrees Aquarius 59 minutes – literally the final minute of Aquarius. This New Moon is ‘seeding’ an extreme desire for radical change!

The coming month will bring opportunities to break free of the restrictions and limitations of the past.  Circumstances that are preventing further evolutionary growth will be exposed, challenged, confronted and overthrown.   Sudden unexpected events will take many by surprise as pent-up frustrations and emotions burst forth changing long-held social and cultural paradigms.  The status quo is about to be dramatically up-ended in various ways in countries and cultures the world over.  What are you willing to do to bring about necessary change in your life?  What’s holding you back? Where do you feel stuck or afraid to move forward?

Aquarius is the sign of progressives, rebels and revolutionaries.  But Aquarius is also a ‘fixed’ energy sign reflecting the desire for stability and security and as a result, a tendency to resist necessary change!

Nevertheless, the archetype of Aquarius holds a vision of the future that leads the way propelling us forward into new and unknown territory when the forces of evolution inevitably overcome the forces of resistance.  Often, the result is cataclysmic, like an earthquake that occurs when the forces of resistance between tectonic plates finally give way.  These unexpected events bring much-needed change, irrevocably transforming the landscape of our lives.  Get ready to witness tremendous forces of change in the coming weeks and months that will alter the status quo in markets and economies, governments, leaders and countries, science and technologies, as well as energy, education, medicine, travel and religion.

Naomi Klein’s bestselling book entitled, “This Changes Everything” exposes the downside of capitalism and is but one example of a global energy/economic paradigm shift underway.  Read more about the associated fossil fuel divestment movement at

Current revolutionary influences are also evident in a recent statement made by newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who’s national Syriza party won with a campaign promising to end the austerity policies demanded by the IMF and the European Central Bank as part of the European Union’s 2010 bailout of Greece’s troubled financial situation.  Last week Tsipras told his parliment, “We have made the decision to clash with a regime of political and economic power that plunged our country into the crisis and is responsible of Greece’s depreciation on international levels.”   Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has been equally blunt, declaring that his government will “destroy the oligarchy” in order to increase tax revenues, open markets and spur economic growth.

Interestingly, Tsipras, now 40 years old, is experiencing his ‘Uranus opposition.’  Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, takes 84 years to completely orbit the Sun.  In an individual’s life, Uranus reaches its half-way point – which is opposite its natal position – during the late thirties and early forties.  This astrological ‘life passage’ is always characterized by revelatory breakthroughs in personal perspectives that bring radical change.  Uranus oppositions typically alter an individual’s life path!

Uranus rules this New Moon and currently continues to move through Aries (2010 to 2018), the sign of new beginnings.  In mid-January Uranus aligned with the Moon’s South Node in Aries reflecting the need to let go of old consciousness and reality paradigms in order to make room for new ones.  Indeed this New Moon pattern reflects the energy of both endings and beginnings.

Accordingly, many experienced losses and forced ‘letting go’ situations last month.  And while many Souls recently left the planet, the new Souls born now carry the celestial blueprint of radical change.  These new ‘Uranus square Pluto aligned with the Moon’s Nodes Souls’ will carry forward the ‘seeds’ of this time of great change on planet Earth.  As they grow and mature in the coming decades they’ll manifest ongoing revolutionary breakthroughs in outworn global social structures through a continuing process of evolution in human consciousness.  The resulting realities co-created by this generation will continue to dramatically alter the ‘landscape’ of our world.

At 29 degrees of Aquarius, this New Moon also stands very powerfully at the exact mid-point between Uranus and Pluto.  This position equally reflects both the fears and resistance to letting go of old familiar but increasing dysfunctional and meaningless ways (Pluto in Capricorn), and the anxiety, uncertainty and doubt associated with the struggles of embracing new and as yet untested ways (Uranus in Aries).

However, we’re increasingly realizing that we simply must change how we live and work together and how we solve our problems.  A timely review of values, how we think and what we believe is underway now reflected by Saturn’s three year passage (December 2014 to December 2017) through Sagittarius, the sign of truth and beliefs.  Have you noticed how many news stories of late are about the exposure of  lies, deceptions and changing religious doctrines?  A huge contributing factor to our evolving consciousness is the ability to discern what’s true and what’s not!

Saturn stations retrograde on March 14th beginning a four and a half month review of structures, systems, governments, leaders and authority figures.  Watch for revelatory insights at the time of this station about your own personal authority relative to ambitions, goals, responsibilities and obligations.  Perhaps career changes are coming or changes in relationships with parents or children.

Here are some more exciting examples of recent discoveries and breakthroughs and the resulting radical shifts in our collective consciousness and changing realities relative to mainstream media, economics, politics and energy:

Coincidentally, in a perfect example of divine timing, the seventh and final exact square aspect between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn occurs on March 16, 2015.  The first exact square between these two astrological powerhouses happened June 24, 2012.  More than any other current celestial pattern, these two planets have been reflecting the enormous changes on our planet over the past several years including the great global recession, the Arab Spring, the worldwide Occupy movements, increasing acceptance of marriage equality, church reforms under Pope Francis, revelations about global surveillance, intensifying climate changes and shifting political alliances between countries especially among BRIC nations.  Even though the precise alignments between these planets of revolution and evolution are finishing up now, we’ll continue to feel and experience their dramatic r-evolutionary energies throughout the world for several more years to come.

Also notable in this New Moon pattern is the fact that just two minutes after the New Moon occurs at the 29th degree of Aquarius, both the Sun and Moon enter Pisces, the final zodiac sign associated with culmination and completion of the Soul’s journey.  Pisces represents spirituality and the universal principle of connectedness or ‘One-ness.’  This New Moon reflects an awesome transition point between the logic of our intelligent conscious minds (Aquarius) and the deep empathy, forgiveness and compassion inherent in our divine spiritual nature (Pisces).

Aquarius rules the process of awakening consciousness.  Perhaps there is no greater ‘breakthrough!’  As humanity continues to wake up and realize that we are indeed All One, we’re increasingly evolving individually and collectively towards UNITY consciousness.  After all, we are indeed living in a time of prophecy foretold by ancient cultures and civilizations the world over.  These prophecies predict a quantum leap forward in human consciousness through spiritual awakening.  Accordingly, Hopi Elders have said of these times, “We are the ones we are waiting for.”

It’s as if humanity is now standing on a precipice while powerful forces threaten to blow us over the edge.  And even while the past continues to crumble and lose meaning, the future sometimes looks pretty scary. It’s time for the proverbial ‘leaps of faith!’

If we can muster the courage, alone or together, to leap forward into the unknown, we’ll no doubt realize the truth in another wise and encouraging quote: “Comes a time when you feel the wings you’ve grown lifting.”  Rumi


This article is written a summary of my live one-hour presentation that analyzes and explains the energies and influences of the New Moon chart in-depth.  The audio recording is available in CD or mp3 file formats for $15.  Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The Pisces New Moon is a Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th!

Copyright 2015.  Donna Lee Steele and Threshold Consulting.  All rights reserved.

Aquarius New Moon: Chaos and Creativity

AquariusImage11The Aquarius New Moon occurred at 6:14 am MST on January 20th 0 degrees Aquarius 8 minutes.  Here’s the chart:  AquariusNewMoon2015.  Aquarius is perhaps the most misunderstood sign.  Many mistakenly think it’s a water sign because it’s represented by the ‘Water Bearer.’  However, the ‘water’ being poured from an urn symbolizes ‘cosmic knowledge’ for all humanity.  As the final air sign (following Gemini and Libra) Aquarius reflects ‘cosmic mind’ and the highest levels of human intelligence and consciousness.  This sign carries information invisibly through the air waves which explains its wavy glyph.  Those two squiggly lines are energetic frequency waves, not water waves.  Accordingly, Aquarius rules energy, electricity, lightning, radio, crystals, prayer, Reiki, technology, computers and the internet.

Aquarius’ evolutionary intention is liberation.  It seeks freedom from all outer sources of conditioning that expect conformity to consensus or mainstream values, beliefs, opinions, norms, traditions and even taboos.  The primary sources of this conditioning are family, religion, culture and society.

Breaking free sometimes requires a revolution!  It nearly always requires an ability to step back, emotionally detach, and observe people and circumstances dispassionately in order to see them clearly and objectively.  Fortunately, Aquarians have all of these abilities naturally!  They’re often accused of being aloof and unemotional and indeed they can be.  But not because they’re unfeeling or uncaring.  Its simply because they possess these essential abilities that facilitate their evolutionary growth intention – to break free so they can be who they truly are – unique and different individuals.  This is no small task!

Human history is full of evidence of what happens to those who refuse to conform to religious, social and cultural norms.  Those who rebel against these norms are often judged, criticized and dismissed.  And these are the ones who got off easy.  Others have been hated, reviled, rejected, exiled and even tortured and killed.  Individuals who refuse to follow the ‘rules’ often experience trauma.  When the masses refuse and rebel, we have a revolution!

Those born with an Aquarian emphasis KNOW they are different from the moment they’re born.  These are Souls who intend to embrace and express their unique individuality.  Ultimately, Aquarius stops trying to fit in and learns to accept that they’re different.  In the end, they learn to value their differences and to love themselves as they are, not as anyone else expects them to be.  So Aquarius needs all the detachment and objectivity they can muster in order to think and be and live authentically, which is typically ‘outside the box!’

These unique Souls also naturally understand social systems and can more easily ‘see’ the limitations of mainstream, consensus reality or what we call the ‘status quo.’  They can also ‘see’ the future and often become social workers and scientists, politicians and revolutionaries who invent and discover solutions to society’s problems.  These folks often lead the way towards progressive breakthroughs that move societies forward.

Uranus rules Aquarius and therefore this New Moon.  It passed over the South Node of the Moon just hours before the New Moon.  The South Node represents the past and what we need to let go of in order to continue evolving towards the future.  With Uranus currently transiting through Aries, the sign of the self, an imbalance of self-interest or selfishness that undermines the health and well-being of the whole must be relinquished.

To solve many of the problems we face in our world today requires a new awareness of how what each of us does as individuals affects others.  We need a new mindset that remembers that we’re all connected.  Indeed there is evidence everywhere that humanity is awakening to the fact that we’re all in this together.  We are waking-up to the fact that we MUST work together to find solutions and heal ourselves and our planet.

We must each find ways to express and share our individual talents with one another.  We all win when we link our personal creativity with the needs of others to meet the goals of our larger communities.  Fortunately, Venus and Mercury are also both in Aquarius now and opposite retro Jupiter in Leo.  Together, Leo and Aquarius reflect the interplay between individuals and groups, parts and the whole.  Through Leo/Aquarius we develop an ability to see how the diversity of individual creativity strengthens the group or whole.  As you express your unique and special gifts with others in service to the greater good, your individuality will shine, bringing the personal recognition you desire and deserve.

World leaders march in unity in Paris following terrorist attack on satirical magazine offices of Charlie Hebdo.

World leaders march in unity in Paris following terrorist attack on satirical magazine offices of Charlie Hebdo.

So this New Moon pattern reflects the end of an old era and the beginning of a new one.  Its time to let go of fears associated with our differences.  Its time to let go of old social, economic, religious and political paradigms.  We’re birthing a new era marked by a awareness of how we are all one human family.  We’re experiencing a growing consciousness of unity, wholeness and a realization of the universal connectedness of all people and all things.

While social structures (the old order) the world over increasingly dissolve into chaos (Aquarius) it’s perhaps encouraging to realize that chaos is NATURAL.  Its very purpose is the dissolution of old forms so that new forms (new order) can be created.  Through Aquarius, the sign of ‘cosmic mind’ that rules energy (and chaos) one of the most important realizations we can embrace now is the recent quantum scientific discovery that consciousness creates reality.

Thoughts and feelings are pure energy.  Consciousness is ENERGY!  We now KNOW that what we think, feel and believe, in each and every moment, contributes to the co-creation of both our individual reality and experiences, and simultaneously to our collective reality and experiences.

To better understand how consciousness creates reality, watch the following brief YouTube videos.  They offer dramatic visual demonstrations and explanation of how energy (sound frequencies) affects matter and how chaos is a process that naturally occurs in between the dissolution of old forms and the creation of new forms.

For more information about how energy frequencies affect matter, check out Masoru Emoto’s breathtaking photography of the crystalline structure of various water molecules exposed to different thoughts and feelings.  Keep in mind that our bodies are primarily made of water!

And finally, consider the following results of group meditation focused on reducing conflict and bringing greater peace to troubled areas:

Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

Thoughts are things!  Energy flows where attention goes.  So of course,  how we think and what we believe in shapes the quality of our consciousness.  In turn, the quality of our consciousness is reflected in the realities we co-create.  If we really want to break free, we must take complete responsibility for the quality of our thoughts and feelings.  If we want to change our realities, we must change the thoughts and beliefs that underpin and inform them.

Interestingly, divine timing is reflected in Saturn’s entry last month into Sagittarius where it will stay for three years.  Sagittarius rules our  personal truth and belief systems.  While Saturn moves through Sagittarius, individual and collective consciousness will be focused on realizing greater and greater levels of ‘truth.’

This New Moon is favorably connected to Saturn in Sagittarius.  This connection supports our ability to liberate ourselves from old disempowering, fear-based beliefs that have falsely taught us that we’re separate from one another and from the Divine Source that created us.  Its time to let go of  old beliefs and the faulty delusional interpretations of reality that result from them.

The Sun and Moon are also semi-square Chiron in Pisces offering an opportunity to reach for higher guidance and inspiration that can help us heal old wounds.  A lesser manifestation of this same planetary combination can also lead us to re-imprint wounds if we cling to a consciousness of victimization.  Align your personal will with higher divine will.  From this higher perspective, its easier to recognize that we’re ALL ONE, which in turn enables a natural compassion and forgiveness of self and others.  This is the highest expression and manifestation of Chiron in Pisces.

Mercury goes retrograde from January 21 to February 11 prompting a review of differences, conditioning, and traumas.  If we can step back, emotionally detach and objectify these events and experiences, we can realize the evolutionary purpose and necessary lessons involved in our most painful experiences.  As a result, we can heal our past so we can move forward into a healthier future.

Once liberated, we can more freely share our unique and special gifts in ways that naturally contribute to and serve the whole.  Its time for a revolution.  The revolution underway is a breakthrough in human consciousness.  Its time to celebrate our differences.  Its time to celebrate our wholeness.  Its time to celebrate Unity in Diversity!

This article is written a summary of my live one-hour presentation that analyzes and explains the energies and influences of the New Moon chart in-depth.  The audio recording is available in CD or mp3 file formats for $15.  Contact me if you wish to purchase the audio recording.

The Pisces New Moon is on February 18th at 4:47 pm MST!

Copyright 2015 Donna Lee Steele All rights reserved.